League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1680: Give him some benefits


There was nothing on the way. For the glamorous woman on the Dragon God’s side, Su Ming was convinced anyway, it was too speechless, so Su Ming simply didn’t want to be boring. Did not say.

At the gate of Ningcheng University, the cold woman stepped on the brake. This is where she took Su Ming away a few hours ago.

"Thank you!"

Before getting off the car, Su Ming said politely. After all, it was not easy for someone to send himself back.


This glamorous woman was obviously stunned. Su Ming unexpectedly said thank you, and seeing her unchanging facial expression, a slight change, was quite interesting for Su Ming. thing.

"Thank you for sending me back!" Su Ming said with interest.

The cold woman's complexion had returned to normal, and she said, "No thanks."

The three clean and neat words, even if you can't even hear them, are there any feelings in them.

Pushing open the car door, Su Ming walked out directly.

But when the glamorous woman started the car and was about to leave, Su Ming suddenly stretched her head in from the window and said: "By the way, can you tell me your name?"

"You know my name, I don't know your name yet, it's not fair!" Su Ming said.

The Leng Yan woman didn't want to talk to him, but for some reason, she said in a wicked way: "My name is Wushuang——"


After speaking, he stepped on the accelerator, and the domineering Land Rover went straight away.

And Su Ming said a few words in his mouth, there is someone called Wushuang, this name is really individual, not like that traditional girl name.


"My brothers, Hu Hansan is back again—"

When he returned to the dormitory, Su Ming saw that the door of the dormitory was only concealed, and kicked the door open, shocking the three beasts in the dormitory.

As for the three beasts, they wanted to swear, but Su Ming turned out to be back, and one or two jumped off the bed.

"Su Ming, you are back, and worrying about us for a long time, if you don't come back for a while, we might have to call the police." Wang Tao said, and the other two agreed.

Su Ming smiled. These beasts care about themselves so much, Su Ming is quite happy, so he said: "Don't worry, I have nothing to do. This is not a peaceful return."

After taking a look at Su Ming, Zhao Shaobo, the sullen man, calmly said: "Well, I really didn't see any problems, the arms and legs are there."

"No, Su Ming, why is your face so pale, isn't it hollowed out?" The fat man noticed that Su Ming's face was not right.

Su Ming was stunned for a moment. Indeed, he was still a little weak at this time. After all, he had used so much power of the stars just now, and he hadn't recovered yet. He returned after a short rest.

And Su Ming hasn't eaten from start to finish, and Dragon God didn't say that he arranged for Su Ming to eat a meal. Maybe he didn't expect this incident, and he was hungry. It's strange that his face looks good.


When the fat man said that, the other two people immediately noticed something was wrong, and then said in surprise, "Su Ming, what have you experienced?"

Similar to what the fat guy guessed, Su Ming was indeed hollowed out, but it was better than hollowing out or not. It was still different from what they imagined. Su Ming knew these three animals at a glance. Crooked.

The fat guy was very sad, and said, "It's so pitiful, Su Ming, tell the truth, did that cold beauty do something to you?"

"What's so special, why not me? I want to be destroyed too." The fat man was so mean.

Su Ming: "..."

After pulling for a while, Su Ming's stomach made a gurgling sound. It was obvious that the Temple of the Five Internal Organs was protesting, so Su Ming said, "Have you eaten this evening."

"Eat, but after you left, we were not in the mood to go to the restaurant for dinner, so we went back to the school cafeteria and ate some casually." When the fat man said this, his face was frown, obviously not too emotional. .

Obviously he didn’t eat very much at night. Most people understand the taste of the school cafeteria. It’s not expensive, but the taste is very good, and the auntie who eats a meal shakes her hands a little and can cost two yuan. The meat is lucky.

So Su Ming said, "It just so happens that I haven't eaten yet, or that's it. Let's go out to have a barbecue and drink some wine. Anyway, the dormitory closes at 11:30."

"Okay, I'm hungry too. If I don't get something to eat, I probably won't sleep well this night."

"Let's go, just to get Su Ming's two big waists to mend up his body, you see Su Ming's imaginary ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ After the cold woman drove the car back, the Dragon God was still lying on the bamboo chair There was a smell of wine in the air, he should have drunk Baiguling just now.

Seeing that Dragon God's eyes were closed and breathing was quite even, the Leng Yan woman thought he was asleep, and acted very carefully, for fear of disturbing him.

"I'm back--"

Unexpectedly, the Dragon God spoke suddenly. It turned out that he was not asleep, and he could feel the slightest disturbance.

The cold woman immediately stopped. When facing the Dragon God, the expression on his face didn't seem so cold, and she nodded gently.

The Dragon God didn't know what he was thinking about. After a long time, he said, "What do you think of that kid?"


The Leng Yan woman was stunned for a moment, and the Dragon God continued to speak: "It's Su Ming."

She didn’t seem to expect that Dragon God would ask this question. The Leng Yan woman thought about it, and said: “I can’t tell you the specifics. Unfathomable, a person who cannot see through."

"That's right, that kid is really invisible. He has top-notch medical skills at a young age, and he seems to have nothing wrong with my aura." The Dragon God also said to himself.

In front of the Dragon God, the Leng Yan woman seemed to talk a lot, and said: "Dragon God, you have been bothering him, should you give him some benefits?"

"Why, are you worried that he will be impatient?" Dragon God asked back.

The Leng Yan woman didn't speak, but it was obvious that she thought so in her heart. It was to make people treat the disease and blackmail other people's good wine.

The key point is that the Dragon God didn't give them any benefits, so it is inevitable that they will have some opinions.

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