League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1686: Qin Shiyin's counterattack

After the light was turned on all of a sudden, it was a coincidence that the three thieves just stepped on the second floor, and they all suddenly lit up.

The sudden light seemed a little dazzling, shocking the three people, and even at that moment, their eyes could not be opened.

Qin Shiyin was also frightened for a while, suddenly became very awake, no sleep at all, and three people suddenly broke into the house in the middle of the night. If they were good people, no one would believe it.

"Brother Jia, what should we do? We seem to have been discovered." The thin guy also said something.

It seems like they have been exposed under Qin Shiyin's nose.

As the saying goes, those who have a guilty conscience and do their business will basically feel guilty after being discovered by others.

So the current situation is that Qin Shiyin is a little scared, and the three little thieves are also a little scared and froze for a while.


The little thief found something wrong. It seemed that Qin Shiyin was the only one in this villa, and he thought Su Ming was still there.

But now it seems that it is not the same thing. If Su Ming is still there, it is impossible to not get up at this time, the movement is so big.

After realizing this, the little hairy thief had nothing to worry about. It was just a woman, what else could happen.

The little hairy thief immediately showed a cruel expression. It is not cruel at this time, and Qin Shiyin must be restrained.

I only heard the little thief say viciously: "I know you are the only one at home. Please be honest with me and don't bark, otherwise I will kill you."

While talking, the little thief also took out a dagger. This time he brought the guy here deliberately, and he didn't plan to actually kill him, but to frighten him when he was discovered.

Qin Shiyin was really frightened for a while, did not dare to speak, after all, it was facing three men, and there was a murder weapon in his hand.

This time Qin Shiyin was clear, and it was estimated that Su Ming couldn't catch up no matter how powerful it was. At this time, a normal person was sleeping. How could Su Ming realize that there was a danger here.

Anyway, these people seemed to be asking for money, and Qin Shiyin didn't care. Money and other things were all external things, as long as they didn't threaten her safety.

What annoys Qin Shiyin more is that her mobile phone was habitually turned off when she was sleeping, and she hadn't had time to hold it when she came out just now. Without the mobile phone, Qin Shiyin wanted to ask for help secretly, it was a little difficult, it seems that no one can help her right now .

"Brother Jia, this lady is too beautiful, otherwise we--" The thin guy looked at Qin Shiyin with Se Mimi's eyes.

Although he didn't say the rest of the words, just by looking at the wretched expression on his face, he probably understood what it meant. It was obvious that he was playing Qin Shiyin's idea.

It is true that Qin Shiyin looks very charming. Needless to say, she has a high-quality appearance. When she sleeps at night, Qin Shiyin wears a nightdress today.

The half-green calf is exposed outside. This attractiveness to men can only be described as fatal. This thin boy, at first glance, is the kind of wretched man. After seeing a beauty of Qin Shiyin's level , Immediately can't walk.

"Don't mess around, remember what we are here for this time, it's important to take things!" The little thief also changed his face and said.

He didn't intend to move Qin Shiyin. If at this time, he gave this woman something, it would be a big deal. The police would definitely arrest them afterwards, so he definitely couldn't do that.

This woman is beautiful, but no matter how beautiful she is, she must have the life to enjoy it. Otherwise, even if they steal something today, they probably won't be able to enjoy it.

The gentle-faced guy thought the same way, and quickly said: "Yes, don't let a woman go to your head. If we get something valuable, what kind of woman can't play with it, don't make mistakes. It's old, you are the first to be caught by the police."

Qin Shiyin heard that these people had come to steal something, and she recognized that the guy with the bandage on his hand was the one who stole her phone today.

Speaking of this Qin Shiyin, I regretted it. I had known that I would let Su Ming chase him today, and then he was sent to the police station. Who knew this happened.

But now that those are no longer useful, Qin Shiyin's reaction is also very quick, immediately said: "I have valuable things here, all in my room, you can go and get them."

Qin Shiyin said this deliberately. It doesn't matter if you lose something. Those can be bought with money, and you must not have an accident.

The thin boy who was too thin also wakes up in time. If this woman is really moved today~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I am afraid he will never touch a woman in the next half of his life.

But this woman is really charming, she is definitely the brightest girl he has ever seen in his life. There is no one. If you don't take advantage of it, it seems to be a lifetime regret.

So the thin guy said: "Brother Jia, let's go, you two go in to find something, I will look at her, and molested it twice."

Seeing what else the gentle-faced guy had to say, the little hairy thief stopped him, knowing that this thin and thin guy would not be able to walk when he saw a woman, and there was not so much time to waste now.

So he said directly: "Then you just watch her here, and remember that don't let her call or text."

"You remember it, it's okay to take advantage, don't be impulsive."

"Don't worry, I know it in my heart." The thin guy agreed.

The little thief said directly: "Go, let's go in and find something, and take it when we see valuables."

Qin Shiyin gave an important message just now. There are good things in her room. It is estimated that jewelry and the like are all in it.

Qin Shiyin's face changed a bit, but he didn't expect to be able to divert his attention. Watching the thin guy walking towards him, especially his aggrieved expression, made Qin Shiyin extremely disgusted.

If he was met by such a person, then Qin Shiyin would definitely be disgusting, but now it seems that there is no good way.

Qin Shiyin suddenly thought of something. Didn't Su Ming teach him vitality a few days ago? She said that her combat power is already very strong now, stronger than ordinary people, maybe you can try it.

So Qin Shiyin quickly raised the airflow in his body, and slapped the skinny guys who were going to take advantage of them.

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