Normal people like Cheng Ruofeng and others have received scientific education. Naturally, they will not believe in ghosts and monsters. It is normal not to believe them.

But Su Ming is different. The former Su Ming was also a firm atheist and a good socialist young man, but after he picked Thresh’s passive skills, Su Ming’s worldview was completely rewritten.

It turns out that this world is not as simple as ordinary people imagine. There are many things that science cannot explain. If it is really true, I am afraid that those scientists should hang themselves.

For example, the existence of the ancient warrior is unbelievable to ordinary people, and it cannot be explained by science and technology, but he does exist, and his strength is much stronger than those weapons. .

Such things as ghosts and monsters also exist, otherwise, there will not be so many legends about ghosts and monsters in this world.

It's just that Su Ming didn't say these things. Some things couldn't be said, because Su Ming knew very well in his heart that even if he said it, they probably wouldn't believe it. It was meaningless.

Cheng Ruofeng also said: "I'm afraid this buyer is ill. What the **** is it? I think Bacheng is regretted after buying it. I just want to refund the money, so I just found a reason."

"Anyway, the money is also given, the contract is in, just go through the legal process with them directly, there is no need to talk to them." Cheng Ruofeng said.

Xiao Tang smiled bitterly, and said, "We won't lose the lawsuit because there is a contract, but if the other party deliberately asks us, there will be no way for a while. There is a certain cycle of litigation in the court. of."

"Moreover, they were obviously a little emotional, so they went straight to the door. They have been here several times these days, and they always make trouble, and we can't do business with our agency."

Shao Mao's face showed a ruthless look, and he said, "Maby's, I can't bear it. Today, I called my brothers over, and I didn't believe that they could not be cured, so I just beat them cleanly. "

Cheng Ruofeng and Changmao are obviously the same people. They agree with this method and directly said: "If you don't have enough people, please tell me, I will transfer you some from the company."

As far as the combat effectiveness of the brothers in Cheng Ruofeng's company is concerned, all of them are outstanding. It is estimated that if you hit ordinary people, just a few can make a big shot.

Su Ming couldn't help frowning. It was obvious that fighting was not the best way to deal with it. After all, this matter was originally justified. If there is a real fight, I am afraid that it will be the one who has justified the loss.

Beating up the troublemaker can indeed relieve his anger, but at the same time it has ruined the reputation of Xiao Tang and the others. If you want to do business in the future, I am afraid it is not too good.

"You two can save yourself quickly."

Su Ming said something, then said, "I really thought it would be okay to beat someone up? I guess the trouble will be even greater, so let's go with you in a while and see what's going on."

When Long Mao heard this, his eyes lit up, and he nodded and said, "Okay, brother, you can do the most. If you go with me, this matter will definitely be solved."

"Okay, don't brag about me. If you can't figure it out for a while, don't you let Xiao Tang read the joke." Su Ming quickly stopped Long Mao, not knowing why this kid had a mystery to himself confidence.

Su Ming didn't want to be nosy, but when he heard about haunting things, Su Ming couldn't sit still for a while. You have to go and see if there is such a thing, you can't let ghosts go casually. Harm people.

"Don't go, stay here with the rain, I'll go and take a look." Su Ming said to Cheng Ruofeng.

Cheng Ruofeng nodded: "I see, if there is anything really going on in a while, just call me."

In fact, saying this sentence is purely nonsense, because Cheng Ruofeng knows Su Ming's abilities. If Su Ming can't solve it, calling him, it is probably useless.


Long Mao came by car, and he got in the car directly after he got out of the hospital, and he arrived in a short while.

After stopping the car, Su Ming saw the four words "Meijia Intermediary", a red sign, but it looked quite satisfactory, not very conspicuous, let alone domineering.

Obviously this should be where Xiao Tang works. It doesn't look very big, maybe it's a small intermediary.

Unexpectedly, if you thought someone was coming to make trouble, the door must have been blocked. Who knows, it's not the same thing. There is no one at the door of the intermediary.

"Brother, that's it, let's go in." After getting off the car, Chang Mao directly said to Su Ming.

"Xiao Tang, you are back."

After entering the "Meijia Intermediary", a middle-aged woman wearing glasses hurriedly walked over and took Xiao Tang aside to talk ~ ~ Xiao Tang said, "Sister Liu, the guest who made trouble. "

The middle-aged woman opened her mouth and said: "At present, the guests' feelings of celebration have been soothed, and they are talking to us. When talking for a while, try to be careful when talking."

Su Ming was a little surprised at who this woman was, and Chang Mao whispered from the side: "Big Brother, this is the boss of this agency, a friend of a relative of Xiao Tang, otherwise Xiao Tang would not work here, just Come and help him."

After roughly two scans, Su Ming was also quite speechless. This agency is indeed a bit small, and the total number of employees is probably only a few people.

Before Su Ming was still weird. If something like this happened, the reasonable intermediary should help the employee to carry it. After all, it was not Xiao Tang’s fault to refund the money.

Unexpectedly, it's not that kind of big intermediary, and there is no strong strength and relationship, and there is no other way but to slowly grind with them.

"Mr. Lin, hello, I just had something wrong, and I'm just coming here now!" Xiao Tang said to a middle-aged couple in the past.

After seeing Xiao Tang, the middle-aged man immediately said, "It's good if you come. My house was bought by you. At that time, we felt that you were a pretty good person."

"But who knows you actually cheated us, little girl, you are so unconscionable, it's not very good." The middle-aged man didn't speak well.

When Long Mao heard this, he became angry. His girlfriend was said to be like this, how could he bear it.

Seeing that long hair was about to break out, Su Ming grabbed him at once. He hadn't figured out what happened, but he just went up to fight.

If conflicts really arise, this matter is even harder to say.

PS: I would like to thank the book friends "widowed" for their 20,000 book currency rewards. I really appreciate it. I also hope that other book friends will support me and accompany me through the second half of this book.

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