League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1720: Things are not that simple

Don’t think that the media reporters are all good things. There are still very few people with conscientiousness, especially the reporters and media in the entertainment sector. There is no ethics. Many things are suppressed by money. Down. Please search (60 Literature) to see the most complete! The fastest newest novel

Some celebrities’ scandals were directly exposed because they hadn’t negotiated the prices. Don’t think that these reporters will get what they get.

At that time, Wu Minglun really spent a lot of money, tens of millions, to suppress this incident forcibly, and almost nothing was leaked out.

At the same time, his ex-girlfriend was just a little star. After Wu Minglun was intimidated by someone, he couldn't help it, so he let it go.

It had already been more than two years, Wu Minglun didn't even remember this incident himself, and he didn't feel that this incident could be dug up anymore. After all, only a few people knew.

Unexpectedly, it has been so long because he died by himself during the banquet yesterday, which caused his ruin.

Wang Wei directly found Wu Minglun's ex-girlfriend yesterday, and gave a sum of money to let her show the evidence, obediently cooperate with the media, and explode the things that year.

In fact, the person who hates this woman the most is Wu Minglun. People usually say that hatred by love is the most terrible. I am afraid that this kind of hatred will never be forgotten for a lifetime.

What she was thinking about in her dreams was revenge on Wu Minglun, especially seeing Wu Minglun getting more and more popular over the years, she was even more uncomfortable in her heart. Why this person can continue to flourish.

It's just that she lacked an opportunity. Now the opportunity finally came. If Wang Wei didn't give the money, she would agree to break the news, let alone return the money, so she would naturally cooperate more with Wang Wei.

Then it's easier to operate. All of her evidence has been kept, and it is finally used.

"Wu Minglun, that guy is not a thing, he is a domestic violence girlfriend, really a scumbag!" Lin Yingzhu also cursed.

Obviously, as long as a normal woman hears such things, she will definitely be unhappy. It is intolerable for a man to beat a woman.

Lin Yingzhu also knew who was actually behind this. He didn't talk about this topic, but just complained about Wu Minglun.

Su Ming smiled. Wang Wei's operation made him very satisfied. If he knew it was OK, Su Ming didn't need to worry about the rest.

Immediately, Su Ming deliberately joked: "How come you are so angry, people are not your domestic violence."

"You said, what should I do if I violently treat you one day?" Su Ming asked deliberately.

"you dare!"

Lin Yingzhu also knew that Su Ming must have said this on purpose, because she knew that Su Ming was not that kind of man at all, but Lin Yingzhu still widened his eyes and said something to Su Ming.

Su Ming jerked his hand into the bed. Everyone saw each other frankly. Su Ming's hand was walking around, which was very convenient to touch.

Su Ming showed a smile and said, "Then I will show you violence."

After speaking, the whole room was filled with scenes unsuitable for children.


"Young Lun, Young Lun, it's not good!"

Wu Minglun is still lying at home, because this incident is more embarrassing, he really has no face to go to the hospital to lie down, Wan Xian was exposed, it is an inexplicable matter.

The little assistant ran over, Wu Minglun, who is usually more narcissistic, is a self-centered person, and stipulates that people around him must be called Lun Shao when calling him. I don’t know why, listen. It's so cool when it comes to this title.

After the little assistant came over, he quickly took the phone in front of Wu Minglun and said directly: "Young Master Lun, please take a look at it, something serious happened!"

"What's the matter, such a fuss..."

Wu Minglun hadn't finished speaking yet. When his eyes saw the news on the phone screen, his face immediately changed, and he couldn't calm down instantly.

It can be said that this domestic violence incident is a black spot in Wu Minglun's life, and it is the last thing Wu Minglun wants to mention.

Of course, this doesn't mean that Wu Minglun has nothing bad. This guy has done a lot of disgusting things. It can only be said that he was careless and was left with evidence.

Wu Minglun couldn't believe the matter of such a long time, and it was dug out. When he saw that it was sent by the authoritative media, Wu Minglun's heart was cold.

For an artist, it can be said that the most scared thing is to be exposed to a scandal. This is a fatal blow~www.wuxiaspot.com~Lun Shao, but what should I do? It's noisy! "The assistant was very anxious. With her experience, she naturally saw what happened this time, and it might not be so easy to handle.

Wu Minglun slammed the phone on the ground and said angrily: "What else can I do? Hurry up and find someone to crisis public relations. No matter how much money you spend, you have to suppress this matter."

If an artist has a mature team and such a sudden scandal occurs, he can indeed spend money to suppress the incident.

Wu Minglun knew in his heart that this matter had to be suppressed, no matter how much it cost, after it was suppressed, it might take a few days, and everyone would forget it.

If he continues to fry like this, he will be completely stinky. It can be said that Xingtu is equivalent to such a loss, and naturally he cannot accept it.

Almost everyone can think of crisis public relations. How could Wu Minglun's assistant couldn't think of it, so he said directly: "Young Master Lun, I have tried it."

"But the entertainment media, as if they had already negotiated this time, they refused to even talk about it."


Wu Minglun was really shocked at this moment, feeling that things were not that simple, it seemed that he had imagined it to be much more serious.

Are these media open to money? I usually give money. Anyway, everyone has to talk about the price first. Wu Minglun knew that the price would not be low, so he planned to bleed the money.

But these media are doing well, not even giving the opportunity to negotiate prices, which is too unusual.

Immediately Wu Minglun thought of Wang Wei suddenly, and suddenly he seemed to understand something, 80% of this matter was directed by Wang Wei from behind.

If Wang Wei really does his best, it would make sense for these media to ignore him.

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