League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1790: Have to beat him

"Su Ming, what did you do to me, why do I feel that I suddenly have something I can't do?" Jiang Xiaojun asked in surprise.

While speaking, Jiang Xiaojun raised his palm and looked at it, as if he couldn't believe it.

Su Ming smiled. He wanted Jiang Xiaojun to try it, but after looking at it, this is a soup dumpling restaurant. If you damage it, you have to lose money, so forget it.

So Su Ming said: "I just gave you something called Yuanqi. With this thing, people will become amazing."

"When you fight in the future, you can directly use the vitality in your body, and then rush to do it with others. Don't be imaginary when you meet anyone." Su Ming said.

"Su Ming, don't fool me."

Su Ming's words were too exaggerated. It made Jiang Xiaojun feel like he was a master of martial arts. This feeling was very unreal. For a while, Jiang Xiaojun couldn't believe it.

"What do I lie to you for doing this kind of thing? If you say you can do it, you can do it. Go ahead, call that guy out for a while, pretend to force it, and get the previous place back!" Su Ming Said.

For some reason, Jiang Xiaojun seemed to be inspired, nodded, got up and said: "Okay, Su Ming, then I will go. What if I am beaten to death?"

"You were beaten to death. Long Yu, I will take care of you. It will definitely not be cheap for that Sanda champion." Su Ming said.


Jiang Xiaojun knew that Su Ming was joking, but by saying this, he was not so nervous. Based on his understanding of Su Ming, Su Ming would not make a joke about this kind of thing. It is estimated that he is really getting better.

If that's the case, why not go and find that guy to try it out, Jiang Xiaojun wanted revenge a long time ago, so he was beaten up after a big deal.

"Su Ming, then I'm going, I will call you if something happens in a while." After saying this, Jiang Xiaojun turned and left.

But Su Ming said: "Wait a minute."

"What's wrong, Su Ming, do you have any martial arts secrets or peerless magic weapons to give me? Help me improve my combat effectiveness." Jiang Xiaojun turned to look at Su Ming, his eyes full of expectation.

"Go and pay for breakfast, I don't have any money with me."



After all, Jiang Xiaojun went to find Long Yu. Holding his trust in Su Ming, Jiang Xiaojun embarked on the road of vengeance.

When I came to the downstairs of Long Yu's house, I don't know whether she is home or not. If Jiang Xiaojun went directly to her house, it would inevitably be a little unwell.

After coming downstairs, Jiang Xiaojun called Long Yu and asked her to come down. After only a few minutes, Long Yu came down.

Seeing Jiang Xiaojun, Long Yu rushed up and said: "Xiaojun, why are you here? Didn't I tell you, don't see me these two days, lest you get hit by him."

Long Yu didn't really mean to blame Jiang Xiaojun. He was just worried that Jiang Xiaojun was beaten by the Sanda champion again. After all, Jiang Xiaojun was beaten only two days ago. The bruise on his face is still there, and the guy is still talking. When I saw Jiang Xiaojun, I played once.

These two days have happened to be in the limelight, and Long Yu didn't want to see Jiang Xiaojun having an accident again.

"What if I bumped into that guy, I just came to him!" Jiang Xiaojun said.

He really came to look for that guy, but Jiang Xiaojun didn’t have his contact information, so he could only come to Long Yu first. After all, that guy had launched a fierce attack on Long Yu in the past two days, like a dog skin plaster. The same stalker.

"Xiaojun, don't be stubborn."

Long Yu thought that Jiang Xiaojun was unable to live up to face, so he deliberately said so, so he persuaded: "I haven't told you the strength of that person. You are an ordinary person, and you can't deal with him, and his temper Not good yet."

"Let's avoid the limelight. I won't pay attention to him anyway. After two days he feels boring and he will give up. The more you pay attention to him, he will become more enthusiastic." Long Yu said that there is some truth. .

But today Jiang Xiaojun came with the intention of doing things, how could he be persuaded, so Jiang Xiaojun said directly: "Where is that guy? I must see him today. When I see him, I must kill him. A bastard!"

"Yeah, who are you going to kill? Come over and tell me about it!"

Speaking of Cao Cao's arrival, this guy really came to Long Yu's house every day to find Long Yu, and he came back today.

It happened to be a coincidence when he came, and he heard what Jiang Xiaojun said just now, and there was a sneer on his face, and he walked up.

This guy's name is Chen Yong, he is a national Sanda champion, and he is also a somewhat famous figure. I met Long Yu by accident and felt that this woman was intellectual and temperamental.

The key is a big jewellery shop, if you catch it, he won't have to worry about it in the future.

As for the fact that Long Yu has a boyfriend, it doesn't matter, what if he has a boyfriend, just have a fight.

When Jiang Xiaojun first saw this guy, he felt a little guilty at first, after all, he was such a big guy here, and he was beaten only two days ago.

But after thinking about what Su Ming said to him dozens of minutes ago, Jiang Xiaojun felt confident again. He only heard Jiang Xiaojun say: "I said to beat you. Apart from you, I believe there is no one else. Right?"

Chen Yong's face instantly darkened, and this kid became impetuous after not playing the house for three days.

So Chen Yong became angry. He had always beaten others, and he had never heard of others trying to beat him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even if he wanted to beat him, he probably didn't have that skill.

Chen Yong said, "Your kid is itchy, isn't it?"

"It just so happens that I haven't seen you for two days. I thought you were hiding where you were. It seems that I didn't fight hard enough last time. Today I will make you feel better."

Long Yu's face changed abruptly. Last time Jiang Xiaojun was beaten. This time, Jiang Xiaojun shouldn't be beaten again, otherwise good people will be beaten.

"Everyone has something to say, don't do it, this is a public place." Long Yu persuaded.

"Long Yu, get out of the way, don't mix up this matter, it's between us men."

The anger in Jiang Xiaojun's heart has been adjusted, this Chen Yong too does not put himself in his eyes, and the appearance that he can ravage him at will makes Jiang Xiaojun very unhappy, Jiang Xiaojun must prove himself today.

Just listen to Jiang Xiaojun speaking: "I must beat him today!"

(End of this chapter)

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