League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1793: Troublesome patient

"It's not good for children to cough, and most of them are useless..."

Su Ming couldn't help but remembered this popular slogan. Although it was nonsense, it can also explain that if a child has a problem, it is indeed a headache, and it is not easy to get better.

However, Su Ming took a look and found that there was no major problem. It was indeed a common cold. For Su Ming, this was not a major problem.

But Miao Yushi looked very anxious, and his heart was broken. Su Ming said: "Sister-in-law, don't worry, Xiaoyu is nothing serious. I will treat you for a while. All right."

"Okay, thank you boss, then." Miao Yushi nodded, quickly stepped aside, and gave the place to Su Ming.

Su Ming didn't waste time either. He immediately stretched out his hands, held Cheng Ruofeng's son's little hands, and began to channel his own star power.

If it were in the past, Su Ming would definitely have to use a silver needle when he went out to treat others, but it was still not good for such a child.

Moreover, Cheng Ruofeng and the others are his own, and Su Ming is not worried about revealing himself.

In a short while, you can see that Xiaoyu has changed significantly. He was lying on the hospital bed, he was still coughing, but after only a few minutes, the coughing sound has subsided, deliberately It is also very peaceful.

Miao Yushi's eyes were wide, and it seemed that she couldn't believe that this was true, but it also made her feel relieved a lot. For the past few days, she has been holding her heart and feeling uncomfortable.

Su Ming immediately let go. When sending the power of the stars, Su Ming was very careful and tried his best to control it. After all, it is a few months old baby. Su Ming really dare not send too much at once. In that case, with a child’s body, It may be unbearable.

Just listen to Su Ming say: "Okay, there is no problem now, you two don't worry so much, take it home to sleep today, and it will be fine tomorrow."

At this time, look again. Xiaoyu lying on the bed has closed his eyes and entered a state of sleep. People have to admire Su Ming's magic. You must know that before, no matter how much you coaxed, you just couldn't sleep.

"Thank you boss, thank you so much!" Miao Yushi quickly thanked Su Ming.

Like Cheng Ruofeng, there is no such thing as being so polite to Su Ming, only to hear Cheng Ruofeng say directly: "Boss, can I take him out of the hospital today?"

"Okay, go and go through the formalities. Let's go home tonight. It's not a thing to stay in the hospital all the time. You two have been tossed to death these days. Go home and have a good rest." Su Ming said One sentence.

The child is hospitalized here. Someone must be accompanied here. It is very possible that Cheng Ruofeng and his wife are guarded here, but there is only one hospital bed and there is no place for them to sleep.

So both of them look a little haggard, so it's better to go home quickly.

Cheng Ruofeng nodded and said, "Since it's okay, who wants to stay here, wait for me for a while, I'll go through the formalities, Su Ming, you go to my house to eat!"


Su Ming nodded. Seeing Cheng Ruofeng's posture, it was obvious that he wanted to invite Su Ming to drink, and thank him very much. If Su Ming disagreed, it would be a bit of a shame.

As for going to Qin Shiyin's house, it doesn't matter much later.

Miao Yu packed up things in the ward. They were basically children's things, including milk bottles, milk powder, and diapers.

And leaving the hospital also requires discharge procedures, Cheng Ruofeng took a pile of bills and went out to do this.

Just when Cheng Ruofeng came downstairs to the lobby on the first floor, he suddenly ran into Yin Rengui, the dean of the Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University.

This guy knows Cheng Ruofeng, and he knows that Cheng Ruofeng's son has been hospitalized in the hospital these days. He ran back and forth several times to visit him. How could ordinary people have such a face.

Looking at Cheng Ruofeng, Yin Rengui said strangely: "Hey, Ruofeng, what are you going to do with a bunch of lists."

Cheng Ruofeng walked in a hurry and didn't notice Yin Rengui. After hearing the voice, he stopped and saw that it was Yin Rengui, so he smiled and said, "It turned out to be Dean Yin. I am going to leave the hospital with my child. Go through the discharge procedures."


Yin Rengui was stunned for a moment. He knew that Cheng Ruofeng's child had a cold. The situation was quite serious. Yesterday he kept coughing when he visited the ward. According to Yin Rengui's estimation, he would have to live for at least four or five days. Okay, this is also no way. If a child is sick, the good ones will generally be slower.

So Yin Rengui said in surprise, "Is your child's illness cured in such a hurry to leave the hospital?"

"There is no problem anymore. Maybe you don't know Dean Yin. Su Ming came over today and he helped my child get a treatment. There is no big problem anymore." Cheng Ruofeng said with a smile. He is in a good mood now.

"Okay so fast?"

Yin Rengui was surprised, but he instantly felt that what he was asking was nonsense. If Su Ming took the initiative, it's no wonder the effect would be so good. After all, Su Ming's level is so awesome, he is still very clear, he has seen it with his own eyes. Over.

Then Yin Rengui seemed to have thought of something suddenly, so he immediately asked: "Su Ming is in the hospital now?"

"Yes, it's still in my ward. After I finish the procedures, I will go with me." Cheng Ruofeng said.

"Then you go through the formalities first~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I have something to do with Su Ming." After that, he went straight upstairs.

Cheng Ruofeng was a little inexplicable. He asked what Yin Rengui was doing in such a hurry, but he didn't think much about it. He knew that Yin Rengui and Su Ming were acquaintances, and thought that Yin Rengui was going to find Su Ming to talk about the old days.

Yin Rengui didn't even bother to wait for the elevator, and went straight to the ward where Cheng Ruofeng's son was. He saw Su Ming and said directly, "Mr. Su, you are here."

"What's the matter, Dean Yin, looking at your panting look, didn't you just ran over?" Su Ming said casually and he was right.

Yin Rengui smiled, and then said: "I ran into brother Cheng just now. I heard you were here, so I ran over immediately."

"What's the matter with me?" Su Ming guessed as soon as he heard these words, Yin Rengui had something to do with 80% of his own, not just a simple greeting.

Sure enough, I heard Yin Rengui say: "Mr. Su, the hospital encountered a troublesome patient, and I don't know what to do. You just came here, so please take a look."

(End of this chapter)

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