League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1801: Still seen through

"Sanshu and the others ran to Ningcheng to open a shop? Why don't I know at all?" Xia Qingchan was visibly stunned after hearing this.

Liu Fang said, "Actually, your third uncle also saw that there are two nice storefronts in Ningcheng to rent out some time ago, so he moved his mind."

"The reason why I didn’t tell you, I guess your third uncle didn’t want to bother you too much. We all only learned about it a few days ago. Your third uncle and aunt are not showing up, you can do a lot of business now. Now." Xia Qingchan's father said.

Xia Qingchan said: "Then I have to go there when Sanshu's shop opens. Sanshu has treated me well since I was young."

"You still remember it."

Then Xia Qingchan and his family discussed this topic for a while, and Su Ming learned that the third uncle who co-authored Xia Qingchan was pretty good.

At least in their rural areas, they are already quite good. They started a small business very early, and their living conditions are already relatively good. They drove a small car early in the countryside.

This time I brought the clothing store to Ningcheng. It was different. After all, Ningcheng is a big city, different from the towns. It is estimated that Xia Qingchan's third uncle is also planning to do a big job.

Su Ming also opened his mouth and said: "Then when it opens, Qingchan and I will also go over and take a look. Then we can join in the fun. After all, there are more people."

It seems that Su Ming wants to take the initiative to pass, which still makes Liu Fang happy, so Liu Fang nodded directly and said: "Okay, you will go there together!"

After a while, the Kung Fu meal was finished. Nobody was drinking at the table, so the speed of eating was quite normal. Generally, if you eat slowly, you must be drinking, and you are bragging while drinking, and I don’t know when it will be. .

Su Ming was very diligent and helped clean up everything on the table, so he said: "Uncle and aunt, you two will stay here tonight. I'll go back first."

"Hey, Su Ming, where are you going back? Don't you live here?" When Liu Fang heard this, he glanced at Su Ming in surprise, as if he didn't understand Su Ming's words.


Su Ming suddenly took a breath of air in his heart. After speaking, Su Ming realized that there was something wrong with Te Niang's, and he said that he had exposed the stuff.

In a hurry, Su Ming hurriedly reacted and said, "This is auntie, don't you and uncle want to live here today? There are only two rooms. I can't live here anymore. Go home and live."

It's not too late to make up for it. Su Ming's reaction is already relatively quick, and he immediately thought of this point.

The house Xia Qingchan rented had only two rooms. After all, Xia Qingchan used to live alone. She rented a house with two bedrooms and one living room, which was more than enough.

However, after Xia Qingchan’s parents came over today, they would definitely not be enough to live there. They could only live with four people at most. They happened to give Su Ming an excuse so that Su Ming could round up what he said wrong just now, and it didn’t seem to leave a trace. .

Xia Qingchan was also taken aback by Su Ming just now, saying that he had successfully overcome the first wave of offensive, and if Su Ming had lost it with a word, it would be a big loss.

Fortunately, Su Ming's reaction was relatively quick, so Xia Qingchan also said: "Yes, mom, you don't want to stay in a hotel. If you live at home, there are only two rooms."

"You and Dad live in my room. I will live in Huahua's room. Su Ming has no place to live. I can't let him sleep on the sofa." Xia Qingchan said.

"So this is ah!"

Liu Fang nodded. It seemed that he didn’t continue to doubt this. He just heard Liu Fang say: “Su Ming, it’s not too late now. Don’t rush to leave. Stay and talk before you leave. It's not too late."

"Auntie, you are right. I'm not in a hurry to leave, just say one thing." Su Ming said with a smile, not being seen through.

Sit down and accompany Xia Qingchan's father while watching TV and chatting about major events in the world. Men are nonsense together. Most of them are this thing. When you are with your elders, you can never discuss women.

And Liu Fang went to Xia Qingchan's room to stroll around, and didn't know she thought she was going to take a look at the place where she lived tonight.

But after they went in for a while and still didn't come out, Su Ming and the others didn't care about what they were talking about, but Xia Qingchan was not calm anymore, so they hurried in, for fear that her mother would do something again.

"Mom, what's the matter? I entered the room so early. I only changed the sheets and everything today." Xia Qingchan walked in and said.

There was no expression on Liu Fang's face, so he lowered his voice and said to Xia Qingchan, "Go and close the door."

In Xia Qingchan's heart, there was already a vague premonition, so he said: "Mom, why are you closing the door?"

"Go and close the door, I have something to tell you." Liu Fang said.

Xia Qingchan had nothing to do, she still had to listen to what her mother said, so Xia Qingchan went over and closed the door, wondering what Liu Fang had to tell her.

However, Xia Qingchan could probably guess that the door had to be closed when talking, and he must be talking about something more private.

After closing the door, Liu Fang glanced at Xia Qingchan and said: "Qingchan, are you telling me the truth, have you ever lived with Su Ming?"

Xia Qingchan suddenly "cocked" in her heart, and had a bad premonition~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I thought it was impossible for Liu Fang to see something.

But Xia Qingchan thought for a while, and what she did was perfect enough, there should be no loopholes, or Liu Fang asked deliberately to scare her.

Xia Qingchan calmed himself down forcibly, and said, "Mom, why did you ask this suddenly? Didn't I tell you, I have lived with Su Ming for a long time."

"Don't lie to me, I can see it, you two don't live together at all." Liu Fang said indifferently, as if he had seen everything through.

The expression on Xia Qingchan’s face was a bit stiff. I didn’t expect that it was the matter. Xia Qingchan couldn’t figure it out for a while, so she continued to say stiffly, “Mom, don’t talk nonsense, I live with Su Ming. Together, why am I lying to you."

"You die girl, I really thought I was such a liar. You don't seem to be so silly. You always lied to me like this since childhood." Liu Fang seemed to know everything .

PS: Seventh!

(End of this chapter)

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