League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1814: Clothing store opened

Su Ming suddenly thought of such a problem when he was bored just now. In fact, Su Ming himself knew that a position like a sales manager does not require any special abilities.

In the final analysis, it is still a sales person, but the level is higher. The sales lady has certain experience and is familiar with the business here. Let her be the sales manager, she must be competent.

If this is the case, it would be better to take advantage of her. Su Ming's one or two words may have changed the fate of this girl. In fact, it is like this sometimes in life.

Maybe you don't know when your fortune will come. This tells us that we must do things down-to-earth and be sincere.

Maybe your situation is not too good now, maybe you feel that you are in the low point of life, but that's nothing, as long as you keep using this standard to demand yourself, people will always have luck on this day.

After all, people never know what will happen tomorrow.

After Yang Xiaowen heard Su Ming's words, he was stunned for a while, and then suddenly reacted, Su Ming rarely asked him to make such a request.

With Yang Xiaowen's IQ, I guessed it all at once, and 80% of it was that the sales lady just now had a good service attitude, which made Su Ming very satisfied, so Su Ming asked Yang Xiaowen to promote him.

For Yang Xiaowen, this kind of thing is a very small thing, and there is no need to think about it at all, just a sentence.

After the job vacancy is released, it will naturally be transferred from the company to fill it up. According to the general process, it is like this, Yang Xiaowen's level, under normal circumstances, will not interfere with such things.

But now that Su Ming said, Yang Xiaowen immediately perverted: "Okay, I think this person is pretty good, he has a certain potential, then let her be the sales manager here, and the company will definitely focus on training her in the future."


The sales lady was completely stunned. She didn't think so much at all. At first, she thought that she could sell the house Su Ming wanted, and she could get a little promotion. But she just looked at their manager. It was so miserable, now she was thinking about it, let's pass today's matter quickly, don't involve her too.

Unexpectedly, the happiness came too suddenly, and a big piece of pie hit her head suddenly, making the sales lady feel dizzy.

The sales lady gave a surprised "Ah", and then said: "Mr. Yang, I... can I really?"

It’s no wonder that she was so surprised. You should know that she is just an ordinary salesperson who can stay here for a long time. Selling one or two houses a month and getting some commission is already very good for her. Not bad.

Now she suddenly became a manager and a leader. This change was too great, and it was unacceptable for a while.

In terms of qualifications, her small sales may indeed be a little worse, and she is not qualified to become a manager, but these are only small factors. Since Su Ming said she can do it, she can definitely do it.

Yang Xiaowen said directly: "There is nothing you can do, you have to have confidence in yourself. Since Shao Su has recognized your ability, it means you must be good, and I believe you will be able to do well in the future."

"Thank you, Mr. Yang, I will work hard to do my job well in the future." The sales lady immediately bent over and thanked.

She is not stupid, she was just surprised, this kind of good thing fell on her head, if she doesn't agree, then she is really stupid.

After becoming a manager, it was a huge difference from her current status. Whether it was treatment or status, it was something she never dreamed of.

Yang Xiaowen smiled, and then he said, "Thank me for what I am doing. Thank you Su Shao."

"Thank you Su Shao——"

This sales lady came over to thank Su Ming for a while. Indeed, I should thank Su Ming more. Su Ming's words, it is no exaggeration, that it may have changed her destiny from now on.

After waiting for a while, the procedures for this house are finally almost done. Su Ming said: "Mr. Yang, the house has been completed, we will leave first. You have time next day and invite you to dinner. "

"Okay, Su Shao, go slowly, you can just say something about eating, I have time at any time." Yang Xiaowen said.

After leaving the sales center, Su Ming directly stuffed Xia Qingchan all the things like the real estate certificate.

Xia Qingchan was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Su Ming, why are you giving me these things."

Su Mingxin said what else could be done. The real estate certificate has your name written on it, and it must be given to you, but Su Ming can't say that directly. He still has some understanding of Xia Qingchan's character.

It's not appropriate to give it to her forcibly in that kind of overbearing president's way. I still have to give it to her inadvertently and accept it imperceptibly.

Su Ming said: "You can hold it first, I won't be able to drive it later."

After getting in the car, Su Ming said again: "Let’s find a place to eat first, it’s already noon, and if we make it for a while, it can really starve people to death."

"Su Ming, you can just find a place to eat, don't make the expensive ones." Liu Fang couldn't help but said.

Today Su Ming spent several million at once. Although it was Su Ming's money and he swiped his credit card all at once, Liu Fangguang felt distressed when he thought about the huge number.

But Liu Fang looked at Su Ming now, it really became more pleasing to the eye, Su Ming, this young man is really good.

Millions of people took it out without blinking. Even the boss of other real estate saw him, and he was polite. Such an excellent young man, Liu Fang didn’t know how stupid his daughter was. How did you find it.

Father Xia also said at the back: "Yes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ just find a general place. We can't get used to those good places, so don't waste money."

Su Ming nodded. He knew what the two people thought. It is estimated that he only spent a few million dollars. It hurts a little bit here.

But just listen to them, find an ordinary restaurant, Su Ming doesn't matter, as long as there is a place to eat.


The next day happened to be the weekend, and Su Ming couldn't be idle today, because Xia Qingchan's third uncle's clothing store in Ningcheng will open today.

I was talking about this before, and Xia Qingchan also specifically said that when it opens today, I must buy something and go there to see and support it.

As Xia Qingchan's boyfriend, Su Ming must also go with this identity.

PS: Twentieth more! Twenty chapters will be sent out first, and ten chapters will be sent out in the daytime tomorrow. Don’t worry, there will be thirty chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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