League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1836: Maybe you don't have to go

After the three people heard about Wang Tao's personal family situation, no wonder everyone always felt that Wang Tao was a rich second generation. His situation would be difficult even if he didn't have money.

Dad is an official, and his mother is in business, so how could it be short of money.

The situation of Wang Tao and Lao Tzu is quite good. After all, in this position, if you do nothing, it is impossible.

Listening to what Wang Tao said just now, he has never confiscated other people's money, and there is no such obvious abuse of private power.

I have heard from Wang Tao before that his Ningcheng University was admitted by his own true ability, not because of a special relationship.

To say that the only thing that has some clues is probably what Wang Tao said about his mother. There is still a business man in the official's house. This is a very taboo thing, and it is inevitable that everyone will doubt something.

But to be honest, if you really have power in your hands, I'm afraid you can't really ignore the people around you at all, it's impossible.

Many officials are doing this kind of thing. Some relatives and family members in the family are engaged in business. People with power must have money. This is already common sense.

Even many ordinary people are not surprised by this situation, which is equivalent to the kind of thing that everyone defaults, but if this kind of thing is really to be mentioned, then you must be unlucky.

Speaking of this, I have almost understood, Su Ming directly said: "Wang Tao, your dad was investigated by someone above, right?"

"Yes, a few days ago, the people from the inspection department in the city had already visited my dad for an appointment. They talked for a whole day and night without closing their eyes."

Wang Tao continued: "Although the interview did not yield any results, my dad can already realize that something is wrong."

"Help me to call back these days. I am also planning to arrange for me and my mother to send us abroad. At this time, if it's late, I'm afraid it will be too late. I also came back today to ask you to tell you. Individually, otherwise, it is impossible for my dad to let me out." Wang Tao's face was full of distress.

After hearing this, the fat man was very surprised, and said: "Is it so serious? Since it has been reported by others, and if they can't get it through, then just admit it and stop competing."

"Fatty, you are really naive."

Su Ming patted the fat man on the shoulder, and then he said, "If it is as easy as you said, it would be great. The struggle in officialdom is all about life and death. How can it be so easy."

"It's not that you can withdraw if you say you quit. If it really reaches a certain level, there will be no way out." Su Ming said softly.

Wang Tao also nodded and said, "Su Ming is right. This kind of thing is your life and death. There is no such thing as letting you go. If you let you go, you might be the one who will do it next time. , No one is a fool."

"My dad told me a lot two days ago. I talked for almost one night. He said almost all of this. My dad has realized that if he can't escape this time, he will inevitably be imprisoned and even killed. It's impossible to keep it."

"Now he is arranging the funeral, ready to settle me and my mother, and then he can accept the investigation more easily." Wang Tao said here, his eyes are already red.

"There is still life-threatening?" The look on Fatty and Zhao Shaobo's faces at this time can only be described as a shock. Obviously, they didn't feel it. The matter has turned out to be so serious.

Su Ming is not very surprised. This is a normal thing. Usually, if you watch the news, you will often see this kind of news. Maybe someone who is an official fell into the water or fell into the water or died in a car accident.

How can there be so many coincidences in this world, most of them are suicidal, because they have realized that things have reached an irreversible point. If you commit suicide, you will be dead. For people around you, All are relatively good.

Su Ming glanced at Wang Tao, but he held back what he wanted to say. It is very likely that Wang Tao's father would also choose this road. Maybe this is a kind of protection for Wang Tao and his mother.

Thinking of this, Su Ming couldn't help but sighed. Sometimes, it's hard to say the number of people's lives. There will always be some changes in life.

If possible, it is estimated that Wang Tao himself is not willing to be born in this kind of family. Although the whole life has been smooth, but once it comes to this kind of accident, it will be very painful.

Wang Tao said with red eyes, "Brothers, you are really a few good brothers of mine. Next time we meet again, I don't know when we will get."

"Wang Tao, are you going abroad in these two days?" Su Ming asked.

Wang Tao nodded and said, "Yes, it should be one or two days, either tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. My dad urged me to go back early tomorrow morning. I guess it might be tomorrow night."

"Are you leaving so early?"

Fatty and Zhao Shaobo couldn’t calm down for a while, especially when they heard that Wang Tao was leaving tomorrow, think about it again, maybe after tomorrow, everyone will never see again. This is not impossible, in whose heart Can feel good.

Su Ming thought about it carefully, and when this kind of thing happened, as a brother, you must help Wang Tao. If this kind of thing doesn't pull Wang Tao, then Su Ming is not worthy of being a good friend~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Up.

So after Su Ming was silent for a while, he said, "Wang Tao, maybe you don't have to go."

"What do you mean?"

Wang Tao froze for a moment, and then said with a wry smile: "Su Ming, in fact, I don't want to go. It's just that things have developed to this point, and I have nothing to do."

"Actually, in front of you, let me say something to my heart. Ordinary people see me spending money lavishly every day and living a comfortable life. I don’t care about this kind of life very much. Even if I don’t have any money in the future, I can. Just let me stay."

Wang Tao said: "I really don't want to go to that ghost place abroad. I am not familiar with it at all. Life is definitely boring.

"But there is no way. This is my dad’s arrangement. I also want to make him feel at ease. If I resolutely do not go abroad, he will probably be thinking about my future life after an accident. What burden does he have any more," Wang Tao said.

(End of this chapter)

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