League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1843: It's not like that

At this time in Mingfeng County, Duan Ming, the competitor of Wang Tao's father, Wang Shuping, was in the office talking to a group of people.

When these people go to work, they are still relatively relaxed. After all, they don't have any serious work, but they just hold meetings all day, and they chat when they are fine. Work is extremely easy.

Duan Ming was in a very good mood. He was parachuted to Mingfeng County, and he was the second in command in Mingfeng County, and his status was slightly lower than Wang Shuping.

When I came to Mingfeng County, I originally came to Gilding to exercise myself by the way. He wouldn't stay here for a long time. In other words, he is also a person with some background.

This time, there was an opportunity. Mingfeng County had an opportunity to transfer to the top, which was to enter Ningcheng City.

Duan Ming must fight for it. How could he stay in a county for a long time, so he must seize this opportunity.

But in Mingfeng County, Wang Shuping has enough power to speak, and things such as seniority are also sufficient, so Wang Shuping will definitely compete.

The two inevitably competed together and became a relatively strong competitor. No matter how you look at it, Wang Shuping is more likely to go up, but no one thought that Duan Ming's background is unusual, and this guy is enough. Overcast.

Direct reporting caused Wang Shuping's wave, and using the relationship between the inspection department to cause Wang Shuping to have an accident, he was the winner of course.

In the past few days in Mingfeng County, everyone has almost learned that Wang Shuping is about to have an accident. It is a bit awkward to say that Wang Shuping may not be able to survive these two days.

So it's all right now. Everyone is very realistic, especially those in the officialdom. After learning the news, everyone rushed to Duan Ming's side, preparing to hug a thigh, but Wang Shuping's side. , No one cares anymore.

"Secretary Duan is going to go up steadily this time. I'm probably waiting for notice."

"Aren't you nonsense, Secretary Duan is young and promising, he must go to Ningcheng City for development, and he will go to the province in the future. This is inevitable."

"I guess it's just these two days."

"That Wang Shuping is too self-reliant, and he didn't take a good look at how many catties he has, so he dared to compete with Secretary Duan. Isn't this just slapping himself in the face?"

"I guess Wang Shuping is now at home all day long and frowning. He won't be able to jump for two days."


Duan Ming sat there squinting his eyes, listening to the flattery among these people, he knew that these people were flattering, and what they said might not be true, but it was undeniable that these words sounded pretty cool.

In fact, the overall situation of the fight this time was settled. Not only did he win Wang Shuping, but he also got Wang Shuping down.

Since he parachuted to Mingfeng County, the fight between the two people began. Duan Ming looked at Wang Shuping and was particularly unhappy.

It can be said that Duan Ming is very comfortable in his heart if he can be rectified this time.

"Secretary Duan, I just received a call from Ningcheng, asking you to go to Ningcheng immediately, and Secretary Li wants to see you." At this moment, Duan Ming's secretary walked in and said.

"What? Secretary Li actually wanted to see me? When?" Duan Ming sat down all of a sudden, no matter how rampant he was, he didn't dare to ignore Li Ziyao.

The secretary continued and said: "It's the past."

"Hurry up to prepare the car and take me over." Duan Ming didn't calm down all of a sudden. What the superior said must be followed quickly, otherwise it would not be good if it left a bad impression.

"Secretary Li wants to see you, it means that the matter of going to the city is set."

"Yes, it should be like this. Generally, before the official announcement, we will notify you in advance, so that we can have a good idea."

"That's really congratulations to Secretary Duan, now it's pretty sure."


Everyone thought this must be a good thing, and they sent their blessings.

Little did he know that when Duan Ming was sitting in the car, his face was not very good-looking, because Li Ziyao suddenly came to him. This kind of thing was so strange that he had to doubt it.

It may not really be a promotion, as those people guessed, because this kind of thing is not personally responsible for Li Ziyao. It is impossible for a big person like Li Ziyao to see him personally because of this.

Duan Ming could feel that it might not have been the promotion, but to put it bluntly, he couldn't guess what was going on, so he could only hope that something was wrong.

Li Ziyao was already in the office at this time. After returning from Mingfeng County, Li Ziyao returned to his office and immediately called and called Duan Ming over.

"Secretary Li, people have already arrived."

Wang Ziyao, Li Ziyao's secretary, came in and said something. Li Ziyao nodded after hearing this: "Okay, you let him in."

After a few seconds of effort, Duan Ming came in. After stepping here, he began to control his breathing. For fear that he had said something wrong, he cautiously said: "Hello, Secretary Li."

"Duan Ming, right? Sit down." Li Ziyao said.

Li Ziyao's attitude is not unusual, and his tone of voice is quite calm. The more you look like this, the worse it feels to Duan Ming. It always feels like there is some conspiracy in it.

After sitting on the sofa in Li Ziyao's office, Li Ziyao came over and said, "Comrade Duan Ming, you have been to Mingfeng County for a while, how do you feel?"

Duan Ming was very surprised why Li Ziyao asked such a question~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But he still answered honestly: “I feel pretty good during this time in Mingfeng County. I learned a lot, and it’s really beneficial to start at the grassroots level."

"Yes, if you have such an understanding, it shows that it is still very good."

Li Ziyao continued: "How is your relationship with Wang Shuping in Mingfeng County?"

Duan Ming was shocked in his heart, he really didn't understand, why Li Ziyao suddenly asked such a question, it seemed too unusual.

"Also... okay, there are usually some work exchanges, but in private, our exchanges are not too much." Duan Ming has tried his best to distinguish the relationship with Wang Shuping.

"Oh, is it really like this?"

Little did he know that Li Ziyao had already seen everything and said, "How did I hear that it doesn't seem to be the case?"

(End of this chapter)

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