League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1849: Guwu World Entrance

Su Ming knew that Su Qishan must have a way to contact Guwu World, otherwise, he wouldn't have said such a way.

So Su Ming quickly said, "Dad, don't froze, please contact the Lin family."

"Don't worry, you can come here from the ancient martial arts world. You can't be there in a short while. If you don't rush at this moment, let me tell you a few words."

Su Qishan said: "When you enter the world of ancient martial arts, don't assume that you are still in the world. First of all, this mentality must be corrected."

"Secondly, you must keep your identity secret. Don't go to the Lin family. Don't let the Lin family know your true identity. Otherwise, you won't be able to get out."

Su Qishan continued: "Also I have to remind you that the Ghost Sect is a very evil sect, and its strength is much stronger than you think. In fact, in front of the ancient sect, those ancient martial families are not enough to look at."

"When you go to the ghost sect, remember to find the disciples who are out of the sect and pick up the single hands. This ghost curse is not difficult. The vast majority of the ghost sect should know how to do it. Don’t enter the ghost. Zong, don't provoke those old monsters in their sect. Otherwise, if you die, I don't know how you died." Su Qishan looked serious.

Su Ming also nodded immediately. He almost remembered what Su Qishan said, because he knew that what Su Qishan said must be for his own good. If you don’t remember well, you may enter the world of ancient martial arts. Overturned.

"You go to rest first. I'll contact the Lin family boy. I guess it will take two days to arrive."

Su Qishan said: "Don't be too impatient. Although the Forbidden Spirit Curse is vicious, the effect is very slow."

"If she was in a coma today, it will take at least one month before the Forbidden Curse will erupt again and take his life. In terms of time, it is completely enough." Su Qishan said.

Su Ming nodded, saying that he was not impatient, it was false, but there was still more than a month to go, so there was hope. For Su Ming, it was not the time for despair.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for successfully triggering the random mission [Break the Forbidden Curse of the Ghost]"

Task Name: [Break the Forbidden Curse of the Ghost]

Quest requirement: Huahua was cast by the ghost curse, the situation is very dangerous, and the host is asked to go to the ancient martial world to find a way to break the ghost curse and save Huahua.

Mission time: one month

Mission difficulty: twelve stars

Task reward: 120 points

Su Ming just returned to his room, and the system in his head issued a task to Su Ming.

It has been a long time since the system issued a task to Su Ming. It has been a long time for Su Ming to be at ease, but this time it was different. A big task reward with 120 points was directly given.

At the same time that the reward was generous, Su Ming also realized that this time to go to the ancient martial arts world, I am afraid it is not that simple, after all, it is a powerful ghost sect.

But it also strengthened Su Ming's belief at this time. Anyway, this time in the ancient martial world, Su Ming has decided.

No matter how powerful the Shadow Soul Sect is, anyway, as long as he dares to stop Su Ming from saving Huahua, Su Ming will definitely beat them down.

Time flies, two days or so, finally waited for Lin Wufu. After this product arrived in Ningcheng, he even contacted Su Ming by phone. It seems that the days in the dunya were not for nothing, at least I already know how to use the phone, and I wrote down Su Ming's number.

Su Ming had already been waiting for Lin Wufu, and when he heard Lin Wufu came and asked about the location, he immediately ran to receive Lin Wufu.

But what surprised Su Ming was that Lin Wufu came alone, and Su Ming didn't see the other two people, so Su Ming said strangely: "Wufu, why are you alone."

"Brother Canghai, he is in retreat, attacking the True Origin Realm, and it won't be over for a while."

Lin Wufu said, "Batian has been sent out for some trouble, so I am the only one who can come over. Others can't know about you, so I didn't dare to bring others over."

Su Ming nodded. Indeed, the relationship between the Lin Family and himself was extremely special. There were only Lin Wufu and the others, and Su Ming could still trust it.

Su Ming also glanced at Lin Wufu at this time and found that Lin Wufu had broken through to the late stage of the microscopic stage. It seems that the last visit to the ancient ruins was not in vain. Su Ming gave so many true essence spirits that they all Gained benefits.

Take Lin Wufu for a meal. During the meal, Su Ming roughly told Lin Wufu what was going on. After Lin Wufu heard it, he also expressed surprise. People shot.

Su Ming said: "Brother Wufu, I have to be in a hurry. Maybe I won't be able to let you rest tonight. After we have eaten, you rest for a while, and then we go."

"That's okay, I'm used to the journey." Lin Wufu doesn't matter, and he can see that Su Ming is really anxious.

After eating, Su Ming went to Xia Qingchan's place before leaving and told Xia Qingchan that he was going out to find a way to save Huahua, so that Xia Qingchan should not worry during this time.

At the same time, he left some Baiguling wine for Xia Qingchan and asked her to feed the flowers every two days.

Huahua has been in a comatose state, unable to eat or drink, and her body's functions will naturally decline. For such a long time, I am afraid that before the Forbidden Spell erupts again, her life will be gone.

But after having Baiguling wine, it is different. After all, it is full of aura. This thing can really be eaten as a meal. After drinking a little, even if you don’t eat and drink, your body’s skills will not have any impact~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Su Ming has everything ready, the next step is to see if he can succeed in entering the world of Guwu.

"Wufu, let's go, how should we enter the world of ancient martial arts?" Su Ming said to Lin Wufu after he came out.

Lin Wufu explained: "The Guwu world and the dunya are not in the same space, but there is a portal connecting the Guwu world and the dunya, and we can send it through the portal."

"Where is the portal?" Su Ming asked.

"In the Shennongjia in your dunya." Lin Wufu said.


When Su Ming heard this, he was immediately stunned. It was actually in Shennongjia. This special mother's was too far away. It was not in the same province as Ningcheng. No wonder it took Lin Wufu more than two days to get there. Here it is.

In Su Ming's impression, the place in Shennongjia was mysterious, and there might be savages. It was too ridiculous to say that it could enter the world of ancient martial arts.

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