League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1970: The storm is back

() "It's not good. Have you read Weibo? Zhang Zhuo's personal studio has spoken on Weibo again."

Su Ming and the others, when they were eating, suddenly heard Sister Wang say something again. Obviously, when they looked at the phone just now, they should have seen something.

When this happened today, Sister Wang had an occupational disease. Although she was fine, she was still not at ease, so she kept watching with her mobile phone, and wanted to learn about Lin Yingzhu on the media platform in time. dynamic.

Su Ming frowned as soon as he heard the name of the guy "Zhang Zhuo". Although he hadn't seen this person before, he was still biting on the matter secretly, which made Su Ming's opinion of this guy special. Big.

As soon as Sister Wang said this, everyone stopped eating at the same time. It is estimated that something new happened. Wang Wei even directly asked: "That guy, what moth has come out?"

"Zhang Zhuo's studio has made it clear that the photos they secretly captured are definitely photos of Lin Yingzhu and the man in a hotel tryst, and director Wang Zhenyu only came forward to protect the reputation of films that have not yet been released. Vocal."

"And he has already said it very clearly. He will definitely find the evidence to prove that what he said is correct. What can I do?" Sister Wang seemed to be worried.

Lin Yingzhu was taken over there, and his mood was a little uncomfortable. Everyone thought it had never happened before. Who knows that those paparazzi are still talking about it, so Lin Yingzhu said directly, "Don't worry about them. Now, those paparazzi just want attention."

"The more you respond to them, the more energetic they are. In the end, they will keep talking about this, as annoying as dog skin plaster." Lin Yingzhu said.

Sister Wang said, "Yingzhu, this matter is not as simple as you think. You must know that Zhang Zhuo is very annoying. If he really focused on this matter and kept looking for evidence, he said Maybe he will find some evidence, but we will be passive when the time comes, and the situation will be worse than when the incident was directly exposed."

"She was right."

After Sister Wang had finished speaking, everyone fell into silence, and then Wang Wei spoke: "That Zhang Zhuo can become the number one paparazzi. He is a bit level, and this person is also quite ruthless."

"When people in our industry evaluate him, they think that this guy is like a mad dog. If he is targeted by him and does not pay a price, he will definitely not let go easily."

Hearing what Wang Wei said, Su Ming also had a not-so-good premonition. After all, this incident did seem to be settled by a Weibo of Wang Zhenyu on the surface.

However, these are all superficial phenomena, and in fact they cannot stand scrutiny. There are too many loopholes in it. If one is not careful, there may be problems, etc., and then I am afraid it will be more cheating.

To put it plainly, it was Lin Yingzhu and the others who lied, but this is also no choice.

But if Zhang Zhuo is really picking it out, I am afraid that the price will be too high at that time, and Lin Yingzhu's thriving career will be severely hit.

It was obvious that Lin Yingzhu was a little annoyed by it, so Lin Yingzhu directly said: "Then what should we do now, we can't stop that person, and director Wang's Weibo has been posted, and I want to withdraw it. It's impossible."

"I think the first thing we need to do is to quickly go to the hotel and reiterate that we must protect our privacy." Sister Wang gave her own opinion.

"No, a hotel is so big, even if their leaders say that they want to keep secrets, but they can't seal everyone's mouths, if Zhang Zhuo puts money **** that side, he will definitely break a gap. Maybe someone can't stand the temptation and be bought out."

Su Ming said: "And if you go now, there must have been paparazzi outside the hotel, and they were photographed by them, but it became a proof of your guilty conscience."

Sister Wang listened for a while and felt that what Su Ming said seemed reasonable. She didn't know what to do for a while, so she quickly asked: "Then...then what should we do now."

"Wang Wei, that Zhang Zhuo, where is the others?" Su Ming asked.

Wang Wei was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly said: "This Zhang Zhuo's studio is in Ningcheng, and he himself is said to be living in Ningcheng."

"But I can't be sure about this, who knows if he is out of town or somewhere else." Wang Wei said.

Su Ming nodded. As long as the person is from Ningcheng, it is easier to handle. So Su Ming said, "Okay, then let's eat well. Don't worry about this. Let this matter. Let me take care of it, and promise that nothing will go wrong."

At this time, Su Ming had secretly decided to give this Zhang Zhuo some means.

Since this guy couldn't be soft with him, Su Ming decided to give him something hard, and after he caught a hammer, he didn't believe he was disobedient.

With Su Ming's current methods, it was too simple to clean up an ordinary person. Su Ming had a way to keep him secret, and he dared not say it.

If his bones are really hard and he is not afraid at all, then Su Ming will not have any pressure, just let him disappear from this world, a very simple reason.

Sister Wang wants to ask, how can Su Ming solve it? Don’t look at what Su Ming said so easily, but in Sister Wang’s heart, she still feels very imaginary~www.wuxiaspot.com~ She feels this matter, no Too easy to handle.

If Zhang Zhuo really picked up something, then everything would be over.

But Lin Yingzhu believed in Su Ming very much. There was no reason, but he believed in Su Ming so unconditionally. He believed that since Su Ming had said, he would definitely be able to handle the matter.

So Lin Yingzhu said: "Okay, Sister Wang, don't worry about it. Trust Su Ming, he said it can be solved, it will definitely be solved, and it's useless for you to worry about it."

Wang Wei didn’t say anything anymore. He glanced at Su Ming a little more, and the look in Su Ming’s eyes was very different. Obviously he guessed how Su Ming would deal with Zhang Zhuo, and he couldn’t help thinking in his heart. , Prayed to Zhang Zhuo.

After eating, Wang Wei found an opportunity, approached Su Ming, and whispered: "Shao Shao, you are going to fix this Zhang Zhuo, do you need my help?"

"Go and check for me. Where is Zhang Zhuo? It's better to find out where he lives." Su Ming ordered.

(End of this chapter)

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