
Su Ming was shocked when he heard Luo Xiaoxiao mentioned the old man. He naturally knew who Luo Xiaoxiao was talking about. The dark old man caused Su Ming to a certain amount of trouble.

Fortunately, with the help of Baiguifan, Su Ming was able to defeat him.

After Luo Xiaoxiao said this, Su Ming seemed to realize such a problem. After the dark old man was dealt with last time, Su Ming paid no attention to anything. People were dead, so what could be left.

So Su Ming asked, "Do you have any evidence?"

"I don't have evidence of this, I just feel it personally, but I feel that this series of haunted incidents happened suddenly, it is definitely not a coincidence, I unconsciously thought of the old man who would summon ghosts."

Luo Xiaoxiao was shocked when she thought that she was frightened like that at the beginning, but she was still a little scared.

What jǐngchá says must pay attention to evidence, and you cannot say it for no reason. Luo Xiaoxiao certainly understands this truth than others, but Luo Xiaoxiao always feels this kind of expectation in his heart.

Su Ming thought for a while, and said strangely, "That's not quite right. If it's the old man's accomplice and got the news of his death, if he wants to retaliate, it should be the two of us. ."

"I thought about it like you before, but you think about it carefully. If it's really an accomplice of those people, they don't know how the old man died, or whose hands he died?" Luo Xiaoxiao said. One sentence.


When Luo Xiaoxiao said this, Su Ming was shocked again, as if there was such a possibility.

"What you mean is that people who want revenge don't know how the old man died, and then they think about revenge, so they create a series of haunted incidents to revenge everyone, and finally lead people out. "Su Ming said.

"Yes!" Luo Xiaoxiao nodded and said: "That's how I think."

"If this is the case, it would not be easy to handle. The old man's accomplice is probably not a good thing. More importantly, we don't know how many people are. If there is only one, it would be better to say something, but If there are too many people, something will happen."

"Don't worry about so much, this is just a guess of mine, and there is no real evidence. Whether it is or not is not certain."

When Luo Xiaoxiao saw that the atmosphere was so dignified, he directly said: "Okay, let's eat quickly, thinking about those things now is of little use."

"I just remind you that if you encounter this kind of thing around you one day in the future, you should pay attention to it, there may be some clues." Luo Xiaoxiao said.


Su Ming nodded his head. At present, the whole thing is still confusing. It can be said that there is no clue, and Su Ming can only watch the changes.

"Look, what seems to be happening outside?"

"There was a car accident. A big truck collided with a car. The scene was too tragic."

"It's true. There are not too many cars on this section of the road. Why did a car accident happen suddenly? It's too fake."

"Let’s go and take a look, I hope it won’t kill anyone. As long as it doesn’t kill, it’s still acceptable."


Su Ming and Luo Xiaoxiao looked at each other and were a little surprised that there was a car accident outside.

This kind of thing is a kind of natural disaster, anyway, it is unpredictable anyway, every day in the world, it is estimated that many people lose their lives because of car accidents.

Although Su Ming was stunned when he heard it, he was not too surprised. If people are really unlucky, I am afraid that a billboard will suddenly fall from the sky and the whole person will be over. .

And to be honest, if there is a car accident in China, there are indeed some car owners' own problems. If they don't follow the traffic rules, a small carelessness may have caused a big mistake.

"Su Ming, I'm ready to eat, let's go out and take a look, I just keep the order of the scene." Luo Xiaoxiao said, a burst of righteousness suddenly burst out of her body.

Su Ming knew that Luo Xiaoxiao was probably an occupational disease criminal, after all, it was jǐngchá, so Su Ming nodded and said: "Okay, let's take a look, but you have to pay attention, don't be too disgusting for a while, you eat so much. Things, be careful that they all spit out."

"Su Ming, can't you say something nice?" Luo Xiaoxiao gave Su Ming a blank look.

She didn't think it was disgusting at first, but when Su Ming said that, she felt a little churning in her stomach, took a deep breath, and forcibly held it back.

After the two people walked out, they found that a lot of people were already nearby. The place of the car accident was not far from the shop where Su Ming and the others ate skewers, at an intersection.

Su Ming is slightly surprised that this intersection is particularly open and the traffic volume is not large~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Especially at night, it has passed the peak period of off-get off work.

This made Su Ming puzzled that things could happen in this kind of place. It must be a red light.

"Where is the injured driver?" Luo Xiaoxiao asked after passing by.

Because Luo Xiaoxiao’s aura was too strong, the others were immediately shocked, and without thinking too much, he subconsciously said: “The two drivers are there. It seems that they are injured. There is a big problem."

Unexpectedly, there did not appear the imaginary scene of limbs separated and blood flowing into rivers. On the contrary, there was no death. The two drivers seemed to have suffered only minor injuries. This is already unfortunate. Fortunately.

Luo Xiaoxiao came directly to the two drivers and said, "What happened to the two of you just now? Why did you collide? Tell me what happened."

"Who the **** are you, why should I tell you so much."

"That's right, just watch the excitement. Come over and ask us what we are doing. You have to tell us to be happy?"

The two drivers were very unhappy at first, and they scolded each other there. Who knew that Luo Xiaoxiao's words directly shifted the hatred of the two drivers, and their guns were aimed at Luo Xiaoxiao.

An outsider came to ask this question and that, it was quite annoying for a nosy person like that in China.

Luo Xiaoxiao directly took out his police officer ID and said, "I am Jǐngchá from Ningcheng Police Station. I have the right to investigate this matter."

: The author is shamelessly coming to advertise again. Welcome everyone to take a look at my new book online game god-level face slap system. If you have a recommendation vote, vote for the new book. Thank you.

End of this chapter (Tianjin Novel Network https://)

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