League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1983: The existence that even ghosts fear

At this time, the situation was very terrifying. Countless ghosts rushed towards Su Ming, flaring their teeth and claws. These ghosts were different, and completely different from the female ghost in white fluttering just now.

These ghosts are absolutely lethal, if they are attacked by them, then the situation will be very dangerous, and the ancient warriors will not be able to bear it.

Su Ming is no longer unfamiliar with this situation. When he fought with that old man the next time, he was inadvertently trapped by so many ghosts, but this time it seemed more terrifying. After all, it was made by five people. Great array.

"Su Ming, be careful."

Luo Xiaoxiao, who was watching here from a distance, obviously noticed that something was not quite right here, and Su Ming was probably not good at handling it.

Su Ming didn't have the time to respond to Luo Xiaoxiao, because Su Ming had realized that the situation was not quite right and had to respond quickly.

Su Ming's heart wasn't too panic at this time, because Su Ming had such an artifact as the Hundred Ghost Flag, and the old man who subdued the old man was using such a thing as the Hundred Ghost Flag. This group probably didn't know.

But after Su Ming took out the Hundred Ghost Banner, he found that these evil spirits had already rushed over here, making Su Ming had to distract to deal with these things. If so, it would motivate Hundred Ghosts. The flag has become a difficult thing.

Su Ming knew that he would definitely not be able to continue this way. If he continued to be like this, he would definitely be unable to withstand the consumption. I am afraid that the Hundred Ghost Banner hasn't moved, and he can't stand it.

But if you don't urge the Hundred Ghost Banners to deal with these evil spirits, you are dying chronically, and there are too many ghosts to deal with them all.

The second old man caused enough trouble for Su Ming. If it weren't for Hundred Ghost Banner, Su Ming would not have been able to beat him, let alone the Ten Thousand Ghost Array created by the five people this time, which was even more terrifying.

Su Ming desperately needed a helper at this moment. Otherwise, Su Ming would not even be able to mobilize the Hundred Ghost Flags. When there was no other way, Su Ming became anxious and suddenly thought of the Demon Marsh Frog in the system space.

After the Demon Marsh Frog fell asleep, it had been awake for a long time, Su Ming directly thought of it and summoned the fat Demon Marsh Frog.


After the Demon Marsh Frog came out, he was very excited and screamed twice. A loud voice spread far away, probably it hasn't been out for too long.

Su Ming didn't have the time to keep it so excited, because there are still very important tasks waiting for it. Su Ming directly said to him: "You give me a little resistance, don't let any ghosts approach me. Help me withstand it for a while."

As long as the Demon Marsh Frog can help him withstand it for a while, Su Ming will urge the Hundred Ghost Banner to move, and he will definitely be able to deal with these things.


The Demon Marsh Frog is very spiritual. She understood Su Ming's meaning at once, and suddenly screamed, and then the Demon Marsh Frog suddenly opened its mouth. Suddenly, there was a strong air current. The big mouth is heart, and it keeps moving.

It turned out to be a powerful suction force, just a moment of effort. The ghost who was still flaring his teeth and claws seemed to be shocked all at once, but he didn't even rush towards Su Ming.

And what made Su Ming's eyes widened was that these ghosts only took a second or so before they ran out. They wanted to run instead of attacking Su Ming.

These ghosts were actually scared, and the whole person Su Ming saw was stunned. Can the Demon Marsh Frog have such a powerful aura? It can make ghosts so afraid. This is the legendary ghost or horror.

Such a scene really scared people, and stunned Su Ming. He didn't expect it at all. Even Su Ming was stunned for a moment, and he forgot to urge the Hundred Ghost Banner.

Next, Su Ming's eyes widened, and even more terrifying things happened. Countless Li ghosts turned around and tried to run, but they couldn't run away. There seemed to be a strong suction force that made them difficult to move.

This powerful suction came from the mouth of the Demon Marsh Frog, and all the ghosts entered the belly of the Demon Marsh Frog, and they couldn't escape.

"Even ghosts dare to eat?"

Su Ming took a harder swallow. This is really terrifying. I don't know how to describe this Demon Marsh Frog. The appetite of the Demon Marsh Frog is really big.

The result was really swallowed by the Demon Marsh Frogs. Those evil spirits didn't run away. They were completely swallowed by the Demon Marsh Frogs and couldn't move.

Su Ming took a closer look at the Demon Marsh Frog, and found that it had a long tongue sticking out and licked its mouth. It seemed that there was nothing wrong with it, and its belly looked a little rounder, but this The expression on the face of the goods is still very enjoyable.

The black-robed men present were also stunned~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although their faces were not very clear, it is estimated that the expressions on their faces should be very daunting.

They had placed the Ten Thousand Ghost Array so many times, but this time it happened. The array was still on, and all the ghosts were gone.

If there are no ghosts, what else will they play?

Su Ming immediately seized such a good opportunity. This time, Su Ming was a little surprised by the situation. It was useless to get a group of evil spirits, thanks to the Demon Marsh Frog.

At this moment, he helped Su Ming save a lot of things. Without the Great Array of Ten Thousand Ghosts, those people would not have much fighting power. In Su Ming's eyes, even ghosts were inferior.

Su Ming quickly rushed over, dividing by two. The few people who were still stunned just now had no choice but were quickly subdued by Su Ming.

The old woman saw that the situation was not quite right. The development of the matter was beyond her expectation. The old woman turned around and wanted to run away. This could not be kept, because she was not so confident, and she no longer had enough to deal with Su Ming. Method.

When she lost to Su Ming just now, she was frankly not too flustered, because she was ahead of time. When she saw Su Ming, she had already sent out a special internal signal to call her several friends over. Up.

But now all of this was destroyed by a huge toad that suddenly appeared. In order to save her life, the old woman didn't care about her partner, so she turned and ran.

"Want to run? No way!"

Su Ming had been staring at this old woman, so naturally he wouldn't let her run away. The moment he turned around, Su Ming quickly arrived in front of her, and then the troll's ultimate move was quickly activated.

Although the taste of sucking such an old lady is a bit heavier, Su Ming can't waste such a rare opportunity.

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