Li Dalei's expression changed a bit, he wanted to say something, but he glanced at Song Zhe, and then forcibly held back not to say it. He used to follow Song Zhe to understand Song Zhe's bad temper.

As long as you say something bad to him, it is estimated that he will be angry right away, so Li Dalei forced it back.

Who knows the expression on Song Zhe’s face, but there is nothing unusual, unexpectedly calm, just listen to Song Zhe said: "Da Lei, you know, I chose to become stronger, from the palace, since then, lost The right to be a man."

The two words "Zigong" have been said, and they have already said it very clearly. Li Dalei can understand what it means no matter how low his IQ is.

For a while, the expression on Li Dalei's face was called a weird, normal man. If he didn't have the handle, he wouldn't be considered a man, and the feeling was really too painful.

Just like the ancient eunuchs in the past, although they are men, they are not really men anymore. At least they have no idea about women.

It's easy to say, but if you really want to get rid of that thing abruptly, the pain you should endure in this process is simply not something ordinary people can experience.

Li Dalei just thought about the process for a while, and felt a piercing pain.

After being silent for a while, Li Dalei said: "Song Shao, you...I can understand that you want to become stronger, but...but why do you use this method?"

"Da Lei, you might not understand it. The monks in that world are commonly known as ancient warriors. Although ancient warriors are strong, they need a long time to cultivate if they want to become stronger."

Song Zhe said: "Although I have a certain talent, I practiced too late. People in that world have basically started to practice since they were young. The time between me and them was a direct difference of 20 years. , Missed the best time to practice."

"It's okay if you want to have a certain level of strength, but if you want to be strong, it's impossible, so I was very reconciled at the time."

"But one of the elders in the school at the time, that is, my master, he saw that I was still sincere, so he showed me a path, that is, to practice a special exercise."

"This technique is similar to the sunflower treasure we have seen in martial arts novels. It can make people quickly improve their strength, but it needs to pay a certain price. The price is that you can't be a man in the future." Song Zhe was flat. Said these words.

In fact, at the beginning, Song Zhe’s heart was extremely painful, because he was no longer a complete person. The inner entanglement and pain were intertwined, which caused a great blow to people, especially a Normal men, who have lived with men before, are even more unable to accept this.

However, as the training progressed, Song Zhe realized that his strength had improved so much that he no longer suffered from pain and was immersed in huge surprises every day.

Now Song Zhe’s mood is very flat, and what should have happened has already happened, so Song Zhe does not have any special feelings about this incident. Even if he is telling others about it, Song Zhe can make no secret of it. Speak out.

He was also not afraid that someone would laugh at him by this incident, because......If you dare to laugh at him, he dared to kill people directly.

Li Dalei's eyes looked at Song Zhe completely different, but he didn't look down on it too much, but Li Dalei's eyes were full of shock.

Because in this world, Li Dalei is one of the people who are most familiar with Song Zhe. After all, he has been a dog leg for Song Zhe for several years, and spends his entire day with Song Zhe in school.

In the past, Song Zhe had too many problems on his body. I really did not expect that he could become so calm now, and even made huge sacrifices for this matter. Song Zhe is the most terrifying thing. .

After being silent for a while, Li Dalei sighed and said, "Song Shao, actually don't have to fight like this."

"Who said it's unnecessary, I must become stronger, because I have to report to Fuming." Song Zhe gritted his teeth and said.

Only after he finished speaking, the temperature around the area seemed to drop several degrees at once, and Li Dalei didn't speak for a while. Speaking of Su Ming, because they both had the same nightmare, they lingered in their hearts.

"Da Lei, do you have any news about Su Ming recently?" Song Zhe asked.

Li Dalei shook his head and said, "No, Su Ming has gone to college. He and I are already in two worlds. Since you disappeared, I have never seen Su Ming. Who knows how he lived now? how about it."

"Hmph, I will become what I am now, all because of Su Ming's I lost things, my pain, I want Su Ming to fully understand." Song Zhe This time, the resentment on his face could not be concealed.

Even Li Dalei can feel the hatred in Song Zhe's heart at this time. Li Dalei said, "Song Shao, Su Ming, that guy is too strong, are you sure you can deal with him? Don't end up... …"

Li Dalei didn't continue to talk about the following words, but it was obvious what he wanted to express. Before, he and Song Zhe did not know how many times he had dealt with Su Ming, and each time they went down.

And Su Ming's terrifying combat power, both of them had experienced, it was particularly terrifying.

Song Zhe smiled, and said, "In fact, Su Ming is also an ancient martial artist, otherwise he wouldn't have that powerful energy."

"Now I have figured out his routine, I am also an ancient martial artist, and it is not easy to deal with him." Song Zhe said.

"Song Shao, the ancient martial artist you are talking about should also have realm, do you know what realm Su Ming is?" Li Dalei was curious.

"I don't know about this, but Su Ming is cultivating in the duny world, and he is not suitable for cultivation in the duny world. No matter how powerful he is, his realm will not be high. With my current strength, I want to deal with him, it is more than enough. ."

Song Zhe confidently said, "I came back this time to see you, and then to deal with Su Ming. When I kill Su Ming, I will take you to the world of ancient warriors."

Unexpectedly, Li Dalei shook his head quickly, afraid that he would become not a man just like Song Zhe, so Li Dalei immediately shook his head and said, "Song Shao, you also know that I am stupid. I'm afraid I don't have the talent for cultivation, so forget it. ."

A trace of disappointment flashed in Song Zhe's eyes, and he said, "Whatever you want, now I have to go to Su Ming."

(End of this chapter)

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