League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1992: Song Zhe's terrifying power

"By you?"

Su Ming looked at Song Zhe a little strangely, his eyes were somewhat contemptuous. Su Ming didn't understand what kind of confidence Song Zhe had when he said this.

To be reasonable, Song Zhe is an ordinary person, let alone Su Ming. It is estimated that Song Zhe can't beat him if he pulls an ordinary person from the street.

His small body was already hollowed out in a woman's body, and it was of no use at all. It wasn't that Su Ming looked down on him, Song Zhe was a bit ridiculous.

Su Ming is also quite strange. Song Zhe kidnapped Shen Muke by himself. Without the help of others, with Song Zhe’s ability, he could get Shen Muke here while struggling. It is estimated that it took a lot of effort.

Moreover, Su Ming deliberately used his powerful mental abilities to perceive it. He was sure that there were no other people nearby. Apart from him and Song Zhe, there was also Shen Muke.

So Su Ming's heart is a little better. Where did Song Zhe have the courage to kidnap Shen Muke to threaten him, is it possible that Song Zhe has lost his will?

Song Zhe looked at Su Ming coldly and said directly: "Su Ming, let me remind you one last thing, now is different from the past, if you despise me again, you will pay the price."

"No matter when it is, you should be **** or rubbish, this will not change." Su Ming continued.

As soon as he saw Song Zhe's anger, the two people should be born with different characters, and in Su Ming's cognition, he had an absolute reason to despise Song Zhe. After all, Su Ming was considered a powerful existence in the ancient martial artist.

"Hmph, let's take a look, who is better!"

On Song Zhe's side, he didn't want to talk nonsense with Su Ming, so he just said something, and then saw Song Zhe jump up and gradually approached Su Ming, unexpectedly bursting into some black air.


The expression on Su Ming's face suddenly froze. This is the fluctuation of vitality, the vitality fluctuation of ancient martial artist, Su Ming is so familiar with it, almost instantly.

It was true that the ancient martial artist's vitality fluctuations were correct, but Su Mingwu was shocked that this vitality fluctuation turned out to be emitted from Song Zhe's body.

How can this be? !

Su Ming's whole person was immediately shocked. Song Zhe was an ordinary person, how could he have vitality? Only the body of an ancient martial artist could have vitality.

In other words, only if you have cultivated vitality and accumulated to a certain degree in your body, you can be called an ancient martial artist.

Could it be...

Su Ming was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly began to use his vitality to detect Song Zhe's strength, and he didn't need Su Ming's ability to use Quinn to detect it.

Because after Song Zhe exuded his vitality just now, he had directly exposed his realm. This cannot be concealed, unless his realm is Su Minggao, otherwise Su Ming can see it all at once.

Although he had already seen Song Zhe's realm, Su Ming's eyes widened, and the shock of his heart couldn't be described at once.

The early stage of Transforming Realm turned out to be the early stage of Transforming Realm, and the Song Zhe in front of him turned out to be the early stage of Transforming Realm.

Su Ming was shocked, staring at Song Zhe blankly, not daring to imagine why Song Zhe suddenly became a powerhouse in the early stage of Transformation Realm. You must know that Su Ming's cultivation is already too late. The existence of such an invincible bug of Troll's ultimate, Su Ming only looked at the early stage of Transformation Realm.

Originally thought that his cultivation speed was already super fast, and it was impossible for anyone to get it. Who knows that Su Ming saw a stronger one today, and it really made Su Ming's eyes stare out.

Speaking of Su Ming's shock, it was because of Song Zhe's strength, not because of Song Zhe's strength.

At Su Ming’s current level, it is considered to be in the early stage of Transformation Realm. It is the same as Su Ming’s strength. To put it bluntly, it is impossible to pose any threat to Su Ming, because Su Ming was able to deal with Transformation alone when he was still in the True Primal Realm. A person in the shape world, a person in the early stage of the shape world, to the current Su Ming, it is nothing at all, because Su Ming's skills are too bad.

But what really shocked Su Ming was that the person with this strength turned out to be Song Zhe, and this particular mother was too nonsense.

You must know that Song Zhe before was still an ordinary person, with poor physique, and he couldn't help being weak.

I haven't seen it for a few months, and in a blink of an eye he has become a master of transformation. This speed, I'm afraid it is the speed of the rocket, not right.


However, Su Ming immediately reacted when he saw the black qi churning beside Song Zhe, frowning, this Song Zhe looked too weird.

First of all, the vitality of his body gives people the feeling that there is no evil.

Even if Su Ming had dealt with it before, the people of the Ghost Sect ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ their vitality was only cold and cold, absolutely not as evil as Song Zhe's vitality.

This Song Zhe can improve so fast all of a sudden, this speed can no longer be described by a simple genius. No matter how genius is, it is impossible to have this speed. So Su Ming suddenly affirmed, this Song Zhe, What kind of weird method was definitely used, and finally it became like this.

"Song Zhe, I don't know what method you used, but you have suddenly become a strong person in the transformation state. You should have paid a lot of money?" Su Ming said.

I finally understood why Song Zhe dared to come over and do things so arrogantly. This kid was sure. His goal this time was not Shen Muke, but Su Ming.

The expression on Song Zhe's face instantly froze. He originally wanted to radiate his own aura to give Su Ming a certain amount of shock, so that Su Ming would be shocked by his strength.

But what caused him to be killed was that Su Ming was so direct that he could see his strength. In this way, it shows that Su Ming's strength will not be lower than that in the early stage of the transformation, because Song Zhe himself knew that if Su Ming's strength hadn't reached the state of transformation, it would be impossible to see his strength at a glance.

Especially when he heard Su Ming say what price he had paid, Song Zhe looked like a wounded lone wolf, his eyes suddenly cold.

He paid such a high price. For what, it was naturally for Su Ming. He could calmly talk about this with Li Dalei, but if Su Ming mentioned it, then Song Zhe’s self-esteem would be ruthless. Step on it.

PS: I haven't updated at ten o'clock tonight. I have been on the train until 11:30 in the evening. I really don't have time to write. Please understand, it will be back to normal tomorrow.

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