League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1994: The end of the crossbow

() Weakness This Summoner skill is so powerful. After the Weakness skill is applied, although the eyes are invisible, it seems that nothing has happened, but this effect is immediate.

At least Su Ming felt it all at once. After being weakened, Song Zhe's attack seemed to become limp, and the pressure on Su Ming suddenly weakened a lot.


Su Ming knew that the weak skills lasted only a few seconds, and it shouldn’t be wasted. So Su Ming rushed to attack and attacked the weak points abruptly, so that Song Zhe lost any advantage and took the initiative before. Offensive, suddenly fell into a passive defense situation.

This was a fatal blow to Song Zhe. At first, everyone was anxious together, and for a while, they couldn't tell the outcome.

However, a weak skill just now became the key to breaking the game. The master showdown, within a few seconds, can already determine many things, including life and death!

Song Zhe was miserable. Su Ming was beaten by Su Ming and couldn't find North. However, Song Zhe reacted quickly and he realized that Su Ming was using some horrible tactics.

After reluctantly retreating a few steps, Song Zhe suddenly used his whole body to push Su Ming away with a lot of vitality.

I saw Song Zhe with a hideous look on his face, even in the hideous, revealing a trace of madness. It is obvious that Song Zhe has realized that the situation is very disadvantageous for him. If he continues, it is estimated that he will be injured sooner or later.

This level of battle, once injured, is an extremely bad signal, proving that there is no hope, so Song Zhe suddenly knotted his hands in the air, and then slammed his right hand toward Su Ming.

As soon as Su Ming looked up, he was surprised to find that where Song Zhe was waving his right hand, there was a **** palm suddenly, directly on top of Su Ming's head, and grabbed it.

The palm of his hand was very huge. Su Ming hadn't noticed it when he was in mid-air at first, but when his palm fell on Su Ming's face and got closer and closer, Su Ming noticed something wrong. Damn, it's too exaggerated.

The entire palm is very huge, and I feel that this palm can directly pinch Su Ming in his hand and casually ravage it, and it is as if it has been stained with black ink. It is completely black and looks very scary.

"Su Ming, try my Bone Demon Palm. I don't believe that you are not dead now." Song Zhe seemed to consume a lot when he moved the huge palm, and the paleness on his face became more obvious. , I feel that a person with this complexion can enter the coffin accidentally at any time.

But looking at Song Zhe's face again, all of them were grinning, as if the winner was already in hand.

As the huge black palm continued to approach, Su Ming's heart became more and more reluctant. The breath on the palm was especially terrifying.

Using the light of his eyes, he casually glanced at the expression on Song Zhe's face, which made Su Ming suddenly startled. Seeing Song Zhe's appearance, he seemed to be very confident in his move.

Intuition told Su Ming that this is probably Song Zhe’s trick at the bottom of the box. He may not really be able to follow. Just now in the battle, Feng's "Eye of the Storm" shield has been fiercely matched. Shattered.

Su Ming did not have absolute certainty, and directly blocked the huge black palm. So Su Ming, to be careful, also used his strongest defense skill [Holy Asylum].

The angel's ultimatum is invincible. With the angel's ultimatum, no matter how powerful it is, it can't pose any threat to Su Ming.

When the **** palm was about to shoot Su Ming, a golden light suddenly appeared, falling from the sky and shining on Su Ming.

Su Ming, with golden light on his body, faced the evil huge black palm alone, which was a collision of light and darkness.

However, the end result is obvious. Evil can't overcome righteousness, and darkness can't defeat light in the end.

When the huge black palm was covering Su Ming, Su Ming's thin body seemed to be swallowed all at once, the world even changed color at this moment, and the earth kept trembling.

With such a powerful power, Song Zhe's little heart couldn't hold back it, and it trembled twice. He knew that he had successfully used the Devil's Hand of Bone, which was terrifying.

Not to mention that Su Ming is in the early stage of transformation. According to his master, the power of the demon palm is too terrifying, but it is difficult to use. If it is really used, at least it must be transformed. The strength of the late stage of the realm, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to stop.

But after a few seconds, everything calmed down. Song Zhe looked at Su Ming. The power of the Bone Demon Palm was too terrifying, especially when the golden light on Su Ming flashed again, it was too dazzling when it collided. Song Zhe couldn't see clearly what happened just now.

Song Zhe’s first reaction was to see if Su Ming was dead or not. No, the power of the Bone Devil’s Palm is so great. Su Ming's death is definitely dead. What he cares more about now is that Su Ming's body is still there. No, maybe Su Ming didn't even have a whole body.


But after the eyes were swept away, the expression on Song Zhe's face suddenly changed, and immediately became very shocked, as if he had seen a ghost alive.

Su Ming actually stood there untouched, it looked like something went wrong, no change at all, what it was just now, it is still what it is, it looks very strange.

All of a sudden, Song Zhe began to tremble. He stammered and asked: "You... why are you doing nothing?"

"Why am I nothing? Because you are too weak!" Su Ming directly pretended to say something like this~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In fact, Song Zhe’s move just now is already very scary. If Su Ming If you didn't use the angel's big move, I'm afraid it's really unstoppable for a while.

But the problem is that Su Ming is blocking it now, so this does not prevent Su Ming from acting.

After saying a word, for fear that Song Zhe would fix some moths, Su Ming took his whole body, directly raised his sword and rushed up, preparing to give Song Zhe a final blow.

Su Ming didn't use any powerful skills anymore, because Su Ming could see that this Song Zhe, after using the trick just now, is now the end of his life.


Su Ming's sword pierced Song Zhe's chest directly.

(Guess Song Zhe is dead?)

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