League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1997: Collapsed in one fell swoop

I don't know what the reason is. When you are reasonable, if you recover a certain amount of vitality in your body when you are injured, it will definitely help your body recover.

But just now Su Ming found that it was not the case, it was a bit uncomfortable, and Su Ming could not feel any reason.

However, after realizing that Shen Muke was still inside, Su Ming didn't waste too much time, so let's save Shen Muke first. It is conceivable that she was alone in it. Afraid.

"I was wasted some time by Song Zhe just now, so I came here!" Su Ming came to Shen Muke weakly, but he still smiled at Shen Muke.

This small behavior made Shen Muke feel a lot of peace in his heart. Sure enough, in the end, Su Ming came to rescue her. As long as Su Ming was there, she would not be in any danger.

Su Ming used a little vitality and easily untied the two ropes that helped Shen Muke, and Shen Muke finally recovered his freedom.

After coming down, Shen Muke couldn't care if his arm was sore. He hurried up and hugged Su Ming and said, "Su Ming, I was scared to death just now. That Song Zhe has changed now. It's so scary."


Unexpectedly, Shen Mu could suddenly hug Su Ming, but Su Ming couldn't bear it. At this time, Su Ming's body was already in the last struggle, and it was just forcibly supported. , Su Ming fell directly to the ground, and fell to the ground, covering his chest with a piercing pain.

"Su Ming, what's the matter with you?"

Shen Muke panicked all of a sudden. He raised his hand and looked at Su Ming on the ground for a while, a little confused. Why did she knock Su Ming down all of a sudden, and it still looked so painful. .

Su Ming also realized that there was indeed a major problem with his current body. It was probably caused by Song Zhe's sudden self-destruction, but Su Ming still doesn't know what happened.

Moreover, Su Ming also knew that what he had just made was too obvious. I guess it would be impossible to hide it. With Shen Muke's IQ, he could immediately see what was wrong.

So Su Ming simply admitted: "Mu Ke, don't worry, the kid Song Zhe just shaved my hand and hurt me."

"You are hurt?"

Shen Muke panicked all of a sudden, feeling that his hands and feet even had some coldness, and hurriedly said, "Su Ming, then...what should I do then."

Su Ming couldn't help but smile. Seeing Shen Muke like this, I don't know why, but it still feels pretty cute. Shen Mu might care about him, it's not bad. I can't really expect Shen Muke to come and heal him.

So Su Ming said: "Don't worry, it's nothing serious. After I go back, I take a two-day rest, and it should be almost done. You know, I can't beat Xiaoqiang."

Although Su Ming didn't know how serious his injuries were, he still had to comfort Shen Muke so as not to worry too much.

Shen Muke's eyes still showed a worried look. After looking at Su Ming twice, she finally held back what she wanted to say.

Maybe she realized that she couldn’t help Su Ming, so let Su Ming go back to heal his injuries. Su Ming doesn’t seem to be very comfortable now, so Shen Muke asked: "Su Ming, we How should I go back?"

Su Ming realized that this place is still quite remote. Just now, Su Ming sent it directly through a card trick, and did not drive over. Even if there is a car, Su Ming’s current state is probably impossible to drive back. Up.

So Su Ming said, "I'll make a call and call my friends over."

Su Ming called Cheng Ruofeng, roughly said the location, and sent him a location on the phone, and then let Cheng Ruofeng navigate by himself.

While waiting for Cheng Ruofeng, Shen Mu allowed Su Ming to lie on the ground as comfortable as possible, and let Su Ming's head rest on her legs.

Su Ming closed his eyes. Although it was still painful, Su Ming let himself be as calm as possible, because he was afraid that he would not behave well, and Shen Mu might be more worried.

This abandoned chemical plant is quite far away from the city of Ningcheng. If you think about it, you can know that chemical plants can only be opened in places far away from the city center and residential areas, otherwise they are not allowed. of.

Coupled with unfamiliar road conditions, it took Cheng Ruofeng more than an hour to find him.

After Cheng Ruofeng came over, he saw Su Ming and Shen Muke inside at a glance, especially their current posture. Cheng Ruofeng immediately covered his eyes and said: "I'm going, am I here? It’s not the right time, otherwise I will go out for a while with you?"

Su Ming opened his eyes and rolled the fellow Cheng Ruofeng, then said, "Stop kidding, come over and help me."

Seeing that Su Ming's tone was so weak, the expression on Cheng Ruofeng's face immediately changed, realizing something was wrong, and rushing up, to Su Ming: "Boss, what's the matter with you."

"He is injured, hurry up and send him back." Shen Muke said for Su Ming beside him.

Cheng Ruofeng realized the seriousness of the matter and helped Su Ming up, then said, "Boss, where are you going, do you want to go to the hospital?"

Su Ming almost laughed angrily by Cheng Ruofeng~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If I go to the hospital like this, it is estimated that the group of doctors can give myself a chill.

At this time, Su Ming couldn't go anywhere, so he had to hurry home and see what was going on.

"The injury I received is not the kind of skin and flesh injury, you can send me back, this kind of thing has to be solved by myself." Su Ming probably said.

Cheng Ruofeng understood it all at once. It is estimated that what Su Ming said was something between their ancient warriors. Cheng Ruofeng also understood it immediately. It is estimated that they could not help Su Ming's injury.

On Cheng Ruofeng's side, he hurriedly sent Su Ming back home, and told him: "Boss, you can heal your injuries with peace of mind. If you have any needs, just tell me immediately."

Su Ming nodded, and then said, "You help me send Mu Ke back. I can handle my own injury by myself."

Seeing that Cheng Ruofeng and Shen Muke had left, Su Ming entered the house, and his whole body collapsed all at once. He looked normal just now, but he actually pretended it by himself.

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