League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1999: The goddess of resentment 10-foot

After listening to Su Qishan's words, Su Ming's eyes moved a little, and then it was possible to understand what was going on.

No wonder it feels that Song Zhe disappeared a few months later, he was very weird, and the growth of the strength can no longer be described in exaggeration, it is almost unheard of.

After co-authoring for a long time, Song Zhe turned out to be the evil cultivator in the legend. It is estimated that he also got a certain chance, and coupled with the high price paid, he made himself look like a human being and a ghost.

Su Ming asked here: "Dad, my evil spirit has entered the body, is it serious or not? I feel so uncomfortable as a whole, what should I do?"

Su Qishan couldn't help but glanced at Su Ming directly, and then said grimly: "You said that it is very uncomfortable, and you asked me if it is serious, it must be very serious."

"If you are also an evil cultivator, it doesn't matter if you are caught by evil spirits, but you may still feel quite comfortable."

"But you are not the problem. If a normal monk is caught in the body by evil, the consequences will be very terrifying, just like a pot of clear water dripping into a drop of ink."

"Don't look at a drop of ink that seems to be very small, but after dripping in, it will contaminate the entire water basin, and the same is true for your vitality. These evil qi that enters your body will gradually erode your vitality."

There was a trace of worry in Su Qishan's eyes, and he continued to say: "You are still in the early days. If you pass a period of time, you may not be able to endure this kind of pain. In the end, you will even become an evil cultivator, not at all. impossible things."


Su Ming was stunned at once, and Song Zhe's figure appeared involuntarily in his mind. If he really turns himself into Song Zhe's appearance, it is estimated that Su Ming will collapse, it is better to die.

Su Qishan said, "This is the first time I have encountered this kind of evil spirit entering the body, so I don't know how to deal with it. Let me try it."

Su Ming nodded directly. He knew Su Qishan's strength. If Su Qishan took the shot, there might be a possibility of improvement.

Su Ming immediately closed his eyes, and Su Qishan slapped Su Ming's back with a slap, and the vitality in his body was suddenly instilled into Su Ming's body.

Su Ming's eyes were closed for a while, and he opened his eyes again, because he felt the tyranny and dominance of Su Qishan's vitality.

It seems that Su Qishan's realm is indeed not just as simple as the Transformation Realm. This is also a question that Su Ming is more curious about. What realm is there on top of the Transformation Realm.

With the instillation of Su Qishan's vitality, Su Ming gradually felt a warm feeling, rising from his body, it was quite comfortable for Su Ming, Su Ming closed his eyes, his expression looked very enjoyable .


After a few dozen minutes, Su Qishan stopped, and Su Ming also opened his eyes at this moment.

Su Ming stretched out his legs and moved around for a while, and found that the feeling on his body was much better than before, and the pain in his whole body almost disappeared.

So Su Ming said in a pleasant surprise: "Dad, you are so amazing, I feel that nothing is gone, it feels very relaxed."

"Don't be happy too soon."

Who knew that the expression on Su Qishan's face was as solemn as ever, making Su Ming very surprised.

Just listen to Su Qishan's continued opening and say: "The evil spirit in you today is more complicated than I imagined. With my realm, there is no way to deal with those evil spirits."

"Fortunately, the number of evil spirits is not very large. I forcibly sealed those evil spirits in your body. The popular point is to temporarily shield the effects of these evil spirits, so as not to spread them and cause you harm."

"But this is just a means to treat the symptoms, not the root cause. It cannot eradicate the evil. After a period of time, the evil will still explode, and it will definitely explode more violently. If you seal it once, don't want to seal them a second time. ."

After Su Ming listened to Su Qishan's words, the whole person was stunned. He said that there was such a thing. It was almost unheard of. Song Zhe's last move turned out to be the most terrifying.

Then Su Ming asked directly: "Then...what should I do with my evil spirit?"

"Don't worry, anyway, there must be a solution. This vitality can be sealed for a long time. You don't have to worry, I will think of a solution during this time."

To be honest, Su Ming is still quite afraid of death. There is no person in this world who is not afraid of death, let alone Su Ming is still young.

However, Su Qishan's words made Su Ming feel a little relieved. As long as he can't die for a while, Su Ming doesn't believe it, and he can't find a solution, let alone a powerful father as his backing. .

"Okay, you can take a good rest for a while. It's nothing serious now. Don't think too much about it. I'm going to cook. I'll call you when I'm done." After Su Qishan finished talking here, he picked it up. The thing he had thrown away on the ground just now seemed to be quite normal.

In fact, after turning around, the expression on Su Qishan's face changed to a certain extent. Su Ming's situation was more serious than he said.

It is indeed a temporary treatment, but if after a period of time, he still fails to find a practical solution~www.wuxiaspot.com~ No matter how good he is, he will not be able to seal this thing. At that time, I was left in front of Su Ming, I was afraid there was only a dead end.

"Jingle Bell--"

At this moment, Qin Shiyin made a call. Su Ming saw that this aunt was calling, and he was suddenly surprised. Normally, Qin Shiyin would hardly contact anyone on the initiative unless she had anything important. Things.

"Hey, Shiyin, why did you think of calling me, have you eaten yet?" Su Ming asked, his tone still sounded quite relaxed.

Who knows Qin Shiyin on the phone, but he asked coldly: "Su Ming, why are you embarrassed to ask, you are not here, what do I eat?"


Su Ming was a little speechless for a while, and Su Ming couldn't hear it. Qin Shiyin had an opinion on him, and it was obvious that he was secretly complaining.

It is rare to see Qin Shiyin, the goddess of the iceberg, when she is so resentful.

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