() Su Ming saw that the points were about to go, so he said: "Okay, then you can give me a draw. It seems that there has been no draw for a long time."

"Master, since we have all drawn the lottery, let's be a little happier, maybe we won some good skills." Xiaona said to Su Ming.

Obviously, this is comforting Su Ming, maybe Xiaona has also noticed that Su Ming's emotions were not too right all day today.

Su Ming was indeed not too emotional, so he could only force himself to smile, and said, "Xiao Na, when did you become a psychological counselor, please hurry up."

"This draw will cost the host 200 points. Does the host confirm the draw?"

"Confirm the lottery!"

"It's time to show real technology!"

After a while, a voice rang. This was the line of the hero, which meant that the hero's skills were drawn this time, not other items.

And this line Su Ming is too familiar, this is the line of the explorer Izeril, which is commonly known as Xiao Huang Mao.

You must know that this hero is called the son of Riot. Why is there such a statement? It is because the development company behind the League of Legends game is Riot.

The explorer hero has gone through so many versions. Everyone says that there will always be declines and rises from generation to generation of gods, but the explorer hero has almost no major changes and weakenings. It has always been a very popular choice. .

So someone said that this hero must be the son of Riot, while the other hero, the female sword, cried out in the toilet.

Su Ming took his mind back a little bit. Most of the explorer's four skills are clear to most players, and Su Ming naturally knows too.

It can be said that several skills are quite powerful, so Su Ming wanted to see what skills they were.

"Congratulations to the host, successfully drawn the explorer-Ezreal's R skill [Precision Barrage]"

"I wipe--"

It was Su Ming who was not in a good mood, and he couldn't help but grinned. He was so familiar with Ezreal's big move. It was a skill that was completely against the sky. A big move from thousands of miles away was used to collect skills. , It's really cool, basically playing this hero, I want to perform a wave of this kind of show operation.

So Su Ming checked it right away, wanting to see how to use this magical skill in reality.

Skill name: [Precision Barrage]

Skill introduction: In the game, Ezreal guides for 1 second, releases energy waves to the target area, causing magical damage to the penetrating enemies.

This is a full map skill, and it is a magical skill that can collect people from thousands of miles away, but every time the skill passes through a target unit, the damage will be reduced by 10%.

In reality, when the host activates this skill, it will gather a certain amount of vitality in the hand, and release a powerful energy wave, penetrating the enemy and causing terror damage.

(Note that this skill is a one-time skill, and can only be used with strength above the morphology.)

This skill is a one-time skill. Su Ming is not surprising at all. It can be said to be normal. After it is used up, it will enter a cooling state. If it can be used without restrictions, it is too buggy.

The main thing that Su Ming didn't think about was that this skill actually had limitations on the realm, which, to put it bluntly, was a skill that could only be used by ancient martial artists.

Moreover, the threshold is too high, it can only be used with strength above the Transformation Realm, which shows how terrifying this skill will be after it is used.

Speaking of it, it should not be much different from the game. Both release energy waves to attack the enemy, and the flight distance should be quite long. It's just not clear whether it looks so cool in the visual effect.

But Su Ming couldn't try it now, because Su Ming didn't want to use vitality anymore for a while, it would cause harm to the body, this skill could not be activated without vitality.

Moreover, if it is used at home for no reason, it will cause too much harm. Su Ming feels that maybe a big move is thrown out. The home he lived in for more than ten years will be gone.

Su Ming is quite satisfied with this skill, at least it can improve Su Ming's combat effectiveness in future battles.

There are several types of skills, one is defensive, the other is offensive, and the other is life.

In the later stage, Su Ming discovered that during the lottery draw, he would draw more combat skills, either offensive or defensive.

Especially this Ezreal's big move made Su Ming's whole person still in a daze. He happened to be in the early stage of Transformation Realm, and as a result, he picked a skill that could only be used above Transformation Realm.

I don't know if it is a coincidence or all of this is arranged. There is no way to describe this lottery system magically.

Thinking of this, Su Ming couldn't figure it out for a while, so Su Ming threw it out of his mind, and asked Xiaona, there would be no results, so Su Ming wisely chose to give up.


Su Ming did not go to school these days, but was at home. After several days of recuperation, Su Ming found that his body had fully recovered.

The complete recovery here refers to the injury or the like is already healed. Without the previous pain, it seems to be completely recovered, but Su Ming himself knows that his current body and the evil spirits are huge hidden dangers.

If it really broke out, Su Ming might be in danger, and I don't know how long Su Qishan's seal can last.

Speaking of it, Su Ming never thought that a small Song Zhe could cause him such a big trouble.

"Jingle Bell--"

Su Ming was about to go to Qin Shiyin’s house to cook for her~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But only to go out, the call came, and it turned out that Xia Qingchan was calling, so Su Ming answered the phone: "Qingchan, Have you eaten it yet?"

"I just got home, I haven't started cooking yet. I have something to trouble you." Xia Qingchan said.

Su Ming was not very happy when he heard this, and said directly: "If you have anything to say, you can say that it is troublesome and not troublesome. It's too far-sighted."

"Tomorrow Huahua’s kindergarten will hold a parent meeting. I said it would go, but there will be a seminar in the city tomorrow at the school. I really can’t leave, so I may have to ask you to go.

Xia Qingchan asked, "Su Ming, do you have time tomorrow? If you have time, go there tomorrow."

"Home... Parents' Conference???"

Su Ming's whole person is not very good. In my impression, Su Qishan seemed to have a parent-teacher meeting for him last year. As a result, he is going to have a parent-teacher meeting now?

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