League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 2015: Dormitory accident

() Cheng Ruofeng understood Su Ming's meaning all at once. Cheng Ruofeng didn't do this kind of thing, so Cheng Ruofeng directly said: "Boss, do you want him to disappear directly?"

While speaking, Cheng Ruofeng’s voice was slightly cooler. This is not a difficult task for Cheng Ruofeng. To make a person disappear from the world without knowing it, Cheng Ruofeng can do it easily. Su Ming just said a word.

But Su Ming thought about it, and if the family disappeared directly, this would be too cruel and unnecessary. Although there were festivals, but not to the point of life-threatening, Su Ming said, "No need. , Teach him a lesson and let him know that he is afraid, just don’t mess with it."

"Okay, don't worry, boss, let me take care of this matter." After speaking, Cheng Ruofeng directly hung up the phone.

Su Ming didn’t say much. He was still very relieved of Cheng Ruofeng’s ability to do things. Cheng Ruofeng was responsible for this matter. In the end, Su Ming didn’t need to take care of it at all, because Su Ming knew that he would be able to achieve what he wanted. The desired effect.

Su Ming took Huahua out for a meal, and then took her to the zoo for an afternoon. The child was bullied in the kindergarten in the morning. The child has completely forgotten. After all, it is a child. It took too long in my heart.

Why are adults less happy than children? It is because there are too many things in their hearts.

At dinner in the evening, Su Ming called Lin Yingzhu just now. After I heard that Lin Yingzhu had returned, he sent the flowers back, and when he was on the way, he told Huahua: "Huahua, can you play today? Happy?"

"so happy!"

"Remember, in the future, if someone bullies you at school, you must tell your father or mother, or tell the teacher." Su Ming was not relieved, and he still warned.

Su Ming doesn't know how to educate children. If someone bullies you, you must go up and fight with him. After all, Huahua is a girl, and she certainly can't compare with boys.

But if you encounter this kind of thing, you are holding it in your heart, obviously it is not good. If you hold it in your heart, problems will surely occur after a long time, and people think you are a bully.

Huahua nodded and said, just like a little adult, "Don't worry, if anyone dares to bully me, I will tell you right away, Dad, help me beat them."

Su Ming smiled. It seems that Huahua is still very excited to hit that social man today.


After having dinner at Lin Yingzhu's place, Su Ming thought for a moment. He went home by himself, and the school was a little more lively. There are a few beasts in the dormitory, so you won't be lonely.

And speaking of it, Su Ming has indeed not returned to school for many days. It is estimated that a few beasts in the dormitory should say that he is a beast.

"Su Ming, you are back."

Su Ming returned to the school. After pushing the door open, Wang Tao looked at Su Ming and said something.

Su Ming had already thought about it in his heart. These beasts would definitely hold Su Ming and ask Su Ming with a wry face, what he was doing these days, and then he started a series of guesses.

However, today is different from what Su Ming guessed. After seeing Su Ming, the fat guy said directly: "Su Ming, you are back, just right."

"What's the matter, you won't be lonely anymore and want to vent it." Su Ming looked at this guy with horror on his face. Fatty is too wretched. Su Ming, such a serious person, must be very scared. his.

Unexpectedly, the fat man said directly: "Su Ming, something happened in the bedroom."


Su Ming wanted to laugh when he saw Fatty’s serious appearance. This was really different from Fatty’s usual style. He thought that Fatty was joking with him, so Su Ming smiled and said, “What’s the matter? Isn’t it your girlfriend who was inflated in the cupboard was stolen?"

"Su Ming, I'm serious with you, I didn't make a joke with you, hurry up and be serious." Seeing that Su Ming thought he was joking, the fat man said quickly.

Wang Tao also said, "Su Ming, something really happened. Zhao Shaobo was taken away by someone just now. There are several mysterious people who came over and pulled Zhao Shaobo away. It looked scary. We didn't stop it."


Su Ming was shocked at once, and the smile on his face gradually solidified. It turned out that he was not joking, so Su Ming continued and said: "Really, what did Zhao Shaobo do? Was taken away?"

"This can deceive you. It happened in front of both of us just now. Some of us were bragging just now. As a result, Zhao Shaobo was arrested all at once, and several people rushed in, so I won't talk nonsense with you at all. "Fatty said, it was obvious that he was very worried in his eyes.

Su Ming also felt that things were unusual at once, and said, "Is it the person caught by the police?"

"I don't know if it's the police. They didn't wear police uniforms, they were all in plain clothes, but they took out a document." Wang Tao said.

Su Ming knew that Wang Tao must be a little more careful than the fat man, so Su Ming hurriedly asked: "How is it written on the certificate? Does it say who they are?"

"I didn't see the details clearly, so I took it out for two seconds. The first time I saw the photo, I wanted to look at other places and it was put away." Wang Tao was also a little embarrassed and missed it. Such important information.

Just listen to Wang Tao continuing: "But I think that ID~www.wuxiaspot.com~ does not look like a fake, it should be a policeman."

"What did Zhao Shaobo do, how could he be arrested by the police?" This is Su Ming's most curious thing. The few people in the dormitory are all good people. At least the character is okay, and it should be reasonable. Offense.

And even if it was a crime, Su Ming felt that the fat man would be the first to be arrested, and Zhao Shaobo should be the one who would be the least likely to have an accident.

He has a relatively honest character and a simple person, so he had an accident, which made Su Ming especially unexpected.

"Who knows, we are the same as before. We go out to eat together all day long. When we come back, we will play with mobile phones and computers. Shaobo stares at the computer every day. He has never done anything else. You should know Su Ming. "Wang Tao recalled.

Su Ming nodded. He was quite aware of Zhao Shaobo's, a standard otaku who didn't like to go out. Except for the necessary classes and meals, he stayed in the dormitory to play games and computers.

(End of this chapter)

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