League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 2022: Big uncle is here

() After Su Ming realized what was wrong, he quickly said: "Dragon God, it is too easy for you to do such a small favor. As for the relationship between the two of us, why do you still say thank you?"

"Don't, you don't get close to me, one yard is one yard, I helped you this is an exception, you see how you should thank me." Dragon God said.

Su Ming also knew that the Dragon God said this deliberately, because he had a good relationship with Su Ming, so he said that. Su Ming probably just wanted to get a drink.

So Su Ming knowingly asked: "Then you say how should I thank you, Dragon God, I hope you think it over before you speak, and organize your own language."

The Dragon God didn't seem to hear the threat in Su Ming's words at all. He hehe smiled and said, "What about the wine you used last time, please give me some more. How about making me two pounds?"

Su Ming knew that, as he had guessed, the Dragon God had been thinking about his Baiguling wine. Su Ming was a bit regretful now, why did he give the Dragon God the wine to drink.

In fact, in Su Ming's system space, there shouldn't be too much Baiguling wine. Two catties is just a drop in the bucket. However, with the unscrupulous old man like Dragon God, you have to pick a little bit, otherwise it will be boring.

So Su Ming immediately said distressedly: "Damn, you are too dark, I don't have much left of that wine, you will cost two catties all at once, this is not killing me."

"There's not much left, I heard that, why is it more than two catties, you kid, don't pretend to me." Dragon God seems to know Su Ming's appearance very well.

"One catty, at most one catty."

"No, it costs two catties, otherwise there is no discussion, and I will not let it go." The Dragon God used the trick of playing rogue, just like a child.

Su Ming immediately said: "How can you be like this? I just said that I want to release people."

"I take back what I just said, can I repent of it?"

In fact, Su Ming also knew that Dragon God said this deliberately. He couldn't help but do this. Su Ming also cooperated with him: "Okay, I'm afraid of you. I will send you the wine later, remember. Let them go quickly."

"Hey, two kilograms, you kid, don't fool me."

"You think I'm as unethical as you." Su Ming couldn't help but spit out angrily.

Who knows that the Dragon God is not ashamed but rather proud, he said directly: "What is morality, can it be drunk, if not, then I don't want it."

Su Ming: "..."

After hanging up the phone, Su Ming looked at Luo Xiaoxiao who was on the opposite side, and he couldn't help being amused. He didn't notice just now, and finally saw the expression on Luo Xiaoxiao's face. That's interesting.

I was completely shocked. Just now Su Ming's phone was turned on and the speaker was turned on. Luo Xiaoxiao heard the conversation with Dragon God clearly. It is estimated that Luo Xiaoxiao was shocked by the lack of integrity of Dragon God.

So Su Ming deliberately smiled and asked: "How about it, am I right?"

I just told Luo Xiaoxiao that the Dragon God has no morals, Luo Xiaoxiao still doesn't believe it, Su Ming thinks she should believe it now.

After hearing Su Ming's words, Luo Xiaoxiao came back to her senses and said in disbelief, "This is too fake. How could Dragon God be such a person? I can't believe it at all."

"How can it be impossible? You haven't seen a real person yet. Real people are much more wretched than on the phone. They often clasp their feet while holding a Playboy magazine, watching the **** beauties on it." Su Ming remained silent. The blackened Dragon God.

If this is heard by the Dragon God, it is estimated that he will have to fight his life with Su Ming.

Luo Xiaoxiao looked disgusted and said, "Su Ming, don't disgust me, can't you? There are so many things I haven't eaten yet."

But after this time, Luo Xiaoxiao's idol image completely collapsed.


In fact, Zhao Shaobo was on Ningcheng's side. When he was arrested, he was going through some formalities and temporarily locked him up. He was supposed to be taken to the capital to wait for processing.

But who knows that before setting off, the Dragon God gave instructions, and the people below had no choice but to let them go.

After Zhao Shaobo was released here, he did not expect that he thought he could not get out, but he was released so easily. All the way, Zhao Shaobo went directly back to the dormitory, except for the dormitory. I don't know where to go.

"I'm going, Shaobo, you **** are back."

After the door of the dormitory was opened, the Fatty and Wang Tao saw that Zhao Shaobo was back. Both immediately became excited and rushed over.

Especially the fat guy, he went up and gave Zhao Shaobo a big bear hug, while Wang Tao observed it next to him and found that Zhao Shaobo had no hands or feet, and he had come back intact.

"Where did you go? How come you were suddenly arrested, it scared us to death." The fat man immediately punched Zhao Shaobo's chest and said.

Zhao Shaobo smiled. To tell the truth about his own affairs, he didn't know how to say it, so Zhao Shaobo had no choice but to say: "It's okay. You said you are really the same. What's the worry."

"Where is Su Ming, Su Ming went to find someone to fish you, have you seen him?" Wang Tao asked.

"Su Ming went to find someone to save me?"

Zhao Shaobo was taken aback for a moment, and then he understood it in his heart. It was estimated that Su Ming had contributed. No wonder those people let him go. When he came out, Zhao Shaobo was still wondering about this.

So Zhao Shaobo said, "My cell phone is out of power, whoever of you call Su Ming, let him come back quickly."

Su Ming and Luo Xiaoxiao only finished the hot pot. Eating hot pot is a waste of time, not to mention that Su Ming ate a lot after he was in a good mood.

Originally I planned to go to Luo Xiaoxiao's house ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ by the way, and have a deep exchange with Luo Xiaoxiao. Seeing Luo Xiaoxiao's eyes, I was obviously looking forward to it.

Women are generally embarrassed to say such things, but this does not prevent them from thinking in their hearts.

Unexpectedly, when he got on the bus, Su Ming received a call, Zhao Shaobo has arrived at the dormitory, and the efficiency is faster than Su Ming thought.

So Su Ming said, "Xiao Xiao, I have to go back. I won't go to your house today. Let's go another day."

"Why don't you go anymore? Didn't you say that you lived in the past?" Luo Xiaoxiao said directly, and the dissatisfaction had been expressed in his tone.

Su Ming couldn't help but Zhao Shaobo went back. Su Ming wanted to go back and talk to him, but at the expense of Luo Xiaoxiao, he could go anyway.

So Su Ming said, "Just bear it, it's not very convenient for my eldest uncle here today."


(End of this chapter)

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