() "Shaobo, it's not that I said you, this time it's because you were too careless. You will really have a snack in the future. If it weren't for Su Ming this time, I guess you might not be able to come out." Wang Tao said.

Zhao Shaobo nodded. He also knew that Wang Tao said it was time. If it weren't for Su Ming, he would definitely not be able to come out. This is a sure thing.

So Zhao Shaobo said: "This time I really have a long memory. I really have to make up my mind, and I will never do those things again, and be a safe man."

"After graduating, just find a job and just go on like this. I don't have to go wrong. I guess my parents won't be able to accept it." It's rare to hear Zhao Shaobo's swearing.

After finishing talking, Zhao Shaobo filled the glass in front of him again, and said, "Come on, drink at the bar. I won't be drunk or return today."

Seeing that Zhao Shaobo seemed to want to start, he looked like he was drinking very happily. In fact, he could see that his heart was very bitter, and he just wanted to vent himself through the wine.

There are only two times when people are very happy when they drink, either when they are particularly happy or when they are particularly sad.

Su Ming stopped Zhao Shaobo and said: "Okay, don't drink too fast. It's not that you are not allowed to drink. This dish is not ready yet. Let's eat and drink, otherwise you will just die. It's boring."

"Shaobo, if you want to give up your computer skills directly, it must be very uncomfortable in your heart." Su Ming asked.

People who want to give up their favorite things must be very sad, just like you give up a woman you love very much.

Zhao Shaobo said: "There must be sadness, otherwise, what else can I do, I am like this, if I touch the computer again, it will only hurt myself. I guess I will only be able to go online and play games in the future."

Su Ming felt uneasy. The look of his good friend made Su Ming a little sad, so Su Ming directly said: "Shaobo, in fact, don't think things so badly. Maybe you should insist on what you like. s things."

"What is the most important thing for a person to live in this world? Is it money or name or other material? In fact, it is not. Only happiness is the most important thing."

Su Ming continued: "If you can't do what you like, that person's life will be meaningless."

"well said!"

The fat man directly took a picture of the table and shouted loudly: "Damn, listening to your words is better than reading for ten years. I will go to major health care tomorrow. The most important thing is to live happily."


"Fatty, don't interrupt me, I'm talking about business with Shaobo here." Su Ming cast a very contemptuous look at the fatty.

Jiuzhuang was guilty. Fatty just drank a little wine. When tomorrow arrives, Su Ming can bet for fifty cents, and the fatty must be afraid.

Zhao Shaobo was also amused by the fat man, and he smiled and said, "I can't help it. It's all like this. I'm completely afraid. Even if I don't care about myself, I have to think about my parents. They are just me. A son."

Zhao Shaobo's worries are justified. His parents are the most important people in the world. When he is old, if he cannot be with his parents, I have to say that this is also a tragedy.

Su Ming thought for a while and said, "Shaobo, I have thought of a way for you. Although you are restricted, don't forget that it is the people in the security department who restrict you. You should find a way to make them believe you. Isn't it all right."

"How to make them believe me? This seems too difficult. I guess it's useless for me to take a poisonous oath." A trace of confusion flashed across Zhao Shaobo's eyes.

Su Ming said directly: "Are you stupid, you just talk about it, it's definitely useless, and they are not stupid."

"I mean, you can join them, then you will be your own." Su Ming thought this way.

"Join them?"

After Zhao Shaobo heard this, his eyes widened, as if he heard something unexpected.

Su Ming said: "I just made a suggestion. What should be done specifically depends on your choice. If you want, it is not impossible."

"It's useless even if I think about it. How could it be possible to ask me in a place like that."

"You think too much about this."

Su Ming couldn't help but said, Su Ming knows all the people in the dragon soul, basically none of them are normal, and they are also not very good, they are all in a certain aspect, have some special skills.

With Zhao Shaobo's level of genius, it is possible to exercise, maybe even join the security department, or even Dragon Soul.

Su Ming said, "I know people over there, and I will call you tomorrow to ask."

"Is it really possible?" Zhao Shaobo's eyes flashed with excitement and hope. In despair, Su Ming let him see hope again.

Su Ming nodded: "I'll talk about it tomorrow, it's not too convenient to call at this point."

After speaking, the four of them drank together, really not getting drunk, and in the end they directly became Su Ming who took three of them, and took them all back to the bedroom.

Even this scene was filmed by students on the road, and Su Ming suddenly became the spokesperson of China's good roommate.


At noon the next day, Su Ming had already gotten up, but the other people in the dormitory were different, and didn't get up until this time.

Su Ming called the white birch in Dragon Soul~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and explained Zhao Shaobo’s situation. Who knows that Su Ming’s surprise was that Bai Hua expressed his greatness in this matter. Interest, this kind of people with special talents in computers is naturally desirable.

So Bai Hua wanted to call Zhao Shaobo over and hone it. If he really met the requirements, it would not be difficult to assign him an identity.

Su Ming has a bottom in his heart, but he can't just agree to Bai Hua. This matter depends on what Zhao Shaobo means.

"Shaobo, I called you to ask. The Beijing side said yes, but you have to go and hone it. I guess if you do go, you will have less chance of coming back." Su Ming saw Zhao Shaobo wake up. , He said.

Zhao Shaobo was stunned over there, he was very excited, but after all he drank too much yesterday, after waking up today, he thought of many of these things.

Just listen to Zhao Shaobo saying: "If I go there, what will my parents do?"

"You don't need to worry about this. It's not about putting you in confinement. You are free to move. You can go back and visit after a holiday."

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