League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 2032: Li Yuanshuang is in a coma

() Zhang Dong smiled, facing Li Yuanshuang, it seemed that his eyes had begun to gradually cool down. He only heard Zhang Dong say: "I'm sorry I will stand here today. If you have any kind, just go straight Come here by car."

"Do you really think I dare not drive over?"

Li Yuanshuang's eyes gradually cooled down. She was not an ordinary girl. A woman like her had never seen any big winds and waves. The most annoying thing was that someone threatened her with this rascal method.

Li Yuanshuang's thinking is different from that of ordinary people. This Zhang Dong probably figured out that Li Yuanshuang would not hit him, so he has been so arrogant.

For this kind of people, they must not be allowed to succeed, so Li Yuanshuang said directly: "Do you really think I dare not drive? Then I will drive it to you, warn you again, and let me go! "

While speaking, Li Yuanshuang directly released the brake and stepped on the accelerator, and the car drove forward slowly.

In fact, Li Yuanshuang has already thought about it. If he is really **** hiding, he will hit him if he hits him. Anyway, there is something to say when the police come to investigate her, not her intention.

Just pay for some medical expenses. In this place in Ningcheng, the police dare to move her, to be honest.

Of course, Li Yuanshuang didn't dare to drive the car too fast. If someone was killed, Li Yuanshuang would be very uneasy if nothing else.

Who knows that Zhang Dong is indeed very clever. I thought that if the car passed by, he would hide, but Li Yuanshuang's car was gradually approaching, but this guy was still standing there, almost like a wooden stake, moving all the way Does not move the bomb.

Li Yuanshuang's heart hesitated for a while, obviously this was different from what she thought, originally in her imagination, this Zhang Dong should be counseled.

But Li Yuanshuang understood it all at once. It was a game. One thought that the other party would definitely not dare to bump into it, and the other believed that the other party would definitely avoid it, and no one wanted to change his mind.

If Li Yuanshuang stopped and counseled, it would prove that she had lost. The expression in Li Yuanshuang's eyes suddenly became firm. She was a disposition to refuse to admit defeat, and she would hit her when she bumped into it. What is there to be afraid of? This guy just asked for it.

So Li Yuanshuang didn't care about that much, stepped on the accelerator a little bit, the car speeded up a bit, and continued to drive forward.


Seeing that he was about to hit Dong Zhang, the guy finally moved, but unexpectedly, Dong Zhang didn't go to avoid it. Instead, he raised his foot and kicked directly on Li Yuanshuang's car.

Immediately, Li Yuanshuang's car shook twice, and Li Yuanshuang in the shaking car was very uncomfortable. It felt like a car accident.

Then Li Yuanshuang was shocked to find out that something went wrong. She was obviously stepping on the accelerator, but she couldn't move it. It seemed that the car encountered strong resistance?

So Li Yuanshuang continued to step on the accelerator. It can be said that the accelerator was stepped on to the end. Her luxury car accelerated very well. The car made a roar. Li Yuanshuang could clearly hear the tires. Spinning around.

But the car just couldn't move, and still couldn't move on the spot. Only then did Li Yuanshuang discover a terrible thing. Could it be this Zhang Dong who blocked the car with one foot?

Li Yuanshuang's first reaction was impossible. How could people go head-to-head with a steel beast like a car? I have only heard of a car crashing people to death, but I have never heard of anyone crashing a car into scrap.

However, this fact appeared in front of Li Yuanshuang, and it was no longer possible to explain it with common sense. It was the first time that this kind of abnormal thing was encountered.

Li Yuanshuang really couldn’t help it. She also realized that it was estimated that Dong Zhang was a bad person, so Li Yuanshuang hurriedly put the car in reverse gear, and then began to move backwards, and quickly turned around to change directions. She didn’t follow When Dong Zhang meets, just throw him off.

The idea is very good, but Li Yuanshuang's car, when turning, Zhang Dong directly rushed up, grabbed the trunk of the car, and kept the car unable to move.

Li Yuanshuang tried twice here, but the car still couldn't move. Then Li Yuanshuang could clearly see what was going on behind through the rearview mirror.

Now Li Yuanshuang really confirmed that this Zhang Dong is indeed a pervert, and he can grab a car of at least a few hundred catties or more at once.

Li Yuanshuang was even more frightened, realizing that something was not right, she quickly took out her mobile phone and dialed Su Ming's phone. In this case, she was very embarrassed and didn't know what to do.

In the car, this car can't be driven at all if it's been knocked out, and if you get out of the car, you don't need to say, it must be no good. Li Yuanshuang is like the whole person in desperate situation, and there is no way.

To say a good way at this time is to call for help. I don't know why, when Su Ming encountered this kind of thing, Su Ming first thought of it, so she quickly dialed Su Ming's phone.

"Hey, Sister Yuan, why did you think of calling me?" Su Ming asked after he got on the phone. He was about to go to Qin Shiyin's house.

After thinking about it, this point should also be when Li Yuanshuang is off work, so Su Ming asked.

"You bitch, get down to me quickly, and even dared to call."

Unexpectedly, Zhang Dong's reaction was not slow. After seeing the car stopped and did not continue driving forward, he immediately reacted. As soon as he saw Li Yuanshuang making a call, he immediately hid Li Yuanshuang's phone call.

If someone is called by Li Yuanshuang and there are more people, UU read www.uukanshu. Com, this will be a certain amount of trouble for him, but fortunately he reacts faster.

Speaking of Li Yuanshuang also made a mistake. She overlooked a detail. Just now she opened the window of the car by herself and asked Dong Zhang to quickly let it go. As a result, she herself forgot to close the window.

After she discovered the problem, it was too late, because Zhang Dong directly snatched her mobile phone and slammed it on the ground. Only when Li Yuanshuang called Su Ming, she only said this. In a word, there is no more.


Immediately, Zhang Dong quickly struck Li Yuanshuang's neck with a hand knife, causing Li Yuanshuang to fall into a coma.

Zhang Dong smiled in his heart, and he finally succeeded. No matter how good he is, he still has to lie down on my bed.

PS: Brothers, the new book "God of Online Games Face Slap System" urgently needs your support. If you have recommendation votes, please vote for the new book. The new book data is too miserable.

(End of this chapter)

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