League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 2052: There is a problem

In fact, without Li Yuanshuang's reminder, Su Ming had already realized it. I guess Li Yuanshuang herself felt uneasy, so she randomly found a reason and called Su Ming over.

Su Ming said directly: "Don't worry, I didn't think of it for a while, I remember it now."

"If you have any dishes, let me wash them for you. Otherwise, if you go back so early, Professor Li might be suspicious." Su Ming smiled and said a few words, and then picked up a basket of spinach. , I went to the sink to wash up.

"By the way, after Zhang Dong died, it caused a stir in Ningcheng, but no one suspected it. It is said that the police said Zhang Dong committed suicide, and the two days of the limelight are about to pass." When Su Ming was washing the vegetables, Li Yuanshuang thought of this and said to Su Ming.

Su Ming nodded, it was fine if nothing happened. It is estimated that this matter has been turned over and there will be no follow-up, and Su Ming does not have to worry too much about Li Yuanshuang.

As for the police, I don’t need to think about it, I don’t know that it is impossible to trace this incident to Li Yuanshuang’s head, and I don’t look at who Li Yuanshuang’s brother is. Who would dare to investigate casually.

After pretending to be in the kitchen for a while, Su Ming walked out directly and chatted with Professor Li for a while. Seeing that the ingredients were still being prepared in the kitchen, it was estimated that it would take a while before eating.

I only heard Professor Li say: "By the way, Su Ming, I just thought of one thing. Just a few days ago, I found a treasure. I heard that you also have research on antiques. I will show it to you."

"Oh, I found something good. Bring it over and show it to me." Su Ming became interested in an instant.

It seemed that he hadn't touched antiques for a long time. Firstly, he didn't have time. Secondly, Su Ming usually had little contact with him.

And Professor Li is obviously very interested. Li Yuanshuang is not interested in these things at all, so he usually stays at home and can't find someone to share his joy.

You know that if you find an antique, you will actually feel a sense of accomplishment, and you can’t wait to share it with others, and you will be even more happy when you hear others praise you for your tastefulness.

"It's this thing, look at it."

After a short while, even Professor Li took out a small object from the room inside him and placed it in front of Su Ming.

Su Ming looked down for several times, but Su Ming was puzzled that he didn't know exactly what this was. It looked very small and exquisite, with a certain sense of simplicity, and at the same time, it looked pale, Qingzhong. With white, it should be a jade.

But Su Ming didn't quite understand what this shape was. Could it be that a piece of jade was carved like this?

So Su Ming said, "Professor Li, what kind of jade is this? It looks very unique and beautiful."

"You don't even know this? This is a snuff bottle." Professor Li said immediately, then looked at Su Ming in amazement. He had heard that Su Ming still had some research on antiques. Why don't you even know this.

Su Ming was embarrassed at the moment. He said that he did research on antiques. To put it bluntly, it was because of his skills. Without the help of skills, Su Ming would have no idea at all. He hadn't seen snuff bottles before. Something.

But Su Ming had heard of snuff bottles, only for a while, did not think about it, and fewer people usually talk about this kind of stuff.

Generally speaking, if you are an antique for a long time, there are two general directions, either porcelain or calligraphy and painting.

Su Ming could only say awkwardly: "I haven't studied this thing very much, so I didn't think of it for a while."

After Professor Li heard it, he didn’t think it was too strange, because snuff bottles are considered antiques, but they are very rare in the antique market. It’s just that in the past two years, some boring talents have started to make snuff bottles. The price in the entire market has been raised many times, and now this thing is already a more sought-after item.

After all these years, it has become more and more difficult to discover real antiques. If you can find them and are in good condition, no matter what it is, even if it is a dirty spittoon, it is estimated that many people want to buy it.

Professor Li said, "It's normal if you don't understand it. This thing is more partial, and it only emerged in the Qing Dynasty. It's not too much, and few people know it."

The so-called snuff bottle is to put some snuff cream in it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then people can put the pot on their nose to smoke, which is more enjoyable, just like smoking cigarettes now.

Although this method sounds a little stupid now, it was very popular in the Qing Dynasty. Many princes and ministers or ordinary people liked to use this thing, which caused it to be popular at the time.

Of course, this gadget was on fire that year. After the Qing Dynasty was wiped out, no one would use it anymore. The snuff bottles handed down gradually became cultural relics and antiques and were kept in collections.

It's just that the Qing Dynasty is not very far away from the present, but only a few hundred years ago. Many snuff bottles handed down are still well preserved.

Of course, snuff bottles are also graded, mainly to see what material the bottom is made of. Like ordinary people use, it is naturally the kind of ordinary material. It will not be too expensive today, at best. It's just a cultural relic with hundreds of years of history.

But Professor Li’s this is different. It is made of jade. At that time, it must be rich princes and ministers who could use jade to build this kind of thing. The value of it is not the same. It should be in the snuff bottle.

So Su Ming smiled and said, "Professor Li, this snuff bottle of yours looks like it's pretty good grade."

"Of course, I tell you, I bought this at a big price, and it was used by a certain prince during the Qianlong period. Do you think it can be of lower grade? This is a blue and white jade snuff bottle. Researched." Professor Li said, seemingly proud.

And Su Ming used Frost Bing's E skill to take a look. As a result, it didn't matter, but Su Ming was completely stunned. There was a problem with this thing.

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