League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 2270: Fight 5 big families

"Mom sells batches—"

It's all right now, even Su Ming was shocked, completely shameless, besides this Gongsun family, several people jumped out unexpectedly.

Su Ming probably went up and counted it, and found that four more people jumped out. These people should belong to several other big families. Among them, one of the Ouyang family, Su Ming’s memory can be said to be particularly deep, because with Su Ming’s Liangzi ,too big.

In this way, Su Ming can guess it out. These five people are probably from the other five families besides the Lin family.

At that time, in the ancient ruins, in addition to the Lin family, there were also two other big families. It was all right now, and all the family members jumped out.

And Su Ming looked at it, and it turned out that these people who jumped out were all in the late stage of Void Refining Realm. Since they have already talked about people of the Heavenly Tribulation Realm level, they couldn't make a move.

Then, under the Heavenly Tribulation Realm, isn't the most powerful thing in the late stage of Void Refining Realm? They sent people from the late stage of Refining Void Realm to take action, obviously it was for Su Ming's life.

In the beginning, the people of the Gongsun family responded faster and were the first to stand up.

After the Gongsun clan took action, other people naturally couldn't sit still. They couldn't let the Gongsun clan take advantage of it alone. Everyone wanted to curry favor with such a top power as the Ghost Sect. This was also normal.

When the Ghost Sect was in conflict with the Lin family, in fact, people from several other big families came and hid in secret to see what was going on. Although the Lin family knew about this kind of thing, the Lin family was already overwhelmed. Now, how can there be functions to manage so many.

Seeing that the situation wasn't quite right, the other families all followed the same example. Like the Gongsun family, they sent a master of the late stage of Void Refining Realm to intervene.

While fawning over the Ghost Sect, he was able to destroy the Lin Family easily.

Every big family has a certain background. If the Lin family is destroyed, they can take over some things left behind by the Lin family. Who doesn't want to share some benefits for this kind of thing? It's normal.

Su Ming couldn't help but feel pain. He said to his heart how bad the Lin family’s relationship was. After the accident, a friend of the other big families didn’t help. Instead, they all planned to come up for a stabbing. It's really not so good.

It is estimated that there is a certain relationship with the Lin family, and Su Ming also has some opinions on the Lin family.

The three masters of the Underworld Sect were obviously very happy. They were quite satisfied with the reaction of the five major families. At least these people came out to protect them, which showed that there was no life-threatening for them.

One of the masters of the Ghost Sect said: "Okay, your families performed very well. Today you destroyed the Lin Family, and the benefits of looking back are indispensable to you. The things of the Lin Family can be divided among your major families."

Listening to this group of people, they are already discussing what benefits can be allocated after the Lin family is destroyed, the Lin family members are very angry.

These people are really too much, and they didn't put the Lin family in their eyes at all.

However, they were furious, and what could they say when they didn't have the strength to beat others? Looking at it this way, the Lin family was in danger again.

Su Ming also had a headache. No wonder he was rewarded with two hundred points for this task. In fact, the difficulty of the task was only ten stars, and there was no higher level on the Internet.

Generally speaking, ten stars are rewarded with 100 points, but this time Su Ming was given a reward of 200 points. It is said that the task is very difficult.

Sure enough, what the system said was pretty good. The difficulty of this task was not a little bit difficult. It might be the most difficult of all the tasks that Su Ming had done.

After spending a long time trying to get these masters of the Ghost Sect, Su Ming thought that his task today could be said to be completed, who knows the situation is far more complicated than Su Ming thought.

Each of the five big clans sent out one person, which means that there are still five great powerhouses in the late stage of Void Refining Realm. What can be done about this, how Su Ming can fight, it is simply impossible to fight.

Even if Su Ming is in full condition and has all the skills, he can't win by playing five by himself. It was very difficult to play three just now, and the difficulty of five has risen by more than one level.

Not to mention that Su Ming is now running out of ammunition and food. How can this be done? Su Ming really didn't understand what to do.

"Boy, you are so courageous, you even dared to kill anyone from the Shadow Soul Sect." The guy from the Gongsun family said directly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Su Ming didn't say anything, but just took care of it. It was simply mentally retarded, Su Ming was thinking at this time, what should he do, the situation in front of him, it seems that he can no longer solve the situation alone.

"Quickly get out of my way, we are going to move the Lin family, don't get in the way here." Another guy said.

Who knows the strong man of the Ouyang family in the late stage of Void Refining Realm, but he directly said: "What are you doing nonsense with him? This kid has been fighting for a long time just now. It should be time for weakness now. We just need to get him. Just die."

"Mom sells batches—"

Su Ming directly cursed again, saying that this Ouyang family really didn’t have a good thing. He didn’t even want to let Su Ming go. Hearing what he meant, he wanted to kill Su Ming if it was not obvious, and then Do you deal with the Lin family?

Originally, Su Ming wanted to pretend to be compelling and said something fearless. For example, if I want to move the Lin family, trouble stepping on my body, because I have a task, and my brother is also here, Su Ming Not to the point of endangering his life, I really didn't want to leave right away.

But these people are too shameless, and they didn't give Su Ming the opportunity to pretend to be coerced at all. Now that's good, Su Ming may not be able to pretend to be coerced, and these people never thought of letting Su Ming go.

"I got on first—"

The guy from the Ouyang family should know who Su Ming is, so he was the first to rush up, planning to kill Su Ming, showing the value of hatred towards Su Ming.

When the other families saw that the Ouyang family moved so fast, everyone was comparing it together. How could the Ouyang family get the limelight? So the other families took action together.

These masters are also shameless at all, and the five Void Refining Stages bullied Su Ming alone.

(End of this chapter)

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