Of course, then again, if the ancestors of the Lin family were intact and intact, there would be no such thing as the current situation. The ancestors of the Gongsun family would probably not be able to take action.

After all, it was really fighting, and the two of them couldn't tell the victory or defeat in a half-and-a-half moment.

Everyone is not a fool. The ancestor of the Gongsun family must have ran out after seeing that the ancestor of the Lin family had been seriously injured.

The face of the ancestor of the Lin family was very ugly. Originally, I thought that the Lin family would be able to escape the catastrophe today, because the Ghost Sect was already defeated at this time.

Hearing the Lin family’s ancestor, he said: "Gongsun Daoyou, don’t go too far. Although our two families are not close, but we and I have no grievances, why do you want to put us in the Lin family? To death, are you really going to break the rules?"

However, the ancestor of the Gongsun family grinned directly and said: "The rules are for the dead."

As soon as this sentence appeared, everyone's expressions changed unanimously. The meaning expressed by the ancestor of the Gongsun family was already very obvious. He must take care of his business today and take this opportunity to destroy the Lin family directly.

"Who killed someone from my Gongsun family, stand up for me!" A murderous aura suddenly emerged from the Gongsun family.

He wants to avenge the elder of the Gongsun family who died tragically in the hands of Tibbers, and then slowly move the Lin family.

This time, among the five major families, the Gongsun family was the most shameless. Even the ancestors in the family came, but the ancestors of the other major families did not come.

Therefore, in this matter, the Gongsun family can be said to have the upper hand, he can directly destroy the Lin family, and then say that it is the Gongsun family.

The main thing that wants to destroy the Lin family is to go to the Lin family's property. Every Guwu family will have a lot of property after so many years. Who doesn't like to do this kind of looting.

Of course, their grandson family wanted to swallow all the benefits of the Lin family by one person. It was also impossible, and people from the other big families would definitely not agree.

But after their Gongsun family seized the opportunity, they would definitely be able to divide the benefits a bit more, this is the most important thing.

The ancestor of the Gongsun family has become the biggest boss in the audience at this time. It can be said that the people present together are probably not his opponents. The few people who can fight the most are all seriously injured at this time. Improved combat effectiveness.

After he finished speaking, many people looked at the little Lolita in Su Ming's arms. Just now, the little Lolita summoned a big bear and killed all the members of the five big families.

The old man of the Gongsun family stared at Su Ming unconsciously and said, "Boy, you did it, right?"

"It's not me, it's a big bear. If you were by the side just now, you should have seen it, I didn't do anything at all." Su Ming deliberately shook his head and said, feeling like he didn't know anything.


But the ancestor of the Gongsun family, not like 250, let Su Ming just fool around. He only heard him coldly snorted, and then said directly: "You little boy interrupted me here. "

"I asked about the bear just now. Did you get it out?"

"If I said no, would you believe me?" Su Ming said.

The ancestor of the Gongsun family obviously has no interest in continuing to talk nonsense with Su Mingduo, and directly yelled: "Dare to kill the elders of my Gongsun family, you are so bold!"

While speaking, the ancestor of the Gongsun family directly raised his palm, obviously intending to slap Su Ming to death.

"It's over—"

The ancestor of the Gongsun family only moved, and Su Ming felt that the surrounding auras had changed a little. The powerhouses of the Heavenly Tribulation Realm were not the same. People in other realms simply couldn’t imitate this kind of momentum. of.

Su Ming also knew that he had almost nothing to count on. He killed the five powerful clans in the late stage of the Void Refining Realm. The result was all right now. Another Heavenly Tribulation Realm came, and it was strange that Su Ming could escape.

I can only wait for death. The key is that none of them ran away, including the little Lori and the Demon Marsh Frog. Su Ming tried to keep them both at first, but in the end it was not successful. Both of these guys were beside Su Ming. .

It is conceivable that even if Su Ming died in a while, the two of them would not be able to escape, and eventually they would go down with Su Ming.

"Dare to move my son, you are so bold!"

Just when Su Ming closed his eyes in despair, suddenly a domineering voice floated in the sky.

Su Ming opened his eyes abruptly. He had heard this voice for twenty years, and he was so familiar with it. Isn't this the voice of Su Qishan?

It was definitely Su Qishan's voice. Su Ming could be sure that he had heard it right. Su Ming's original desperate heart suddenly came back to life.

I really didn't expect Su Qishan to come over at this critical time. Su Ming thought that Su Ming was on a business trip. This time it was definitely too late.

The ancestor of the Gongsun family had originally planned to take action, but after hearing this voice, he listened to it.

From this voice, he heard an unusual breath. This person can contain such a powerful voice in his voice. He must be a master. For a while, even the ancestor of the Gongsun family would not dare to care. , Yelled suddenly: "Who?"

"Who, you bully my son, and ask me who I am."

When the voice fell~www.wuxiaspot.com~Su Qishan's figure quietly fell in front of Su Ming.

Su Ming looked up at this time and saw that it was Su Qishan's back, which looked the same as when he was a child, and his father's back was as great as ever.

"It's him!"

"It turned out to be him!"

"He really is here!"

After seeing Su Qishan, the people of the Lin family had a weird expression on their faces, especially the faces of the ancestors of the Lin family and those elders, showing very complicated expressions.

It's just that Su Ming has been staring at Su Qishan now, and has no time to pay attention to the situation on the Lin family.

The younger generation of the Lin family may not know Su Qishan yet, they just heard some of his deeds, they don't know this person, but the older ones are impressed with Su Qishan.

Although twenty years have passed, everyone can recognize it at a glance, and many people even insist that it was Su Qishan who harmed the Lin family and caused the Lin family to become what it is today.

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