"its not right."

After Su Ming used Quinn's skills to take a look, he took a look at the Master Yi in front of him, and after looking at it, he found that this person did not have any vitality fluctuations at all.

I couldn't see any realm, indicating that this was an ordinary person, not an ancient warrior at all.

Su Ming said in his heart that if he was not disappointed, it would be impossible. At first he thought he had got a master to help him.

Unexpectedly, after working on it for a long time, it was discovered that it was not an ancient warrior at all.

In the current state of Su Ming, there are already a lot of masters that he has come into contact with, even the ancient martial artist of the general state is not necessarily good.

An ordinary person next to Su Ming is even more useless. It may not even count as cannon fodder. It is impossible to say that he can help Su Ming in future battles. Of it.

There are some differences from Su Ming’s initial assumptions, but it doesn’t matter. Anyway, it’s better than nothing. Now that it is drawn out, it has a certain value in reality, and there is no expectation for him. use.

It's just that when this guy came out, he looked very awesome, he looked calm, and he looked like a master, but it took a long time to find out that this guy is not a awesome character at all.

Su Ming looked at this guy, still pretending to be compelling, so Su Ming couldn't help but teased: "You said to be my guard, how is your strength?"

In fact, Su Ming already knows exactly what he is, and it can be clear at a glance with a glance at Quinn's skills.

Su Ming just felt that this guy was too boring, so he wanted to tease him and adjust the current atmosphere.

Unexpectedly, Master Yi still seemed to have no change in face, and slowly uttered a few words: "Unfathomable!"


Su Ming almost couldn't help but squirted it out directly, saying that the young man was really confident enough. He had never seen such a thick-skinned person.

In the world of ancient martial arts, after seeing so many bigwigs, Su Ming's current strength is just a scum, maybe in the world, it is already very good.

But in the world of ancient martial arts, this is nothing, so no matter how confident Su Ming is, he dare not say that he is unfathomable.

As a result, Master Yi was really confident, and he said that he was unfathomable, and Su Ming couldn't help but laugh.

Su Ming smiled and resisted, after all, in front of others, if he laughed out like this, it seemed that he didn't respect them much.

But looking at Master Yi's face, it was quite calm, as if he didn't care about Su Ming's laugh just now.

Master Yi was in the room this night, and it didn't seem very good, so Su Ming asked: "Then what, where are you going this night?"

When I asked this sentence, I felt that I was very stupid. It would be better not to ask. People came out only because they didn't understand anything. How could he know where to go.

Sure enough, Master Yi said, "I don't need to go anywhere, just stand next to the master."

What Su Ming heard was terrifying, and his heart said I was sleeping. Why are you standing next to me? If there is a person standing next to the bed, who can sleep peacefully.

"How can this work? I sleep at night, how can you be next to you, don't you sleep?" Su Ming asked directly.

Master Yi seemed as calm as ever, and slowly said, "I can sleep or not. Master, you will be fine."

Although the strength of this product is not very good, it is still quite polite. This makes Su Ming more satisfied. It really looks like the kind of guards with swords around the emperor in ancient times. If you have anything to do, just one sentence will do.

There is a person standing next to this night. It must not be good. It seems too infiltrating. After thinking about it, I'd better put him in the system space and make do with it overnight.

This product came out so suddenly that Su Ming didn't have any preparations. There were only two beds at home, and he couldn't sleep.

You can sleep on the sofa, but when I get up tomorrow morning, it’s not easy to explain. A person suddenly came to my home in the middle of the night, and the dress is still so weird. It’s really not easy to explain. This product looks like an ancient Same as people.

The best way at the moment is to put him in the system space and think about how to place the goods tomorrow.

So Su Ming said: "I'll put you in a place first, so you can take a good rest. Is there anything we can say tomorrow?"

"It's all based on the master's orders!" Master Yi didn't care at all.

Su Ming directly put him in the system space. Just like Su Ming thought, Master Yi is a character produced by the system, which is different from ordinary people and can be placed in the system space.


After getting up the next morning, everything returned to normal life, as if nothing had happened. Su Qishan went to work, and there were still a lot of things waiting for him in the machinery factory.

In addition, Little Lolita had already taken a few days off. She herself wanted to go to school. Su Ming got up early in the morning, took her to breakfast, and then sent her to the kindergarten.

After working hard and returning home, Su Ming remembered that there was a Master Yi in the system space.

Directly release Master Yi in the system space. This product seems to have a shape~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Standing still in front of Su Ming, while holding the shining silver sword on him Behind.

It looks like a straight pine tree, this body should be more standard than those professional soldiers.

Seeing his upright look, Su Ming felt a bit painful, so he said, "What, do you want to eat?"

"The subordinates are indeed a little hungry, but I can eat whatever the owner ordered, or not." Master Yi continued to say honestly.

Su Ming is already speechless, and my heart said, why do you have to eat a meal and I will give you a full screen? What's the use of this? Wouldn't it be mine if I starved to death?

I thought that this product is so pretending that it doesn't need to eat, and it is not necessary to say it early. If it weren't for Su Ming's question, it is estimated that this product would not have said it.

Su Ming said: "You sit here for a while, I'll get you some food."

While Master Yi was eating, Su Ming discovered that this product was still eating with a helmet. It was a bit abnormal. Su Ming felt that it was necessary to help him change his appearance.

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