League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 2291: Someone is coming

Regarding the issue of addressing, Su Ming felt that he had to remind him, otherwise, in reality, such addressing would be too weird. No one would call someone the master.

Before, the old fellow Gu King liked to call Su Ming as his master, and Su Ming was about to commit embarrassment.

If there is no one, it would be fine, but if there are too many people, then it sounds more embarrassing. Maybe Master Yi doesn't think there is anything, but Su Ming can't accept it.

When someone asked him what was going on, Master Yi didn't say a word like this, and it was Su Ming who had to bother to explain in the end.

Just take advantage of the fact that there are no people now, so tell him in advance so that he has a number in his heart.

Unexpectedly, after Master Yi heard this, he shook his head quickly and said: "That's not good. There is a difference between inferiority and inferiority. How can I directly call you by name?

Su Ming could be said to be full of black lines, and he was already a little unbearable. He said in his heart what age it was, and he even had a big rebellion.

This guy's thinking felt that it belonged to the more traditional thinking of ancient times, which made Su Ming feel a little painful.

But this must be changed, this kind of thinking is not good, so Su Ming persuaded: "Master Yi, your kind of thinking is problematic, maybe you don't know it, everyone in this world pays attention to equality. "

"Of course, it is not true that everyone is equal. If you have money and power, your status will naturally be higher. Of course, the highest status is still the handsome ones like us."

Su Ming continued and said: "What does it mean to tell you this? Since we are friends, then everyone is the same. There is no such thing as respect and inferiority."

"So you just call my name directly, the address is the same, there is no difference, you just don't care so much." Su Ming said.


Master Yi still looks a little uncomfortable, and it seems that he can't change his mouth for a while.

Su Ming glanced at this guy speechlessly, and said that if it was impossible to say so well, then he could only take some forceful measures.

So Su Ming used the tone of command and said directly: "Then I order you now. From now on, I have to change my tongue. Just call me Su Ming. Do you know?"


Sure enough, Master Yi immediately made his whole body look straighter, and he agreed directly.

Su Mingxin said that this product is also a weird thing, and it is impossible to talk to him properly, and you have to order it yourself.

After correcting this point, Su Ming said: "Let's go, I will take you to a friend, let's have a meal, and arrange a place for you to stay."

Su Ming drove the winning Mercedes-Benz before and took Master Yi to Cheng Ruofeng’s company. You don’t need to think about this and know that Cheng Ruofeng must be in the company. The two of them are really familiar. Su Ming didn’t even have a phone call. Hit, it just passed directly.

This is Su Ming's own security company. Su Ming is the boss behind the scenes. Everyone in the company knows Su Ming, so it doesn't matter. Just go in directly when Su Ming arrives.

"Oh, why are you here, boss?"

After Su Ming entered, he knocked on the office door twice. In fact, this door was open. The purpose of knocking on the door was to remind Cheng Ruofeng that he was here.

Cheng Ruofeng looked at the computer screen and didn't know what he was doing. When Su Ming was here, he immediately raised his head and quickly stood up and said.

Su Ming nodded to Cheng Ruofeng, motioned him to stop being so polite, and said: "I'll introduce you to this. This is a friend of mine. I brought you to know him today."

"Oh, hello, my name is Cheng Ruofeng, sit down quickly, and I will let the secretary bring in two cups of tea." Cheng Ruofeng immediately spoke politely when he heard that it was Su Ming's friend.

The reaction from Master Yi still seemed quite plain. It did not seem to have been infected by Cheng Ruofeng's enthusiasm. It was just a polite stroke Cheng Ruofeng nodded.

This guy’s temper is like this, and it’s so painful, he doesn’t like to talk, so Su Ming said: “This guy is a senior from afar, you just call him Lao Yi.”

"This person usually looks like this. He has a cold personality and doesn't like to talk. He doesn't even care about me, so you just get used to it." Su Ming explained to him.

Cheng Ruofeng didn't care much about this. Everyone has different personalities. There are too many people he has contact with, and there are many people like this kind of noble.

Since it is Su Ming's friend, it doesn't matter. Anyway, Cheng Ruofeng, he is looking at Su Ming's face.

After Cheng Ruofeng's secretary brought two cups of tea in, he heard Cheng Ruofeng speak and said: "Boss, what are you going to do with Brother Yi?"

Based on Cheng Ruofeng’s understanding of Su Ming, he knew that Su Ming would not bring someone at will and let him get to know him. That would be too painful. Just take it out for a meal and get to know him. Why take it to the company? .

Since Su Ming brought people to his office, it proved that Su Ming must have some ideas.

Su Ming didn't intend to hide anything, he said directly: "My brother, I have been in the mountains and forests for too long. This is his first time out of the mountains. He doesn't know much about modern life. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ So I thought about bringing him to the company, arranging a position for him, and letting him experience normal urban life."

Su Ming said: "Anyway, when you come back to this position, you can just look at the arrangement. He is still quite skilled."

Although Master Yi is not an ancient martial artist, Su Ming also knows that Master Yi will never be weak based on his own judgment. Compared with general well-trained bodyguards, he is probably much stronger.

It is more than enough to allow Master Yi to do some security work. Although it may be true that for a character like Master Yi, there may be some talents, but it is for him to adapt to life.

As soon as Cheng Ruofeng heard this, he immediately nodded and agreed. This is Su Ming's company. Is there any room for him to refuse? Not to mention that this is nothing at all.

Just listen to Cheng Ruofeng say: "This is no problem, I will just arrange a position for him when I look back, and see what he likes to do."

"Bro Feng, someone came to our company to make trouble." At this moment, Hu Zi suddenly rushed in.

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