League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 2303: Luckily I didn't leave just now

"The following is the last program of the Chinese Department this time, and it is also the most anticipated finale. I have asked Ming Su to bring you a violin performance." On the stage, the host forcibly raised his breath and said loudly.

In fact, looking at the reactions of the audience below, the two presenters are not very excited. If they weren't both from the Chinese department, it means that they share the honor and disgrace with the Chinese department. I am afraid that the two of them can't hold on.

Xin said that it was the last show anyway, and I finished the good show quickly. If this goes on, I am afraid it will be too much.

And everyone knows that Su Ming's level is definitely the highest, and they have heard something about it before.

In this last show, I don't know what Su Ming can perform, not to mention how good the performance is. In short, it can be regarded as a good shot and it is not so uncomfortable.


After the host's voice fell, there was a sparse applause. Not many people applauded at all, and even the audience left the scene.

The people present were tortured to death by the previous show. This person with poor psychological endurance has no love at this time, and there is no energy to sit there, let alone applaud.

The few people who applauded, the main reason for applauding was because they heard that this was the last show, and they immediately refreshed, saying that this is the last show, and they can finally be relieved, so I should give them some encouragement and let them end early. Right.

In this not very warm or even deserted atmosphere, Su Ming came to the stage with a violin in his hand.

This violin was the one borrowed by the instructor before, and Su Ming didn't go for a good one. There are indeed both good and bad instruments, and at least the tone is different.

But the most important thing is to see the level of the performer. If the level is not good, even the best instrument is given to you, and the things you pull out are still inaudible.

It can only be said that those very top-level people can use top-level musical instruments to assist themselves after their technology has reached the point where they cannot break through, otherwise the impact will be relatively large.

But on this occasion, Su Ming wanted a good musical instrument, it was useless. There were a few people present who really understood the violin. With a little bit of strength, he could listen to these people in a daze. of.

When Su Ming was flashing, the principal was stunned. It turned out to be Su Ming. He was so familiar with him. When school started not long ago, he was very annoyed by him, saying that he was a man. The troublesome kid is not wrong at all.

But this kid had a background, and the principal couldn't do anything about him. After meeting, he had to greet him with a smile.

I never thought that Su Ming came up to perform this last show. Can this kid have talent?

I don't know why, from the bottom of his heart, the principal feels that he is just a dude, and he can't have any talent.

Suddenly the principal thought of a possibility, is it a teacher of this Chinese department? Knowing that Su Ming has a very big background, he didn't dare to do anything to him, so he deliberately asked him to come up to perform a show and act like a show for himself. .

Thinking of this, the principal's face is not so good. If this is the case, it is equivalent to lying to him. This is absolutely unacceptable.

The principal didn't speak any more, but looked at the stage with a sullen face. He usually hates anything that his subordinates give him the most.

Let's watch it again, anyway, a show only takes a few minutes, and I don't miss these few minutes, so let's talk about it after I finish watching it.

If he was really fooling him, he would not dare to touch Su Ming, but it was still possible to touch the leaders and counselors of the Chinese Department.

In the next second, Su Ming’s performance began. Basically, no time was wasted on the stage. The piano had already been tuned before the stage. If you really waited for it to be played on stage, there would be a kind of pretense. The suspicion is inside.

Going on stage is just putting the piano on one's shoulders and putting it in a comfortable and elegant posture is almost the same.

After the piano sounded, everyone was surprised at the first second. The sound sounded okay, indicating that this kid did have two shots. The violin was practiced. If the real level is not in place, everyone will be able to hear the sound after it rang .

The headmaster's expression also eased slightly. This kid has something that makes him interested in continuing to listen.

But after a while, the expressions on everyone's faces were still shocked, and at first they didn't hear much.

But after the melody sounded ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, everyone felt the beauty of it. For the first time, I discovered that the violin can make such a good sound. How come it is different from the violin I heard before.

The reactions of the students in Su Ming's class were similar. After the shock on everyone's faces faded, the expressions on their faces gradually began to enjoy.

This kind of wonderful music is hard to come by. You have to listen carefully. After you pass this village, you won't have this shop.

This time, Su Ming’s performance is longer. In response to the advice of the instructor, Su Ming’s performance this time is still relatively long, about five minutes.

After the song was finished, the scene fell into a short silence. It was obvious that everyone was shocked. They didn't realize that Su Ming's performance was over, and they were still enjoying mesmerizingly.

The counselor was the first to react, with a smile on his face, and kept saying: "Great, it's finally stable now."

After saying those things to the principal before, in fact he himself was more nervous. After all, who can say such things accurately, no one is absolutely sure.

After seeing Su Ming's performance, the instructor finally put his heart back, and his level was higher than the first time he listened, and compared to the real top artist, there was no difference.

If this kind of performance is still unsatisfactory, I am afraid that there will be no more perfect performance.

The expression on the principal's face was also extremely shocking. Like countless students present, he was shocked by Su Ming's performance. I didn't expect to hear such wonderful music.

After a few seconds, the shocked look on the principal's face probably faded, and he kept muttering to himself: "Fortunately, I didn't leave. Fortunately, I didn't leave."

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