Sure enough, Luo Xiaoxiao nodded and said, "Su Ming, we really thought about this in the beginning."

"The three corpses have something in common. There is only one thing in common, that is, the deaths of these three corpses are particularly miserable, and they have all lost their kidneys, so people can't help but doubt that. "

Luo Xiaoxiao continued to speak: "Through our restoration of the scene, we found that the three people had no struggling before their deaths, and no fatal wounds were found on their bodies, only the abdomen was opened flat. of."

People can’t help but feel a bit oozing. Su Ming probably understood what Luo Xiaoxiao meant. Su Ming asked: "You mean that the deceased should have fainted early. Was killed in a painful situation?"

"Through our autopsy, we didn't find any medicated ingredients in the corpse's mouth. At the same time, we looked at the back of the neck and there was no trace of being hit."

Luo Xiaoxiao said: "When the case is here, we have encountered a difficulty. We don't even know how the victim was stunned."

"Moreover, through investigation, we can be sure that there is no such organ selling organs in Ningcheng. As early as a few years ago, Ningcheng has dealt a great blow to this situation. Remember the sensation of selling kidneys across the country. Mobile news?"

Luo Xiaoxiao said: "That incident actually happened in Ningcheng. The kid selling the kidney was not from Ningcheng, but he contacted an underground buyer in Ningcheng, and it became big news. For the entire Ningcheng, it has had a bad impact."

Su Ming was stunned to hear it. I didn’t expect such a thing. This news is a big news, and it has even turned into a joke. It was almost broken. After people bought a good phone, they would tease. , I bought it by selling my kidney.

From this aspect, one can imagine the sensation of the news at the time, and it caused a bad influence. It is affirmative. When people call this young man mentally retarded, they will definitely pay attention to why Ningcheng has such an underground. Organizations can buy human kidneys, which is not a good thing.

Su Ming said: "So at that time, after causing a bad influence, he started to be hit, right?"

"Yes, I was not in Ningcheng at that time. I still listened to Director Wang. At that time, Secretary Li Ziyao personally gave the order." Luo Xiaoxiao said.

"I'm afraid this is nothing strange, maybe it's because the past few years have passed, and there has been a resurgence."

"I don’t think it’s very likely, because if there is such a thing, there should be news, and the real organizations that sell these are all paying for it. Everyone relies on you to please me, not through this A means."

Thinking about it this way, there seems to be some truth in what they are saying. Those underground organizations will not be so frantic and will continue to kill people. It is not a mature method to get these things through killing.

"Then what do you think is going on?" Su Ming asked nonsense again.

If Luo Xiaoxiao knew what was going on, would he still use it to ask him.

Just listen to Luo Xiaoxiao said: "How do I know that the people in the current bureau have been investigating this matter all night, and there has been no progress at all."

"The deceased had no choice about where to kill or the person killed. It is estimated that he was selected at random, and through the corpse, we did not find any evidence. The investigation stopped, so I came to you to see what happened. Yes." Luo Xiaoxiao said.

There are many large and small cases that are usually dealt with. Now it is basically a big case. Luo Xiaoxiao will only deal with it. There is no need to count on Luo Xiaoxiao for small things.

However, when encountering this kind of unsolvable matter, he can only come to Su Ming. In the depths of Luo Xiaoxiao's heart, there is actually a sense of dependence, and Su Ming can solve things that she can't solve.

Su Ming couldn't help but vomited: "How do you think you policemen were? How could they not be able to deal with the case? When you didn't know me before, how did you deal with this kind of thing? ?"

"There were many bizarre and weird cases in the past, and we are doing our best to deal with them. If we can't handle them, it will become a dead case, and there will be no more after that."

Luo Xiaoxiao said: "If you look at the dossier, you will know how many unsolvable cases have accumulated in the police station. There is no more information on those cases, but no one knows."

Su Ming was stunned. I didn’t know that there was such a thing before. I wanted to complain about it, but after thinking about it, there are so many bizarre things in this something supernatural happens. If this is the case, I am afraid that it is really not something ordinary people can solve, no matter how powerful the detection technology is, it is useless.

Luo Xiaoxiao had already started to eat, and only heard Luo Xiaoxiao say: "Su Ming, you just talk about it, what do you think is going on?"

Su Ming was speechless when he was asked, and he vomited: "I just figured out what's going on. You let me say, I can tell you something, and I can't just make anything to fool you. "

"By the way, there is one thing here, I think you might be able to understand it." Luo Xiaoxiao said.

Immediately, Luo Xiaoxiao put down his chopsticks, took out his mobile phone, turned out a picture and said to Su Ming.

Su Ming looked dumbfounded, and then asked, "What is this?"

"The second thing in common among the three crime scenes is that there will be such strange symbols at the scene, and I don't know what kind of symbol they are, but every crime scene has them. This should be left by the murderer. "Luo Xiaoxiao said.

Luo Xiaoxiao photographed all the strange symbols found in the three cases. They were in three different locations and their sizes were different, but the symbols were the same.

Su Ming took a look at it, and to be honest, he didn't understand it at all. He only felt that it was similar to ghost painting symbols, which were all strange symbols.

It seemed to be a little messy, Su Ming could vaguely feel that this should have something to do with the things on the rune paper.

Thinking of this, Su Ming opened the card grand move. Don’t forget that after the card grand move is upgraded, there is another powerful function, which is to let Su Ming understand some feng shui common sense, the strange symbols on it, I'm afraid it has something to do with Feng Shui.

(End of this chapter)

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