Su Ming also knew that this time, he had undoubtedly made a profit, and he also made a relatively large amount of money.

Two common skills that hadn't been used much at all, they came out and merged into a big move at once, and it was still a very powerful big move, which can definitely be used in battle.

This is a question of probability. It is estimated that if two different skills are combined on it, the results will be different.

After thinking about it for a while, Su Ming was quite thankful that he had used these two skills, otherwise he wouldn't be able to get this skill.

After the function of the fusion skill came out, it can be said that it came up to give Su Ming a surprise, allowing Su Ming to obtain a powerful skill for nothing.

Compared with the previous two tasteless skills, the effect of this skill is undoubtedly much stronger. Then Su Ming suddenly thought of something, so Su Ming quickly asked: "Yes, I will come again. Let’s take a look at what other skills are not very useful. Let me see if they can be integrated."

After a glance, Su Ming found that it was still quite difficult to choose, but it was not difficult to continue to pick two more tasteless skills.

For example, the Q skills of the weapon master, including the blind man's ult, may be quite strong in the early fights, but now they are of little use.

Facing the battle of the ancient warriors, these skills are nothing but tasteless in the tasteless ribs, and they can't play a big role. If they can, Su Ming really thinks about it.

After tasting the sweetness of fusion just now, Su Ming was really addicted for a while, so Su Ming said: "Xiao Na, come, let me fuse two skills."

When speaking, Su Ming was still looking forward to it, and he didn't know what kind of good skills could be combined with this.

But Xiaona said in an annoyed way: "Come on, Master, do you think you can merge if you want to merge?"

"What do you mean?"

"This fusion function also has a cooling time, OK? After using it once, you have to cool down for a month before you can merge again." Xiaona said.

"What the hell?"

Su Ming's whole person was shocked, this special lady is still cooling down? Moreover, he was completely frantic and had to cool down for a month. I have never seen such a long cooling time. This is so speechless.

Xiaona continued: "Yes, this is the rule of the system. If you want to re-integrate, wait a month before you talk, otherwise I can't help you."

"Awesome, can't afford it!"

The system is still awesome, and Su Ming can't afford it at all. There is no other way but to continue to bear it. Let's talk about it in a month, anyway, it is not in a hurry.

Su Ming thought about it again. With the Galio skill that he had just acquired, his mood improved in an instant. People, let's keep a more relaxed mood.


After waking up the next morning, Luo Xiaoxiao was a little frightened by Su Ming. He actually refused Su Ming’s request for morning exercises, got up, and put on the clothes at the speed of a world champion. Well, people can't help but look dumbfounded.

After the two had breakfast, they returned to Ningcheng City. After returning, Luo Xiaoxiao went directly to the bureau. Because the impact of this case was too great, Luo Xiaoxiao was a direct participant. There is definitely no way to hide, he must go back and participate in the follow-up work of this case.

However, looking at Luo Xiaoxiao's energy, it is obvious that he is still very strong, but he seems to be more energetic. It seems that after being exercised by Su Ming yesterday, he has grown a lot today.

Su Ming didn’t have much to do. He returned home and rested for a while. At four o’clock in the afternoon, I went to pick up little Lolita from school. She wanted to eat pizza, so Su Ming took her and went to Pizza Hut to eat something. .

After going back at night, Little Lolita didn't want to eat anymore. After watching Su Qishan came back, Su Ming handed Little Lolita to him and went out by herself.

For two days, I didn't go to Qin Shiyin's house. After returning, Su Ming went over to cook for her exactly at night.

It should have been some time since she took Xiao Lolita out today. I don't know if Qin Shiyin has eaten it yet. At this point in time, she should be off work.

But Su Ming didn’t call Qin Shiyin anymore. The two of them are not too used to communicating with mobile phones, anyway, Qin Shiyin doesn’t go anywhere, so he must be at home, so just get her something to eat after arriving. .

After driving to Qin Shiyin's house, Su Ming found that Qin Shiyin's car had been parked in the yard, which meant that Qin Shiyin had left work.

"I go----"

After Su Ming came to the house, he was suddenly All this is because of Qin Shiyin's shape.

What Su Ming didn't expect was that after Qin Shiyin went home, he still dressed up, wearing a black dress.

I've seen Qin Shiyin wear a dress before, and Su Ming discovered that Qin Shiyin seems to particularly prefer the black one. Maybe the black one looks a little colder.

Today's black dress looks different from the previous one, but it still looks very dazzling, as if it is the brightest star in the night sky.

But the only thing that made Su Ming dissatisfied was that Qin Shiyin’s dresses seemed to be too conservative. The ladies’ dresses were basically tube tops, or they were backless, but Qin Shiyin’s looks, But the whole person is completely wrapped together.

Su Ming didn't want Qin Shiyin to be so exposed, but a little bit **** might be better.

But that was just Su Ming's thoughts. He also knew that Qin Shiyin's character would not be so revealing. He was not a casual person at home, let alone in public places.

Su Ming said, "Why do you want to go on a date if you look so good?"

"Su Ming, you are here. I think you haven't come here yet, and I thought you wouldn't be here today."

When Qin Shiyin saw Su Ming coming, his eyes suddenly brightened, and he even couldn't help being brighter. He only heard Qin Shiyin directly say: "Hurry up, take your clothes off."

"What the hell?"

Su Ming was stunned, and said to his heart that it was too sudden. Qin Shiyin actually made such a bold request to himself, leaving Su Ming unprepared for a while.

This kind of thing requires a bit of atmosphere.

Recommend the new book of Urban Great God Lao Shi:

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