Someone came to Qin Shiyin. This was a normal thing. After all, Qin Shiyin's face value, once arrived in this kind of public place, he didn't know how many men's attention would be attracted.

Su Ming has become accustomed to this kind of things, so there is no such thing as unhappiness. Although Su Ming was ignored again, these people never seemed to notice Su Ming next to Qin Shiyin.

This also made Su Ming very depressed. He said that his appearance was not low, how could he not notice himself.

But Su Ming didn't say anything. Anyway, as long as this guy is more regular and deals with him honestly, Su Ming will naturally not say anything. The party is a normal place for entertainment.

No matter how jealous Su Ming is, it is impossible to make trouble like that. Anyway, this guy, just don't make too much trouble.

"Excuse me, are you?"

Qin Shiyin glanced at this guy, the expression on his face didn't change much, he could only say something politely, it was obvious that Qin Shiyin didn't know this guy either.

This slightly fat-looking guy thought he had a pretty good temperament. He smiled all over his face and said to Qin Shiyin: "I’m from Qingping City, maybe President Qin is not familiar with it. I."

"My name is Zhou Leyun, and I don't usually go to Ningcheng a lot, so President Qin is not very familiar with me, and we may be familiar with it in the future." This guy is also quite thick-skinned, and he came up close to Qin Shiyin.

Qin Shiyin glanced at this guy quite speechlessly, although she didn't show any expression on her face, but from Su Ming's understanding of her, she could tell from her eyes, Qin Shiyin must be quite speechless to this guy. of.

The most important thing is that this guy feels too good about himself. It seems that after seeing him today, Qin Shiyin will want to get acquainted with him in the future.

After the guy introduced himself, he took the initiative to go up, stretched out his hand directly, and said enthusiastically: "Hello, President Qin, I have heard President Qin’s name in Qingping City. After I saw the real person today, I realized that the real person is even more beautiful than the legend."

This guy's mouth is pretty neat, and it's just a bunch of things, and Qin Shiyin was praised invisibly, and he didn't feel much embarrassment.

But how can a cold character like Qin Shiyin really shake hands with him? Usually, it is impossible for Qin Shiyin to touch any man. Even if shaking hands is a basic etiquette, it doesn’t matter if a hand is touched, but Qin Shiyin still can’t. Accept this kind of thing.

Except for Su Ming, after Qin Shiyin remembered the story, no one had touched Qin Shiyin again.

So Qin Shiyin didn't stretch out his hand at all, but faintly said: "Hello, Mr. Zhou, welcome to Ningcheng City, I wish you a happy day."


After Su Ming watched it, he couldn't help but want to laugh. This Qin Shiyin's reaction could be said to be quite cold, similar to what Su Ming thought.

Perhaps from the etiquette point of view, Qin Shiyin did not respond to the hand extended by others. It was indeed somewhat impolite, but Qin Shiyin's character is what Su Ming admired most.

On the contrary, this guy must have a part of the idea of ​​wanting to take advantage. After all, like a woman of Qin Shiyin's heart, how many people want to touch it, even if it is a hand.

But Qin Shiyin's reaction made Zhou Leyun really embarrassed. Su Ming was able to notice the embarrassing look on his face at once, but he immediately took his hand back.

At the same time, he couldn't help but smile, pretending that he didn't seem to be embarrassed at all.

Just listening to this guy, he continued and said: "I don't know if Mr. Qin is free. If you have time, go to my place and sit down. We can have a drink and chat."

"Oh, I'll go--"

As soon as Su Ming heard this, he immediately became a little unhappy. He said that this kid was really courageous, so he could hook up Qin Shiyin in front of him.

It's all right now, and I still want to find Qin Shiyin to chat alone in the past. This is too obvious, obviously, Su Ming is not in his eyes.

Although Su Ming knew that Qin Shiyin would definitely not agree, Su Ming was still upset.

Sure enough, Qin Shiyin said directly: "I'm sorry, Mr. Zhou, let's talk about it next time, the charity auction will start in a while, and there are still friends here."

Zhou Leyun, this guy, then looked up at Su Ming and Wang Wei next to him, but it was a pity that he didn't know either of them.

I didn't put these two guys in my eyes, but continued to say: "Mr. Qin, it's just a moment. Let's drink a glass of wine. Trust your two ~ There should be no comments, right?"

Although Su Ming and Wang Wei were mentioned in the words, but listening to his tone, it was obvious that they didn't take the two people seriously, and they looked very casual. This sounds particularly uncomfortable for Su Ming.

Now let alone Su Ming, even Wang Wei on the side seemed a little unhappy. There was a hum in his nose, which made people aware of his discomfort.

But this week, Zhou Leyun, it seemed that it didn't matter at all. Su Ming didn't believe that he hadn't noticed the situation between himself and Wang Wei at all, but this guy still didn't care. This shows that he must be too confident.

Su Ming said directly: "You don't understand what people are saying? People don't want to pay attention to you anymore. You are still chigging here, and you dare not look in the mirror to see what you look like. Come over and tease girls casually."

"Let me tell you, the last person who teased President Qin like you has not removed the cast on his leg yet."

To deal with this kind of person, Su Ming has no quality or quality at all, so he went straight up and cursed a few words, saying that he really made you face.

And Zhou Leyun obviously didn't expect that Su Ming dared to scold him like that, and pointed directly at Su Ming's nose angrily, his fingers trembled twice, and said, "You have no quality, I really don't want to talk to you."

Looking at the expression on his face, he clearly looked down on Su Ming. It seemed that in the eyes of people like him, Su Ming was like a hillbilly.

Although Su Ming's dress looks good today, he is properly dressed and looks like an upper class person.

But people in the upper class are most concerned about things like their own qualities and self-cultivation.

(End of this chapter)


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