But on the hospital side, there is no suitable blood type to match, and even the blood type of Huahua cannot be detected, let alone to match.

And Su Ming also knows that Huahua’s blood type must be extremely rare. In the dunya, even one billion people may not be able to pick one out, or even not at all. How to find it, it’s totally Not found.

As for the use of other blood types, it is even more impossible. If the blood types are not fused, if they are forcibly transported together, they will only repel each other and cause further harm to the human body.

Su Ming has nothing to do at this time. The stellar power of the nurse can’t add blood. This is also a normal thing. After all, the game is still different from reality. There is really no skill that can directly give blood to the human body. Made.

Su Ming was a bit lost for a while, and if the power of the stars was useless, all Su Ming could think of was that the Baiguo Ling wine and the true essence liquid on his body would be there.

Su Ming didn't dare to feed these two things more, just fed a little, but the result was still no improvement, indicating that it was impossible to recover the blood.

Eating some jujubes, brown sugar, and the like can help replenish blood, but it's just for girls to use when they come to their aunts. When it comes to this moment of life and death, it is completely useless.

Let alone the current state of Huahua, she can't eat at all. Even if she eats the food, it is estimated that the person will not be able to wait for the blood to come back.

Su Ming was too anxious for a while, but there was no way. At this time Xiaona said: "Master, don't be too anxious, calm down."

"Can you not be in a hurry at this time?" Su Ming said immediately. At this time, it is impossible to say something that is basically impossible. Su Ming is already in a hurry.

Now every minute and a second is not time, but the life spent, it is estimated that at most one hour, if it does not work, it is estimated that the flower will be really fast.

Xiaona said: "Master, don't you still have a healing technique? You can try it. I don't know whether it works or not."

As soon as Su Ming heard this, his eyes lit up, no doubt Xiaona's words reminded Su Ming.

Yes, Su Ming almost forgot about the treatment.

Healing techniques are generally used when injured, and Su Ming will feel full of vitality after using up, and this thing can also be used on allies around him.

No matter what it is, Su Ming immediately used his skills, and suddenly a green mist filled Su Ming and Huahua around his body.

Su Ming has nothing to do, just like in a game, you still press treatment when you are full of blood, so this treatment technique has no effect on Su Ming at all.

However, what Su Ming had been paying attention to was Huahua, his vision was blocked by the green mist, so Su Ming couldn't see clearly.

After a few seconds, the green mist had basically disappeared, and Su Mu also saw the expression of Huahua at this time, and it indeed looked much better than before.

You can tell by looking at the complexion. At this time, Huahua's complexion looks a lot rosy. Compared to the paleness before, it is obviously much better. Obviously, this is because the body is no longer ischemic. There will be blood on it.

Sure enough, after a short while, Huahua opened her eyes, her long eyelashes seemed to be constantly moving, quite cute.

Seeing that Huahua has woken up, the big rock in Su Ming's heart has completely fallen to the ground.

As long as you can wake up without ischemia for a while, there is no major problem. Although the body is still a little weak, the human body also has hematopoietic function, but it is slower and can recover slowly. After a period of time, it will be almost completely recovered.

It can be seen that Huahua still has a little shadow in her heart. After all, it is normal for children to be unbearable for a time when they encounter such a car accident.

Su Ming calmed down Huahua a few words softly, and then went out and called Xia Qingchan in, and asked Xia Qingchan to come over and comfort Huahua again.

As soon as Xia Qingchan rushed in and found that Huahua was okay, tears were also left on her face. It was obvious that Xia Qingchan was relieved.

On the contrary, it was the doctor before, seeing Huahua woke up, and there was blood on his face, he was obviously frightened.

He didn't even think about what method Su Ming used to cure the child without a suitable blood type. In modern medicine, it seems that there is no other method besides blood transfusion. Up.

But he can only be confused in his mind, because of the magical thing like healing, I'm afraid he would never have thought of killing it~www.wuxiaspot.com~Huahua obviously had no problem, so he was discharged from the hospital at night. After I went home, I got something for her to eat. She hadn't recovered completely yet, and obviously couldn't eat it anymore.

"Don't think too much about it. Today's incident is just an accident. People live in the world with accidents. It has nothing to do with you."

When Su Ming left in the evening, he offered some comfort to Xia Qingchan. Seeing Xia Qingchan's appearance, there was still some self-blame. Su Ming didn't want her to think too much. If people are in a bad mood, it will take time for the body It will also have a certain impact.

At the same time, Su Ming exhorted: "Take a vacation for Huahua in these two days, rest at home for a period of time, and get more blood for her to eat. I guess it will be fine in a few days.

After leaving the house, Su Ming soon received a call from Luo Xiaoxiao, saying that he was the one who had run into the accident and had escaped. He had been caught.

Su Ming didn't plan to go there again, so Luo Xiaoxiao would do what he should do. He didn't accept any compensation, and he was required to pay legal responsibility.

Almost killed someone. If the normal procedures were followed, this guy would have to be locked up for at least a few years.


Time passed silently for a few more days. In these few days, Su Ming didn't do anything else, except occasionally to see Huahua, buy her some toys and the like, and secondly repair the meridians for Lin Yue.

The rate of recovery was faster than Su Ming thought. It has only been almost a week, and the meridians have probably been understood together.

And that night, Lin Yue was very excited and said to Su Ming: "Su Ming, my meridians can already be cultivated, and even my vitality can be run."


Su Ming glanced at Lin Yue, it was unbelievable, Lin Yue was already in the middle stage of the Qi Gathering Realm.

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