League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 2366: Take advantage of his illness to kill him

"You're the wicked man, you just want to kill you today, and see how I kill you!"

The Heavenly God Palace expert glanced at Su Ming, and then spit out this sentence coldly. It was obvious that Su Ming's remote harassment just now made him very unhappy.

The three dark vitality bullets had no effect even when facing a master of the Heavenly Tribulation Realm, but they still had a certain harassment effect.

So this Heavenly God Palace powerhouse looked particularly upset. He could see that Su Ming was at a certain level. If Su Ming harassed him so consistently, it would be more uncomfortable.

This guy changed his strategy and turned his head and rushed towards Su Ming. It was obvious that Su Mingla's hatred was too much, so this guy couldn't help but rushed up for a while.

Su Ming was taken aback for a moment, but he was not too panicked. With his protective skills, for a while, this guy couldn't do anything to himself.

However, Su Qishan on the side seemed to be more anxious than Su Ming, for fear of something going on in Su Ming, Su Qishan moved immediately when the strong man in the Heavenly God Palace moved.

Having been harassed by Su Qishan, the Heavenly God Palace powerhouse couldn't deal with Su Ming unscrupulously, because Su Qishan's threat was even greater.

If he was dealing with Su Ming, Su Qishan next to him gave him twice, it would be a very fatal thing, so in desperation, this guy had to give up and continue to fight Su Qishan.

Su Ming saw that this guy gave up and rushed towards him. To tell the truth, it’s quite regrettable. This is not Su Ming’s scumbag, but Su Ming is thinking, if he seduce a wave of this guy, let this guy pay attention. Focus on yourself.

Anyway, this guy can't kill himself for a while, but if he does this, he can buy Su Qishan a lot of time, let Su Qishan come from the flank, and then it will be exciting.

It was just that this idea could not be realized, and he had not communicated well with Su Qishan in advance. As a result, Su Qishan was too tight to follow, which put a lot of pressure on the strong of the gods, and he did not dare to deal with Su Ming easily.

In this way, the battle still took place between this Tianshen Palace powerhouse and Su Qishan.

Su Ming thought for a while, he should continue to harass this strong man in Tianshen Palace next to him.

After searching for these skills in his own body, the more powerful skills, Su Ming immediately eliminated several group skills.

Because Su Qishan and this guy are fighting together, the fierce fight can be said to be a discoloration of the world, and in reality, group skills do not distinguish between enemy and me.

The two people were so close, they might accidentally hurt Su Qishan. Su Ming didn't dare to use it easily. He could only look at the precise barrage of his EZ ultimate.

This skill still seems to be possible, and the range is not that big. If Su Qishan pays attention, he should be able to hide it for a while.

"Dad, I'm going to harass him by the side for a while. Please pay attention, and run immediately when I make a move. Don't get hurt by mistake."

Before starting, Su Ming directly reminded Su Qishan through the method of vitality sound transmission, communicate in advance, so that Su Qishan will have a good preparation in his heart, so that things will not happen at the time.

Su Qishan obviously knew it, but he didn't have any reaction, but continued to fight, but if you carefully observe Su Qishan's eyes, you can see that it is obvious that Su Qishan has started to pay attention to Su Ming from time to time.

Su Ming directly activated the EZ's big move, and the precise barrage began to accumulate power, and it was already on the verge of triggering. Suddenly, a golden barrage that looked like a divine bow flew over to the strong man in the heavens.

"Dad, run away—"

Su Ming hurriedly shouted at the moment he shot.

In fact, Su Qishan was shrewd. He had been paying attention to the situation on Su Ming's side. After seeing signs that Su Ming had acted again, he admitted in the fight, quickly backed away, and quickly slipped away. The speed is simply staggering.

On the contrary, it was the strong man from Tianshen Palace, who was calculated all at once, and he didn't understand what happened, so Su Qishan ran away.

After seeing the precise barrage in the next second, he realized that this kid might be harassing him again.

It was too late when this guy looked, because Su Ming was not very far away from him, and the speed of precise barrage was extremely fast.

Coupled with this ratio of accurate barrage in reality, it seems to be slightly larger than in the game, making the entire barrage more difficult to dodge.

Don't say it's moving. In this case, even if there is a flash in the hand, I am afraid that it will not be able to escape for a while.

Gu Wuzhe's reaction is not slow. This guy also realized that he might not be able to avoid this precise barrage~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At the same time, he also realized that this strange move is probably better than that of Su Ming. A move was even more terrifying, so this Heavenly God Palace powerhouse quickly used his own defensive methods.

I don't know what method he used, but a dark golden shield appeared around his body. Just looking at it with the naked eye, it gave people a very strong feeling.


In just a few tenths of a second, this precise barrage skipped the guy's body, penetrated through the past, and the damage was all over.

The precision barrage flew back a distance, and after scraping down a wall beside the park, it disappeared.

The gazes of a few people gathered on the strong man in the Heavenly God Palace, including Su Ming, wanting to see how this guy is going.


In the next second, the Heavenly God Palace powerhouse in mid-air seemed to be unable to hold it anymore, opened his big mouth, and vomited a lot of blood with a wow, it seemed innocent.

After vomiting this big mouthful of blood, even Su Qishan couldn't help but glance at Su Ming. He could harass remotely and vomit blood to the harassing powerhouse of the Five Heavens Tribulation Realm. This kid’s move just now is probably very Strong.

And the complexion of the strong man in Tianshen Palace looked very ugly at this time, as if the cold atmosphere was already in the air.

I thought it wouldn't be too difficult today, but things actually developed to this point. He did not expect that he was beaten to vomit blood, and the person who beat him to vomit blood was still a "baby" in the Void Refining Realm.

The strong man in Tianshen Palace feels that his face is very hard to live by.

And Su Ming said to Su Qishan: "Dad, hurry up, take advantage of his illness and kill him."

At this time, the strong man in Tianjin Palace was injured, without a doubt the best chance.

(End of this chapter)

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