Lin Yue is talking about his normal feelings, because before, after continuous breakthroughs, he should have used the vitality of the previous five-layer heavenly tribulation realm powerhouse, but he didn't feel uncomfortable at all, but felt pretty good. Yes, it is the same as relying on one's own strength to break through.

Su Ming glanced at Lin Yue with some gratitude. What he said undoubtedly increased the credibility of Su Ming’s words and made Su Qishan believe in Su Ming more. Otherwise, it is estimated that Su Qishan will be true for a while. Do not believe.

The puzzled look on Su Qishan's face still exists. After many years of experience, if you let him believe it for a while, it is really impossible.

After all, some of the things about cultivation before have been deeply ingrained in Su Qishan's mind, and I feel that only those who have cultivated assiduously can be regarded as his true strength.

I just heard Su Qishan ask: "What method is this used, why do I feel a little strange?"

"Dad, it's normal for you to think it's strange, because when I had such a great opportunity before, I couldn't believe it."

Su Ming continued to brainwash Su Qishan: "But dad, think about it carefully. I have broken through from the initial Innate Realm to the Near Heaven Tribulation Realm. If there is a problem, I am afraid that the problem has already appeared."

"The method I used is different from what you imagined. It is not a devil's way. There will never be a problem. You can rest assured." Su Ming said with certainty. There is a problem.

Su Qishan looked like this, it is estimated that some have been moved by Su Ming, the most important thing is that after so long, Su Ming still has nothing to do.

Facts speak louder than words. Su Ming is fine, and naturally he can't say anything. If Su Qishan discovered this thing at the very beginning, he would definitely not agree to let Su Ming use it.

Su Qishan still said, "Su Ming, this method of yours must not be known to other people. Besides the two of us, does anyone else know?"

"No, just you two know!" Su Ming said.

In fact, the first person to know was Lin Wufu besides Su Ming. However, Su Ming was very relieved of Lin Wufu, so he didn’t say it. There were only three people who knew that these three people were not. What do you think of Su Ming.

As soon as Su Qishan heard this, his brows seemed to stretch slightly, and then he only listened to Su Qishan's opening and continued: "Su Ming, in the future, don't let other people know about this method, otherwise there will be murder."

This kind of cultivation method is too defying, and what it means is self-evident. If this is known by people in the ancient martial arts world who desperately desire power, then it is worth it. Su Ming is afraid that countless strong people will find it.

"Don't worry, this is definitely not possible, and only I can use this method, and even if they find me, it will be useless."

But Su Qishan had a serious face and said, "You can't have this kind of thought. Now people's hearts are unpredictable. You say that other people can't use it, but other people don't believe it. Then you think about what will happen."

"Furthermore, Su Ming, you haven't been in the Guwu world for long. I don't know how perverted some people are."

Lin Yue on the side also spoke at this time. He only heard Lin Yue say: "Many people have psychological problems. Even if they can't use it, they don't want to see a strong rise, even if you have no grievances. It may also kill you directly. This is normal."

"The stronger the person, the more perverted it is. Do you know why Feng Qingzi from the Tenjin Palace will abolish me? It's because he felt that I might become a threat in the future."

Speaking of this, the atmosphere became a little heavier, and Su Ming nodded and said: "Okay, don't worry, I will be careful not to let others know."

Su Qishan asked again: "Su Ming, there is one more thing to ask you, when you are absorbing other people's vitality, you will not be inhaling indiscriminately, are you?"

Seeing Su Qishan's serious face, Su Ming understood what he meant. Su Ming said directly: "Dad, you can rest assured with this. I am not the kind of person who has no morals."

"Don't say it's my friends, even people who have no grievances or hatreds with me, I will not touch them. Basically what I smoke is my enemies and people who want to kill me." Su Ming said .

In fact, after thinking about it carefully, it seems that the same thing is true of all the people he has absorbed.

Su Qishan nodded. He believed in Su Ming, as long as he didn't use this method to commit treacherous crimes, he was most afraid that Su Ming would be desperate for strength.

After losing your character, it will be a terrible and Lin Yue looked at Su Ming with a strange look. Su Ming was getting goose bumps, so Su Ming couldn't help but asked, "Uncle, why are you looking at me like this?"

"You have been cultivating for more than a year, and you sucked all your enemies, and in the end, you have reached the tribulation realm. How many are your enemies?" Lin Yue seemed to have discovered something extraordinary.


It was Su Ming's turn to be embarrassed right now, and he coughed twice in an embarrassing manner, and Lin Yue showed that he had many enemies.

"Dad, let's go back, why are you standing here this night?" Su Ming said.

Su Qishan glanced at the corpse of the Tianshen Palace on the ground, and said: "This corpse needs to be dealt with, and we have to get it on the spot."

When Su Ming saw the scene, he was shocked. The ground was like a spider web, already torn apart. This was obviously smashed by Su Ming after he fell down with Galio's ultimate.

The whole park looks like a mess. It should be abandoned. Fortunately, no one came here. Su Ming said: "I will call someone to deal with it. Just leave it alone. Go back and rest."


A few days later, Su Ming finally cured Lin Yue's legs so that Lin Yue could walk normally.

Lin Yue packed up his luggage that day, and said to Su Ming, "Su Ming, I will go back today. Thank you for taking care of both of you during this time. They are both relatives. I will not treat you with polite Up."

Su Ming said, "I left so soon and stayed for more than a few days."

"It's been almost a month since I came out this time. I have to go back and see what's going on in the Lin family." Lin Yue said, obviously planning to leave.

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