League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 2378: Not exactly what you think

Huzi was stunned for a moment. Obviously he hadn't thought of this aspect himself. He actually wanted to go to the Ao Island to do things. One or two is really amazing.

It seemed that Huzi's face was a little bit worried. He only heard Huzi say: "Boss, can we go to Ao Island to grab people directly? After all, it is not our Ningcheng."

"What are you afraid of? If the two of us are not good at it, the boss will be there for the finale. You have nothing to be afraid of. If the three of us can't handle even a casino, then don't mix in Ningcheng. ."

Cheng Ruofeng said directly, it seemed to be indifferent. This guy was originally a fearless owner. After living a comfortable life in Ningcheng all day long, he wanted to go out for excitement.

Su Ming thought for a moment, and then said, "By the way, there is Old Yi. Bring him with him, so we don't have to worry about it."

Taking advantage of this opportunity, let Master Yi go out to take a look at this great world, and with Master Yi's unfathomable strength, it is not a difficult task to do this.


After a few people agreed, they didn’t stay in Ningcheng anymore. They booked a ticket to O Island in the evening, but because Master Yi didn’t have an ID card, it was a little troublesome when buying a ticket. .

After Su Ming talked to his family, he directly boarded the plane to Australia Island. Su Ming had been to that place on Hong Kong Island, but it was really the first time to go to Australia Island. Su Ming also wanted to see it. Let’s take a look at what the biggest gambling city in Asia looks like.

Of course, gambling is just a verbal statement by everyone. It is actually called gambling in the official name. It sounds much better to put it another way.

Going to Australia Island basically spans more than half of China, which is one of the largest countries in the world. It took a long time to fly. The next morning, the plane landed at the airport on Australia Island. .

After getting off the bus, everything looks the same. The airport on the Australian Island is not particularly crowded, and it seems that it is not as large as the usual passenger flow of the Beijing International Airport.

Although the Australian Island is more famous, Su Ming estimates that this is also because it is the current time and not a holiday in the Mainland, so fewer people come to play. The Australian Island mainly attracts mainlanders.

The four people looked like Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden. They kept looking here and there. Su Ming was better. Obviously he was a person who had gone abroad. He had met some of them in the world, but Cheng Ruofeng and Huzi could not do it. .

Even these two people are not as good as Master Yi. Su Ming can see that Master Yi is a pretending offender. He looks indifferent to everything. It seems that the changes in this world have nothing to do with him.

"Huzi, what's the name of that casino? You should be clear about this?" Su Ming said.

Huzi hurriedly spoke and said, "I know this. The people at the casino said on the phone that it is called Chiba Casino. It is not clear where it is."

"It doesn't matter what location it is, just take a taxi. Anyway, the entire Australian Island is just this big, and it's not as big as a city in Beijing, so running the entire Australian Island will not scare people." Su Ming said.

Four people stopped a taxi on the side of the road. After reporting their names, the driver just checked the meter and left. It seemed that he should know the casino.

In this case, Su Ming would be strange. It seems that this casino should be well-known. Otherwise, there are so many casinos on the Australian Island, and the driver cannot remember each one.

This is not quite the same as Su Ming had imagined before. He thought that the casino in question would not be a formal casino.

So Su Ming asked next to him: "Master driver, how is this Chiba Casino? For example, it is the first time we come to Australia Island, and we plan to go to the casino to play. We are not too familiar with it."

Su Ming sat in the seat of the co-pilot, while Cheng Ruofeng and the others sat in the back row. After Su Ming asked what he said, they both raised their ears, planning to hear what the driver would say, for fear of missing it. What key information point.

Drivers are not the kind of cold people. A large international city like Australia also has requirements for drivers, and even some special training is given to better serve tourists who come to relax.

The driver said, "This casino is a relatively large casino in Macau. I heard that it was opened by the son of the king of gambling. It is a very formal casino. There will be no problems. You can play there without worry. Up."

"And I heard that there are often some activities there. You will definitely not lose money when you spend there. At least it will be very comfortable to enjoy. Many of us locals in Australia like to go there to play." The driver said .

The words made Su Ming and the three of them stunned. This... is different from what they thought. In the previous analysis of the three, they thought that the casino where the tiger brother was detained was that kind of irregular The black casino.

However, in the mouth of the driver, he kept boasting. It seemed that he admired the casino. If it weren't for this taxi, it was stopped by the road at will, Su Ming would suspect the driver. It’s not like a navy.

And there is another key message. The driver said that this casino seems to be run by a son of the king of gambling, and nothing else, but the king of gambling must be a famous person~www.wuxiaspot.com~Don’t say it is in China. , Even in the whole world, the gambling king is the kind of quite proper person, most people have heard of the gambling king.

This guy is a legend. He made his fortune in the gaming industry on the island of Australia. In the end, he grew bigger and bigger, and played a pivotal role in the entire island of Australia.

The gambling king is a flag character on the island of Australia. He has a lot of casino industries. He shouldn't have any problems. To be fair, his son shouldn't run a casino that is informal.

Otherwise, I'm afraid the gambler would be the first to not agree. Isn't this smashing the sign of the gambler?

Su Ming didn't know what to say now, and all three of them felt painful.

I always feel that things are a bit different this time, but I can’t just listen to the driver’s side. Who knows if what he said is true or false, or wait until the casino.

Su Ming asked: "Master, maybe how much more can I get there?"

"About twenty minutes."

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