After teasing Su Ming a few words, Cheng Ruofeng and the others didn’t say anything. They looked at the gambling king and the others on the stage with peace of mind. The gambling king was still talking on the stage at this time. Everyone kept quiet. In speaking, this is indeed a little bit impolite.

The gambling king speaks with a little Australian accent, and he is not as fluent in Mandarin like He Qianye. Su Ming and the mainlanders do not sound like they don’t understand. Anyway, they have a little bit. Strenuous.

After the gambling king finished speaking, the wives of the gambling king, one or two of them, began to talk over the microphone, but there was nothing nonsense. A few words by one person seemed quite sweet.

No matter what the reason is to be with the gambling king, at least they are still in a good relationship now. Although the gambling king is old, he does have charm.

There is something in his body that can attract women. It has nothing to do with age, and it is not only because of money.

Then it's the turn of the gambling king's children. It can be said that the people are prosperous. The gambling king has been too romantic in his life, and naturally there are a lot of romantic debts left behind.

But the gambling king is not like the kind of unconscionable people. Some of the romantic debts left outside are not recognized. The children like the gambling king are basically not born of a woman, but as long as they are the gambling king The gambling king would recognize each other’s children. He has nothing to say to his children. He may also think that there are more people in the family.

Take a closer look, the King of Gambling has a total of seven children, four are daughters, and three are sons. It can be said that the distribution is more balanced.

At the same time, after taking a look, Su Ming said with emotion, this gene of the gambling king family is indeed very good, as long as there is no such small-probability genetic mutation event, the child born by a handsome boy and a beautiful girl will basically not It's long and ugly.

Let me talk about these four daughters. Standing together is really a beautiful scenery. They are basically ladies at the level of ladies. They seem to be not only good looks, but also good temperament.

These women, I'm afraid that if you get one casually, you basically don't have to worry in this life.

It’s strange to say that, like the gambling king is already so many years old, but his child seems to be young, only 20 or 30 years old, it is estimated that the gambling king has been patronizing his own business before. I didn't have any children. After I stabilized later, I started to cheer casually.

Among the few sons, it seems that one of them is estimated to be nearly forty years old. Although it is well maintained, it is obvious that he is about to be middle-aged.

The three sons, He Qianye, is obviously the youngest. It seems that in front of the two older brothers, He Qianye is a lot more cautious and not very relaxed, but he is the most temperamental and looks the most like a gambling king. .

After talking for a while, the eldest son of the king of gambling even said directly: "Today, on my father's birthday, I carefully prepared a gift for my father."

"Fuck, it's too straightforward. I'm still on stage, and I started to say what gifts I gave. I don't know if I'm showing off, for fear that others don't know what gifts he gave." Huzi underestimated the sentence. .

Cheng Ruofeng said: "Nonsense, anyone with a discerning eye can see that he wants to show off, it's obvious."

"You have to know that being a descendant in such a big family, although on the surface it is glamorous, but the real situation is not as good as it seems."

"These sons must all be staring at the gambling king’s property. After all, the gambling king is so old. It is inevitable that these properties in the family will not be handed over to his son, but the distribution of property is a big problem. ."

"It's impossible to think of a bowl of water. There must be one person who can inherit most of the gambling king's property, and the other two sons can only get some comfort."

"This is not like ancient times. The eldest son is the eldest son and can inherit the throne. Now it is not to see which son performs well, which pleases the gambling king the most. In the future, the chances of becoming heirs will greatly increase." Cheng Ruofeng analyzed it.

Su Ming nodded. Cheng Ruofeng's analysis was correct. Indeed, in a big family, one topic that will never escape is the struggle for property.

The brotherhood in the big family is not so good. In the face of real interests, to say something bad, family affection is what, in ancient times, there were people who killed their two brothers and became emperors. Human nature has always been like this. .

The gambler probably is also letting the three sons compete by default, and then he can watch the performance of the three. Today's birthday party is naturally a better opportunity for them to perform.

Just like the chairman of the company, there can only be one, and there can only be one heir to the king of gambling. Although the other two sons will be prosperous and wealthy throughout their lives, they obviously have more than this.

And this gift is probably a microcosm of the struggle between the three of them.

The eldest son brought his gift directly to the person. It was carried on a tray with a red cloth covered on it, which looked very formal.

After the eldest son took the tray, he opened it directly, revealing a jade pull finger inside.

After taking a look, Su Ming lost interest. He thought it was something ingenious and good. It turned out to be a jade finger. To put it bluntly, it is probably a rather old antique.

The gambling king's eyes lit up, and he picked up the jade pull finger and rubbed it gently in his hand, as if he wanted to experience the color of this After Su Ming saw this picture, I can probably see it. It is estimated that the gambling king still prefers things like jade, and the eldest son can also be considered as his own.

"Yes, this thing is real. It should be made of high-quality suet jade, and it has been raised for many years. It feels warm and moist in the hand. Even when it is worn on the hand, the blood circulates in the hand. , There are certain benefits."

There is no need for others to say, the gambling king alone has said about this jade pull finger, it seems that he is indeed knowledgeable.

The eldest son took the opportunity to flatter and said: "Dad, you really have a torch, you can tell the origin of this thing at a glance."

"I remember, isn't this the white jade finger from the auction a few days ago? I heard that it was worn by a prince of the Ming Dynasty. At that time, it was bought by a mysterious buyer for 10 million yuan, so he should be the prince. "


Su Ming glanced at the person who was speaking, and said to his heart that this was too fake, it was clearly arranged by the eldest son of the gambling king.

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