League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 2398: The effect is immediate

"Ha ha--"

Old Hua sneered continuously. Originally, he thought this young man really had two things, and thinking about it, it might not be easy to deal with it for a while.

Unexpectedly, after doing it for a long time, this kid also came out to pretend to be a fool. As everyone knows, frozen shoulder is a chronic disease.

One of the most basic common sense is that you can't cure chronic diseases all at once. People on the earth know that even if it is a chronic disease that is successfully cured, it will take a long time.

Even in the hospital, the treatment is divided into several courses, basically several courses of treatment start.

However, Su Ming said that he would be almost in 20 minutes. Such a big talk is really helpless.

Mr. Hua didn't panic for a while, this matter was not as bad as he had imagined.

He has already regarded Su Ming as a liar. For a while, he only needs to wait to see Su Ming’s jokes. After Su Ming fails, he can talk about it again, and he can naturally throw the pot back and prove his innocence. .

The old man Hua is also quite scheming, deliberately stimulating: "If this is the case, then you can hurry up, don't delay the banquet, I will see what you can do for twenty minutes."

He Qianye also looked at Su Ming with a little worry, and asked whether Su Ming was too full of words, and he could heal a frozen shoulder that had lasted for many years in 20 minutes.

This sounds really appalling, even if it is heard by normal people, it is probably not believed.

Su Ming looks very calm here. The nursery skills are in hand. What can these ignorant people on earth know, a small frozen shoulder, if the power of the stars for twenty minutes does not work, then it proves , Completely hopeless.

"Give me a set of clean and unused silver needles!" Su Ming said to Mr. Hua.

The silver needles used before cannot be used a second time without disinfection.

Sure enough, Hua Lao had this thing on his body, and he didn't talk nonsense with Su Ming. He originally planned to watch Su Ming's jokes, so he would naturally cooperate with Su Ming, and wait for 20 minutes to pass before he hit Su Ming.

Su Ming took the silver needle over and checked it again, for fear that the old thing had done something on it. After all, the defensive heart was indispensable, but after checking it, he found that there was nothing wrong with the silver needle.

The silver needle that had been pierced from the shoulder of the gambling king was pulled out, and Su Ming pierced a few more, spreading them on several acupuncture points.

This is useless. It is impossible to expect a needle to get rid of the frozen shoulder. Even if you find a superb doctor, you will have to **** many times to have the effect.

These are just Su Ming's blindfold methods. The real purpose is to convey the power of the stars through these silver needles.


When the power of the stars was transported, because it was transported by the silver needle, it caused the smoking effect, which seemed quite horrible, and stunned everyone present, thinking that something was wrong. It.

After about ten minutes or so, Su Ming stopped, and said directly: "Okay, it's almost done now."

It's just a small frozen shoulder. After how many years have troubled him, I can only say that this is a frozen shoulder. Where can it be serious? Ten minutes of instilling the power of the stars, it is already cheap for him. .

"Is that all right?"

Everyone couldn't help but glanced at Su Ming sluggishly. Originally thought, what Su Ming said, he would have to act for 20 minutes. Who knew it was only a little more than 10 minutes and stopped.

Young man, isn't it so uncomfortable even pretending to be?

Elder Hua couldn't help but jumped out and said loudly, "Boy, you're too good at pretending, you just stuck it for ten minutes. I'm afraid it didn't even stimulate the acupuncture points, dare you say it's done?"

"Well, if you say it, it doesn't count, you have to say it to the king of gambling." Su Ming said lightly, already a little too lazy to take care of this guy.


The gambling king moved his arms twice, suddenly his face was surprised, and he suddenly said: "This is not right, it feels like the arm is moving, it seems that it doesn't hurt."

"How can this be?"

Everyone was shocked when they heard King Gu's words. How could it be possible that years of stubborn illness would be cured within ten minutes?

It sounds like a joke.

Only Su Ming was very calm at this time: "Don't be so gentle, swing your arm harder, no problem, just don't use too much force."

Let alone other people, even the gambling king himself didn't believe it too much. After listening to Su Mu's words, he quickly tried two more times.

"It doesn't seem to hurt at all."

In front of everyone, the gambling king was constantly waving his arms. From the look of surprise on his face, you could tell that the gambling king really felt that it didn’t hurt at all, otherwise, it wouldn’t. It will be so casual.

Only the gambling king himself knew the most about the changes. His frozen shoulder was very serious in the past, and he couldn't hold it with a slight movement of his arm.

But just now he kept waving his arms, but he didn't feel anymore. Instead, the long-lost comfortable feeling filled his whole body.

He hasn't felt this kind of feeling for many years.

The gambler's heart was overjoyed, and he kept saying to Su Ming: "Little brother, I really want to thank you, my frozen shoulder, it turned out to be better."

From the change of title, we can see the mood of the gambling king at this time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I just called Su Ming, or something like a young man or a young man, and now he has become a little brother.

At the age of the gambling king, there is a big difference between the two. It is true that some of them are not suitable for calling brothers and sisters, but this can also be reflected from the side. Indeed, the gambling king is very happy and very satisfied with Su Ming.

If he could, he was willing to spend as many years as he wanted, as long as he didn't have any pain in his shoulders. Who knew that he was cured by accident today. It was really a surprise.

It’s just that He Qianye on the side feels a little uncomfortable, saying that you two call brothers and sisters, then I'm just a generation shorter for nothing?

The gambling king asked again: "Little brother, do I need to take any medicine or something?"

"You don't need anything. Don't use too much force in these two days. After two days, make sure that your arms are like normal people." Su Ming said confidently.

The people present were shocked for a while. They didn't expect that Su Ming's level was so high.

At first I thought he was pretending to be a fool, but it was all right now. Everyone was beaten in the face. This kid turned out to be a master.

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