League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 2401: Quickly carry it out

But the gambling king is quite happy instead, which means that Su Ming has agreed. As for the question of whether his successor is He Qianye, the gambling king is not very worried.

Because in his thoughts, he really wanted to hand it over to He Qianye, but it wasn't now. This required a time lapse, but what Su Ming said was not contradictory.

The gambling king said directly: "Okay, Dr. Su, thank you so much."

Su Ming got up and said: "It's late, the king of gambling, go back and rest early, I'll leave first."

No matter how old the gambling king is, it’s a lot of age. I played a lot today. I guess the gambling king himself is tired.

After stopping, I heard the gambling king say: "Okay, Dr. Su, go slowly."

Early the next morning, Su Ming didn't sleep much. He was alone in the hotel. Su Ming really had no desire to continue sleeping, if there was a woman next to him.

To be reasonable, Su Ming still can't fall asleep, because early morning exercises are required.

After getting up to wash, Su Ming found out that Cheng Ruofeng and Huzi were already up.

The good qualities of the soldiers have made these two people, no matter where they are, almost no habit of lying in bed, which is also a habit they have maintained for so many years.

Su Ming said: "Why did you two get up so early? Let's take a plane in the afternoon."

"If you can't sleep, just get up and have breakfast." Cheng Ruofeng said.

Su Ming also went to get something to eat. This kind of high-end hotel naturally provides breakfast, and it is a self-service type. For example, on the Australian Island, the breakfast is very rich. They pay more attention to the nutrition in the morning.

After eating breakfast in more than ten minutes, Su Ming was rather painful and asked: "Why should we go now, just wait in the hotel?"

"The thought of the plane at 5 or 6 o'clock in the afternoon, but now it's just after 8 o'clock in the morning. If you wait, it can drive people crazy."

Huzi said: "This He Qianye is also true. The air tickets booked for us must not be booked for an afternoon. If we get it earlier, then we will leave."

"Nonsense, it must be the morning flight. Do you think that the airport is opened by his house? You can fly whenever you say it?" Cheng Ruofeng said with contempt next to him.

Just listen to the guy Cheng Ruofeng saying again: "Boss, why don't we just go out and go shopping, buy something, come and bring some souvenirs back."

When Su Ming saw Cheng Ruofeng's a little embarrassed look, he understood. It is estimated that Cheng Ruofeng wanted to bring some souvenirs to his wife and children.

Seeing Cheng Ruofeng like this, it is estimated that he rarely comes out to play, nor does he have this hobby.

It happened that there was nothing to do, and Su Ming decided directly: "No problem, let's go shopping, Huzi, you can also buy some souvenirs for your parents to take back."

"Or if you want to chase any girl, you can buy something for them. The luxury goods and electronic products on the Australian Island are slightly cheaper than the mainland." Su Ming teased.

When Su Ming said this, Huzi immediately blushed and said directly: "It's too awkward for us three big men to go shopping."

"Don't talk nonsense, if you don't go, just stay here and sleep by yourself."

Shopping for the three big masters is indeed weird, but shopping with men is much more comfortable than shopping with women. This is Su Ming's sincere feeling.

A very simple reason is that when a woman goes shopping, sometimes it is not for buying, she is just for the feeling of shopping everywhere. It is very likely that she will not buy after watching for a long time.

There is another possibility, that is, you can buy everything when you see it, and after shopping for a while, you just carry big bags and small bags. The key is that you don't want to stop at all.

But men are different. They basically go shopping for a purpose, specifically looking for things they want to buy, and they don't waste too much time.

After eating at noon, Su Ming received a call from He Qianye.

He Qianye said on the phone, "Mr. Su, I have to tell you one thing. People with me understand that the brother of your friend yesterday started betting again."

"What the hell?"

Su Ming's eyes widened directly, as if he couldn't believe what he heard. How long did it take for the guy to be released yesterday, why did he gamble again? How big he is.

After reacting, Su Ming quickly said: "He has no money on him, so you care about him, what kind of bet you take, don't let him enter the casino."

"This time he came to not my casino, but another casino. The reputation of this casino is not very good. It is a secretive loan shark."

He Qianye said: "It happened that the person under my hand saw him, so he came back and told me, I will call you quickly."


Su Ming couldn't help but want to scold his mother. How could there be such a cheating person? It's just rubbish. Su Ming directly asked, "Where is the other person~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I'll look for him in the past."

"Mr. Su, you come to my casino first, and then I will take you there, you may not be able to find what I tell you." He Qianye said.

"That's fine too."

"Boss, what's the matter?" Cheng Ruofeng asked.

Su Ming didn't conceal it. He looked directly at Huzi and said, "Huzi, your cheating brother, he ran to gamble again. This time he went to another casino. He Qianye said it was still a loan shark. "

"Oh shit!"

Huzi's face was gloomy, and he scolded directly, even his own brother, he scolded directly, and he was so angry in his heart.

When Su Ming answered the phone just now, Hu Zi actually had a bad feeling in his heart. If this happened, something really happened.

Cheng Ruofeng also cursed: "This thing is completely useless, Huzi, listen to my persuasion, leave him alone, let him fend for himself."

"No, I have to take him out."

Huzi shook his head and said, "I can think of what he is going to do next. After losing money, I owe a debt to my parents. When the time comes, I will cry for father and mother. My parents can't help but worry about the situation. Next, you have to come to me again."

"I don't dare to make them too angry. Otherwise, if I get so angry, it will have too much impact on the body." Huzi said helplessly.

To put it bluntly, he didn't want to care about his cheating brother, but worried about his parents.

I mainly heard that he was going to a loan shark this time. This kind of very formal casino is not the same. Who knows how much money he owes, he must be picked up quickly.

Su Ming also understands Huzi's helplessness. Such things must be based on Huzi's ideas.

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