League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 2406: Tell me the rules?

I have to say that the relationship between the bearded boss and the eldest son of the gambling king is really good. There are many interests between the two people that have been tied together.

So he naturally wholeheartedly thinks about his elder son, and he can seize a certain opportunity even for such small things.

Just listening to the bearded boss directly stimulated: "I really don't believe that the gambling king will come over because of this little thing, so don't be naive!"

Su Ming could see it clearly, this guy was deliberately stimulating He Qianye with agitation.

At the same time, Su Ming knew exactly what idea he had in his mind. It was indeed a bit unworthy to invite the gambling king over this kind of thing.

So Su Ming said directly: "Chiba, forget it, don't call the gambling king over this matter, I will handle it myself."

It's not easy to deal with this guy, just just have a fight. With Su Ming's method, he can definitely make him fear from the bottom of his heart, and let him not let others go.

But He Qianye didn't think it was okay. As I said just now, he came to help deal with this matter.

Su Ming helped him so much, if he couldn't help with this little thing and let Su Ming handle it himself, He Qianye was really embarrassed.

So He Qianye insisted: "Mr. Su, don't say that, this matter is handed over to me, I asked my father to come over and take care of this matter."

He Qianye is not stupid either. If he can't even see that his big beard is the radical method, then his IQ doesn't need to go out and get confused.

But He Qianye felt that it didn't matter. If he had a conflict with this guy, He Qianye would definitely not be so stupid, and he even called him Lao Tzu.

But this time is different. This time it is about Su Ming. He Qianye knows Su Ming's position in his father's heart after the incident yesterday.

In other words, as long as his father heard about it, he would definitely come over and take care of him. He Qianye was caught off guard by killing this bearded man. He Qianye was also calculating him in his heart. Everyone felt that the other party was stupid and was about to be hooked.

The adult world is so complicated.

Su Ming could see persistence from He Qianye's eyes, and he probably understood that He Qianye might also have his own ideas.

If this is the case, Su Ming wouldn't say anything, so he nodded and agreed to He Qianye, and let him handle the matter.

When the beard saw that He Qianye had actually called him, it looked like he was calling his father the king of gambling.

For a while, Beard became happy in his heart. No matter whether the gambling king will come or not, today's loser must be He Qianye. This is a certain thing.

Such a big person, I still need to find him when he has something to do, just like a child, this is relatively unpromising.

It is estimated that when the gambling king comes, he will not say anything, but He Qianye himself will be unlucky at that time.

After the phone call, He Qianye came over, presumably speaking in a loud voice, and said: "The call has already been made, and my father said that he will come over to deal with this matter personally for a while."

He Qianye is a bit bad, and he deliberately made his voice louder so that the bearded boss could hear him.

"Ha ha----"

Sure enough, after this guy heard it, his heart began to sneer. He said that it would be better naturally. After a while, he would just say a few words to the gambling king to kill you He Qianye.

Su Ming knew that this was a struggle between two people, although Su Ming was also involved, and it even seemed to be borrowed by He Qianye.

But to put it bluntly, He Qianye did this to help him. So Su Ming felt that it didn't matter, and he was more willing to cooperate with He Qianye.

After about half an hour, the king of gambling finally came over. Seeing how the king of gambling looked like today, he was full of energy.

The spirit is obviously better than when Su Ming saw him before. It is probably related to the cure of his stubborn frozen shoulder.

With a big stone falling in my heart, this mentality of people is completely different, and mentality can affect people's mood, so the gambler seems to be in a very good mood at this time.

"King of gambling, why did you come here in person? I'll just talk about this little thing, so I don't need to trouble you to come over. See if Chiba really called you over."

After seeing the king of gambling came, this guy was more ostentatious, and he said something, looking very hypocritical, he obviously knew it.

But Su Ming could see that this guy was quite polite in front of the gambling king. Obviously he could be indifferent to He Qianye, but he did not dare to be indifferent to the gambling king.

The king of gambling is no longer just a big man in Australia. At the same time, he may also be a symbol, representing a huge power. It is naturally more important to be friends with such people.

The attitude of the gambling king seemed lukewarm~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and didn’t say anything. Instead, when looking at Su Ming, the gambling king smiled. He seemed to have a good attitude and said hello: "Su Mr!"

"Yeah—" Su Ming nodded, as a response.


The bearded boss didn't quite understand it a little bit. The gambling king actually knew this kid. Judging from this attitude, it seems that the two people have a good relationship.

All this was beyond his expectation. The most important thing was yesterday's birthday party. He didn't attend it because of some things. So he didn't know exactly what happened above, nor did he know what Su Ming did.

If he knows, I'm afraid there will be no such thing today, and he will definitely let go.

"Old Zheng, I heard that Chiba is here to ask you for someone. Don't let go, an ordinary customer, wouldn't you be so stingy?" The gambling king said, his tone sounded plain.

But the heart of the bearded boss suddenly "cocked". The calmer the gambling king's voice, the less calm it actually felt.

Even this time the gambling king came over, basically didn't talk nonsense with him, and asked people directly. This was a rare thing before.

Moreover, the gambling king directly talked about important matters, which he did not expect. In other words, the gambling king was on He Qianye's side this time.

"King of gambling, you misunderstood me. It's not that I don't let anyone go. The main person is this person. He is my guest. You can't just let go."

The bearded face showed a look of embarrassment, and said: "You don't know the king of gambling. The rules of our casinos are that we can't go to other casinos to solicit people."

"Are you telling me the rules?"

The gambling king glanced at the bearded boss, then said, "Do you know that I am the one who made this rule back then."

(End of this chapter)

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