League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 2420: Completely irritated


The look of horror in the eyes of the two powerful ghost sects is conceivable, and it can even be said that the two people are very confused at this time, and the curse of no sorrow has failed. This is something that has never happened before.

Because of this forbidden curse, when they used it, it never failed. For people with a lower realm, it has a 100% success rate, so Su Qishan was hit just now.

But it didn't work for the kid Su Ming. Is it possible that the strength of this kid is higher than the two of them?

But this idea just came out and was denied by them. Impossible things, this kid's strength will never surpass them.

According to intelligence, this kid didn't even reach the Heavenly Tribulation Realm, and it was impossible to exceed the Heavenly Tribulation Realm at once, unless he was on a rocket.

Su Ming directly pretended to say, "Are you playing snakes? How could this little trick be useful to me."

"Don't talk nonsense with him, you don't need to waste our forbidden curse to deal with him, just go up and kill him." A strong man in the ghost sect said.

The other nodded, and the two people seemed to have reached a consensus and shot Su Ming directly.

The people in the key Ghost Sect still seem to be very cautious, no matter which one of the two people, it seems that the strength is crushing Su Ming.

But the two of them are still going together, which is simply too bullying, but this can also tell from the side that they are cautious, which is probably to prevent accidents from happening.

Su Ming's pressure suddenly increased. Facing two triple heavenly tribulation masters, the pressure can be imagined.

Just now, Su Ming was already accumulating his dark vitality bullets. This was considered one of Su Ming's harassment skills. Su Ming didn't care about three or seven and twenty-one, and just smashed it on someone.

The dark vitality bomb has caused a certain impact, but to be honest, when facing a master of this level, the effect of the dark vitality bomb is already very small.

The powerhouse of the ghost sect that hit it seemed to have not been able to support it for a while, and took two steps back, but in fact he was not injured. This also disappointed Su Ming, which was equivalent to wasting a trick.

If you can't live your life, you still have to continue. You can't affect your mentality just because one trick doesn't work.

Su Ming glanced at the two menacing ghost sect powerhouses, decided to be more ruthless, and directly took photos with the palm of the Tathagata.

I saw Su Ming jumped up again, transformed into a huge palm in mid-air, and then hit the two men at a very fast speed.

These two ghost sect powerhouses were finally moved. They also realized the extraordinary features of this huge palm, and reminded each other to be careful.

The huge Tathagata palm penetrated the two people. The ground around the two ghost sect powerhouses was also smashed out of a big pit by the huge thrust. At this time, the two ghost sect powerhouses stood in the pit. Inside, but it looks like nothing.

It's not all right, the two people looked calm, but in fact they were shocked.

They never expected that this move was so powerful that it would smash all of their strongest defensive magic weapons.

In addition, there were some minor traumas in the bodies of the two people.

Although it is not serious, it is enough to see the terrible things that this kid can wound them both.

What's more terrifying is, think about it carefully, if they didn't have a powerful defensive magic weapon on their bodies, it would have been done just now. Wouldn't it be possible to severely wound them?

"This kid is weird, be careful!" The Ghost Sect powerhouse reminded him.

After Su Ming started, they had already seen that Su Ming's realm was nothing more than the Void Refining Realm, and he had not reached the Heavenly Tribulation Realm at all.

Half-step Heavenly Tribulation Realm is just a good name, in fact it is not a Heavenly Tribulation Realm at all, and there is a huge gap between it and Heavenly Tribulation Realm.

As a result, with such a realm, this kid can use such powerful tricks, which shows his horror.

It also strengthened the determination of the two powerful ghost sects to kill him. This kid must not let him grow up. If he grows up, it will pose a great threat to the future development of the ghost sect.


The ghost sect powerhouse lightly spit out a word, then rushed towards Su Ming, and wanted Su Ming's life with a fierce offensive.

Su Ming didn't care about three or seven and twenty-one, and instead of retreating, he rushed directly to face the two guys head-on.


Su Ming instantly activated his Kenan's big move. When the two ghost sect powerhouses got close, a huge ten thousand thunder sky cell array appeared, wrapping the two ghost sect powerhouses in it. .

The Ten Thousand Thunder Sky Prison Array is somewhat restrictive ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ As long as you are trapped in it, you can't escape at all, and you will stay inside until the end of the prison.

The offensive of the powerful ghost sect was quickly resolved, because these two people had to face the test of heavy thunder.

Struggling constantly in it, as if fighting a trapped beast.

But when Su Ming saw this situation, not only did he not feel happy at all, he felt quite disturbed.

Although the two Ghost Sect powerhouses looked uncomfortable and struggling at this time, this Ten Thousand Thunder Heaven Prison could not be fatal, which meant that this move could only hurt them and could not provide higher help.

After the Ten Thousand Thunder Heaven Prison is over, when the two of them are fighting back, there will not be much time left for Su Ming.

Su Ming does have other skills, but to be honest, all of them are based on Su Ming's vitality.

Just now, he threw out two big moves at once, and it seemed very easy to play with the two ghost sect powerhouses in the palm of his hand, but in fact the vitality in Su Ming's body was already empty at this time.

In addition, a Galio's big move was used before, and each of the three big moves is very energy-consuming, and Su Ming has no more energy to release the big move.

Even if Su Ming had already tried his best to recover, it was not a matter of a while.

Sure enough, the two strong men of the Shadow Soul Sect, after coming out of the Ten Thousand Thunder Heaven Prison, blood stains hung on their mouths, and they were completely angered.

A kid who hadn't reached the Heavenly Tribulation Realm had played the two of them in this way. Who didn't feel angry, especially the master himself was proud of himself.

The two ghost sect powerhouses seemed to be mad, and they rushed directly towards Su Ming. With a fierce offensive, they wanted to give Su Ming to the corpse. So it seemed that Su Mu's situation was really bad.

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