League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 2432: Flask of Witchcraft

Although Su Ming had caused this ghost sect powerhouse to fall into a severe coma, it was estimated that he could not wake up for a while.

But Su Ming still didn't dare to be too relieved. To put it bluntly, this kind of thing was not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. If he didn't have time to go home, and this ghost sect powerhouse woke up, it would be very bad.

Even if this guy is seriously injured, but the lean camel is bigger than a horse, if he takes a shot at Su Qishan, who has been unable to use his vitality, Su Qishan will probably be gone.

There is also little Lolita. Although little Lolita is an unstable factor, no one knows when she will break out.

It is estimated that this little guy can't control his own power.

If the ghost sect powerhouse wakes up, there is no doubt that it will really pose a certain threat to Su Qishan and Little Lori.

As for tying him up with rope, it is even more funny.

What kind of rope can trap an ancient warrior, even if you use a little bit of force, you don't even need vitality, and your strong rope will burst immediately.

Su Ming thought for a while, revealed a ruthless look, and went straight forward, abolishing the legs and feet of the powerful ghost sect.


Just listening to the sound of cracking bones, this ghost sect powerhouse has become a useless person. After waking up, it will also have a great impact on combat effectiveness.

The method is cruel, but facing these people, there is no need for mercy. If Su Ming is not cruel, the people around him may be unlucky.

Besides, Su Ming and Su Qishan almost died in the hands of these two ghost sect powerhouses today. Killing them is simply too normal.

Su Qishan's eyelids jumped abruptly. He didn't expect Su Ming to act so cruelly, but he immediately thought about it, and he probably understood Su Ming's thoughts.

Just listen to Su Qishan's words: "Don't worry about this person, just keep it at home. In my universe bag, there is a binding magic weapon. Then you can tie him up so that he can't move."


Su Ming was speechless for a while, and then vomited: "Then you don't tell me earlier."


After taking a shower and returning to his room, Su Ming called Cheng Ruofeng again and asked him to bring Master Yi to find himself early tomorrow morning. There are important things.

Cheng Ruofeng probably knew it too, and it was probably related to what happened tonight, but Cheng Ruofeng didn't ask too much about what happened.

After finishing all these tasks, Su Ming fell on the bed alone and took a breath.

I was thinking about going to the world of Guwu in my mind. This time I went to the world of Guwu. It is estimated that it would be an uneasy time. I would know if I just think about it, I am afraid it will be difficult.

Thinking of today's task, I am afraid that the points have already been obtained, and the points for this task tonight are very high.

Coupled with the previous balance points, Su Ming took a look, and he actually had 370 points.

It's a pity that I still have 30 points, otherwise, I can draw twice in a row.

Su Ming directly called Xiaona out and said, "Xiaona, let's draw a lottery."

"This draw will cost the host 200 points. Does the host confirm the draw?" Xiaona still does her usual routine.

"Confirm the lottery--"

Su Ming's voice hadn't fallen yet, and the huge roulette in the lottery started spinning in Su Ming's mind.

This time there was still no heroic lines or the like. In Su Ming's heart, I was afraid that it was not skills but other things that were drawn.

Su Ming was thinking in his heart that it would be better to have another hero for himself.

After seeing the power of Master Yi tonight, Su Ming had a different sense of expectation for the heroes in the system.

If there is another awesome character, such as Debang, Barbarian King, Prince and so on, just give yourself one.

At that time, together with Master Yi, they will make up the left and right guardians. This trip to the ancient martial world is not that dangerous. At least Su Ming's heart is much easier.

"Congratulations to the host, I won a witchcraft mixture after the draw." At this time, the system prompted Su Ming.

Su Ming immediately glanced at the big screen. It was a blue potion, which looked very delicate.

"It turned out to be this thing."

Of course, Su Ming knew this thing. It basically had the same effect as the big red medicine drawn out before. This was referred to as the big blue medicine in the game.

It is basically imposed by addition, and it is also a means to strengthen oneself when the economy overflows in the later period.

The big red medicine is mainly used by AD heroes, and this big blue medicine is used by the mages, and provides bonuses such as spell power.

But this thing is definitely not as simple as it seems, because the use of the big red medicine drawn before is completely different from the use in the game.

As for the usefulness of this big blue drug in reality~www.wuxiaspot.com~, it is really not easy to say, it depends on how the system is set up. Su Ming is still looking forward to it anyway.

After opening the item introduction in the system tray, Su Ming took a look.

Item Name: Flask of Witchcraft

Item introduction: Click on the witchcraft mixture in the game, which can provide 50 points of spell power bonus and 15 points of extra mana recovery.

In addition, it provides witchcraft effects. When attacking heroes and defensive towers, 25 points of real damage are added.

These are useless, they are only used in games. In terms of the urinary nature of the system, if used in reality, the effect will definitely be quite different. It is not an effect at all.

So Su Ming continued to look down, wanting to see what effect it had in reality.

In reality, after the item is optimized, the person who quotes the item can instantly restore their vitality, no matter how much vitality is left, they can directly restore to the full state.

Note: The number of times the item is used is once, and it will no longer work if it is used again within 24 hours after use.


Su Ming was shocked. Su Ming hadn't expected the effect of this witchcraft mixture to kill. I have to say that the brain hole of this system is really too big, but it is undeniable that it is really awesome.

What is the most feared in the battle, the enemy is strong, I won't talk about it, and it won't be too **** in the Heavenly Tribulation Realm.

The most important thing is his lack of vitality. For example, today, Su Ming suffered from the lack of vitality.

Although there are still skills, but because of the lack of vitality, it can't be released at all, and finally it is defeated.

If Su Ming had this witchcraft mixture during the battle today, I am afraid that the ending tonight would be different.

(End of this chapter)

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