League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 2444: Please come back 2


"Sure there is only one place, can you find Xuan Lei Bamboo Tube?" Su Ming asked again.

"At present, only this place has been inquired, and there is no other place, but the key is that the ancient martial world is so big, who knows where it is." Lin Yue said helplessly.

Su Ming feels that this is the same as saying aliens in the duny world. Basically everyone can be sure that the universe is so big that there must be aliens.

But no one can confirm where the alien is, because the universe is too big to be found.

If you can't find it, everything is empty talk, let alone get it.

If this is the case, there is only one way, Su Ming said directly: "Well, if that is the case, let's go to the Yinzhu Island."

It's the same reason. Although it is difficult to go, there is still a chance, but if you don't go, there is really no chance at all.

Lin Yue naturally understands this truth. He also plans to visit this Yinzhu Island, so Lin Yue said, "Okay, then we will leave tomorrow. You will rest at Lin's house for one night."

"That Yinzhu Island is quite far away, I have to find out the location, and then take you there tomorrow." Lin Yue said.

Su Ming nodded, no matter how urgent it is this night, so anxious is useless.


Early the next morning, I finished my breakfast at Lin's house. The so-called breakfast is actually just some white porridge, not even a small dish.

I have to sigh, people in the ancient martial arts world really won't enjoy it, at least in the aspect of eating, being caught by people in the world, it is really a spike.

No wonder Lin Wufu and the others have eaten those delicious foods in the duny world, just like they can't walk.

There is not so much attention here. After eating, Su Ming and Lin Yue are about to set off.

Lin Wufu and the others will also go with them. To be honest, Su Ming really wanted to take them with them. I still remember that when a few people teamed up to find ancient ruins, it was really a good memory.

It's just that it won't work this time. I won't talk about the long journey to Yinzhu Island, and there may be accidents.

If the time comes to fight, the strength of a few of them is obviously not enough, maybe there will be danger, for the sake of safety, Su Ming still can't bring them together.

Even Lin Yue and Su Ming disliked that his strength was too good, but there had to be a talent to lead the way, so Su Ming took him with him.

"You guys are making some coaxes. We have important things. Let me practice well at home. If I am not obedient, I will clean up when I come back."

Finally, after being reprimanded by Lin Yue, Lin Wufu and the others dismissed the idea.

Lin Yue opened his flying magic weapon. It was something similar to a small boat, but it was not particularly big, and it didn't look magnificent. It was more than enough to sit on it for two people.

With this flying magic weapon, the journey is really much faster, faster than the planes in the world, even if the master of the sky is flying by himself, it is almost the same speed.

It’s just that I’m not comfortable sitting on it when flying by myself. If I’m flying on my own, I won’t be tired, and the consumption of vitality is not a little bit.

Although it takes a certain amount of vitality to activate this flying magic weapon, it is really rare compared to flying by yourself.

Yinzhu Island is exactly the same as Lin Yue said. It is very far away from their Lin family. They have been flying like this. Su Ming who got it has the illusion that he is still moving. It has been in the state for a long time.

After flying for a full day and a night, Lin Yue didn't know what he used to judge the place, and controlled the flying magic weapon and began to descend continuously.

When the flying magic weapon dropped to a certain level, Su Ming finally saw it. Underneath was a small island, which seemed to be of a moderate size.

In the world of Guwu, this may not be a big deal, but if it is in the dunya, this island cannot be bought for several billions.

"Close to Yinzhu Island, no flying!"

But just as he approached, a burst of crisp girls passed over.

It is estimated that this is the person on Yinzhu Island. After Su Ming and Lin Yue listened to it, the two hurriedly recovered the flying magic weapon, and then descended on the island.

After arriving on this island, Su Ming glanced at it and found that almost all of it was bamboo, and on this kind of island, there were so many bamboos that grew out of it.

It's just that these bamboos on the periphery, although the quality looks quite good, can kill those famous bamboos in the world, but it can also be seen that these are ordinary beads, and there is still a big gap between them.

What surprised Su Ming was that after falling on this sound bamboo island ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ there were really many people, and it seemed that there were dozens of people in size.

You can tell by looking at that kind of dress. They should be people in the ancient martial arts world. It seems that these people also came to ask for bamboo.

Soon after Su Ming and Lin Yue landed, a woman who appeared to be wearing a palace costume came over.

This woman's facial features don't seem to be so exquisite, but she belongs to the kind of enduring look, and the long ones are worthy of the audience.

"Please come back, both of you. Our island owner has no time to meet you." Su Ming heard this when the palace lady spoke. It was the one who said that flying is not allowed.

It was really embarrassing to be persuaded to leave when he came.

Lin Yue hurriedly said: "This beauty, we came here sincerely. We want to ask for a bamboo for life-saving, and we have prepared precious things for exchange. Please show mercy and let us see your island owner. "

These words are already very sincere, and the attitude is equivalent to good.

But after listening to this, the woman could say that she was still unmoved. She glanced at so many people next to her, and then said: "Have you seen it? There are so many people over there, and everything she said is similar to what you said."

"This is the rule set by the island owner. He won't see anyone, so don't waste time here."

Lin Yue took a look, and said to his heart that the group of people had never seen each other before. So many people came to ask for bamboo, so it's no wonder the old man Yinzhu didn't see it.

If I saw everyone, wouldn't it be annoying.

"Since they can't see anyone, why don't they leave?" Lin Yue asked.

"Not reconciled to leave, I think there will be opportunities after waiting, but I advise you not to wait there so stupidly."

"Someone waited here for more than two years before, but in the end he still didn't see our island owner."

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