League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 2461: Cortana's guidance

Su Ming can be sure that this woman is definitely the kind of enchanting woman, otherwise, she would not hide her face.

As for why he made such a judgment, Su Ming himself is not clear, probably this is the feeling.

With such beautiful eyes and an extraordinary temperament, it is certain that this person is absolutely extraordinary.

Although such a judgment may be a bit arbitrary, Su Ming believes that his feelings can never be wrong.

I want to see what this woman looks like. Of course, Su Ming can only think about it. This is too unrealistic.

People are here to kill themselves. At this time, it's more important to think about how to run.

"You are the saint of the Heavenly God Palace, I am the brother of Lin Suwan before and behind your Heavenly God Palace, what is your name." Lin Yue said.

This guy is a smart person, he doesn't want to sit and wait for death, if this woman makes a move, none of the three will get away.

So Lin Yue decided to take the initiative to report Su Ming's mother's name to see if he could get a relationship or something, maybe there is still a chance.

The woman glanced at Lin Yue unexpectedly, and when she heard Lin Suwan's name, it was obviously useful. She even said, "My name is Murong Chiba, I am the new saint of Tianshen Palace."

"Murong Qianye, it's really a good name, it sounds good, it sounds good and it looks good, it's really a perfect match." Lin Yue started blowing.


The goose bumps heard by Su Ming next to him are all up, is there you who praise girls so much? This entry point is really too old-fashioned.

"It's useless for you to have so many, I won't let you go."


Lin Yue seemed to be stuck by a fishbone during his meal. The whole person was still talking, but now it stopped abruptly.

This woman is too straightforward. She hasn't gotten to the point and gave the key points of the matter. As a result, she seems to know what she wants, so she just gave it or not. This is too embarrassing.

Su Ming also felt that this woman seemed to have a character, and her temper was a bit like Qin Shiyin.

I don't like to do things that are useless in corners, and I just think about it directly.

A word left a few people completely speechless. What can I do? Everyone knows that they won't let you go. What else?

"Sister, don't be so unrelenting. I am a family member of your predecessor. You still have something to do with you. You can't just kill us so ruthlessly. Give us face and let us go.

Lin Yue is still trying to shamelessly said: "If you haven't chased us, there will be no one with your status in the sect."

However, these words didn't work at all. The woman said, "You guys, broke into the alchemy room of the Heavenly God Palace without authorization and stole the treasure without root water."

"And also injured the sect elder, these crimes, I must kill you, I am the saint of Tianshen Palace, this is my responsibility, I believe Sister Suwan will not blame me."

This woman is still white, and it is estimated that the relationship with Lin Suwan is not very good. After all, Lin Suwan has been under house arrest in the sect for so many years.

It is estimated that there is not much contact with other people in Tianshen Palace, and this woman is now the saint of the sect, and her status must be higher than that of Lin Suwan, and there is no need to be afraid of anything.

Lin Yue's attempt to draw closer obviously failed.

"Hand over the rootless water, I will give you a good time." The woman said.

Murong Qianye is still a more real person, there is nothing to give away, I will not kill you such nonsense.

It directly stated that if you don't hand things over, you will all have to die today, and I can give you a good time.

"Te Niang, you people in Tianshen Palace, why don't you make sense one by one, let's steal something, there is no need to kill." Lin Yue cursed in desperation.

Anyway, people made it clear that they would not let him go, so naturally he didn't care.

Su Ming secretly glanced at this woman's realm, and when he thought about whether he could fight with her for a while, he would find a chance to run.


After reading the results, Su Ming was immediately shocked, and for a moment there was a feeling of suffocation.

In the Eightfold Heaven Tribulation Realm, this woman turned out to be in the Eightfold Heaven Tribulation Realm, how terrifying it was.

Isn’t the highest level of the Heavenly Tribulation Realm also ninefold, but in the end this woman has eightfold.

What's more terrifying is that she is still so young, and as a result, she has reached this level, and the talent for cultivation is too terrifying. The saint of Tianshen Palace is really not what ordinary people can be.

Thinking about himself again, he could only be worthy of a Heavenly Tribulation Realm. Su Ming felt that he suddenly didn't know how to count by how much difference he was from the Eighth Heavenly Tribulation Realm.

A heartfelt feeling of powerlessness arose in the heart, and there was no way to fight at all.

In the face of absolute strength, everything left is a paper tiger.

Originally, Su Ming was still thinking that he had a big blue medicine and a big red medicine, and they would drink them together, maybe there would be a chance to entangle this saint.

It seems that Su Ming thinks too much.

At this time, Su Ming's skills have almost fallen into a cooling down, and he can no longer continue the battle~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You must know that Su Ming's fighting power is so strong that he relies on the skills of various gods.

Now that he has no skills, even if Su Ming is promoted to one realm, his vitality is restored, it is still useless.

I am afraid that when she fights with Murong Qianye, she only needs a slap. She is gone, and Master Jiayi is not good at it. It is not a price at all.

The feeling of despair in his heart made Su Ming not know what to do. After so many times on the edge of life and death, he couldn't escape this time.

There is no possibility of self-saving at all. Su Qishan is still in the world, even if he is here, he can't save himself.

After thinking about it, Su Ming suddenly made up his mind. He died today, but he had to pay the least price.

Among the three people, only Su Ming had the ability to fight. After Su Ming planned to drink the big blue medicine and the big red medicine, he would get entangled with this woman and give Lin Yue and Master Yi time to escape.

At the very least, let the two of them take their things back and save Su Qishan.

"Master, don't think too much about it. You can't fight this woman. You'll die." Xiaona said suddenly.

Su Ming was taken aback for a moment and said, "But if you don't fight, isn't it lifeless?"

"This is not necessarily true, there is still a chance, listen to me, I will teach you a trick..."

ps: Thank you "Bu Erchen" book friend for the 10,000 book currency reward two days ago. I saw it today. Thank you very much. I will write more about Xia Qingchan. Please rest assured.

The book has come to an end, and it is estimated that it will be over within the next two months. There are too many things, and the plot is not easy to write in the later period. It is really unhappy to write, and I am exhausted all day.

But it will definitely give you a good ending, please continue to support.


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