
Seeing the death of a generation of Golden God of War, Benjamin's eyes were also wide, as if he didn't want to believe what he saw for a long time.

Ordinary people would not know this golden war god, but anyone who knew would understand how terrifying this guy was.

When he fell into the hands of this man, Benjamin thought he would definitely not be able to run away. To be honest, he didn't want Su Ming to come and rescue him.

Because he still felt that Su Ming would not be the opponent of this European God of War. I am afraid it would be useless to come. Who knows that Su Ming really did it.

Looking at the corpse in front of him, Benjamin was unable to calm down for a long time, and even his brain was blank.

Because he knew very well in his heart that if this incident were to spread out, it would have a big impact. In the upper class of Europe, this is definitely a sensation.

"What are you doing? I'll be able to go home soon."

Su Ming went up and patted Benjamin who was in a daze twice, then said something.

This time, Benjamin was finally awakened. Benjamin's eyes showed that kind of surprise, and he couldn't help but say: "Master, why are you so powerful? I thought you couldn't beat him."

This sounded like flattering, but Su Ming was very clear that he was really boasting himself.

After saying a few words, Su Ming felt that the vitality in his body seemed to be uncontrollable, and it seemed to overflow outside.

Obviously, he just absorbed the vitality, and suddenly he sucked more. Although this golden war **** is not so powerful, his realm is solid.

Su Ming had accumulated some vitality in his body before, and I am afraid it would be more difficult to break through now. Su Ming said to Benjamin, "I am about to break through."

"Wait for a while you will help me look at me, don't let other people touch me, and at the same time stay away from yourself, don't get hurt by mistake." Su Ming exhorted Benjamin.

In fact, Benjamin's strength was too reluctant to speak to Su Ming's protector, obviously not up to standard.

But at this time Su Ming had no choice. There was only Benjamin next to him. There should be no other people in this golden palace, and Su Ming felt quite safe.

After speaking these two sentences, Su Ming closed his eyes and broke through.

When breaking through to the Fourth Heaven Tribulation Realm, there were a total of four sky thunders. Fortunately, Su Ming had the means of cheating. For this reason, these four sky thunders also made Su Ming very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, I finally resisted, otherwise the whole person would be wiped out.

Benjamin was dumbfounded when he watched from the sidelines. He had never expected such a thing to happen in reality. It was incredible that there would be sky thunders across a palace.

At this time, the image of Su Ming, tall in Benjamin's heart, is no longer a little bit, and it even feels that Su Ming may be beyond the existence of God.

No way, foreigners are just so hopeless, understandable.

After a while, after Su Ming finally succeeded in the breakthrough, he opened his eyes, and his eyes couldn't hide the joy.

During this period of time, the breakthrough was really fast, and Su Ming also felt some surprises quickly.

Think about it not long ago, Su Ming only arrived at the Heavenly Tribulation Realm, who knows that in a blink of an eye, he is already in the Fourth Heavenly Tribulation Realm, this is not an easy task.

In the world of ancient martial arts, this can be regarded as a miracle, an impossible miracle in cultivation.

Including Su Ming himself did not expect that who could find this time, those masters, one by one, gave Su Ming the opportunity to improve his strength.

However, his current strength is still too big compared to the masters in the Guwu world.

So Su Ming still has to hurry up to improve his strength, Murong Qianye seems to be a hurdle that Su Ming has always been unable to bypass.

Eighth Heaven Tribulation Realm, when will I have enough strength to defeat her?

"Let's go, your father is still waiting for you outside." Su Ming patted Benjamin twice, and said something.

After the two went out, Benjamin's father saw Su Ming and the two of them, and the degree of surprise in his heart can be imagined.

In particular, the sky above the Golden Palace was constantly pounded by thunder, which made people even more uncertain.

Fortunately, in the end, his worries were obviously unnecessary. Su Ming came out, and also brought out his son.

Benjamin said a few words to his father, and Su Ming didn't understand what happened during the exchange. So he didn't get involved.

But on the way back, Su Ming could clearly feel that this Benjamin's father had a more respectful attitude towards him.

After staying at Benjamin's house for a day and didn't make more After learning that Su Ming wanted to go back, Benjamin's father arranged a private plane for Su Ming and flew directly to Ningcheng.

This time Benjamin was also with him, this guy was not free at first, running here and there is normal.

After more than ten hours of long-distance flight, after getting off the plane, Su Ming did not take Benjamin home and let him go to the hotel.

There are only two rooms in his own house. Lin Yue already lives in a place of that size. If there is one more person, I am afraid that it will not fit in at all.

After returning home, Su Ming had a good night's sleep. The two long-distance flights were too exhausting and exhausting.

After waking up, Su Ming thought about his own points, and after a glance, he already had 300 points.

This time I went to Europe to save Benjamin. It was not in vain. The gains can be said to be very great.

Not to mention the breakthrough of the realm, but also got 250 points, plus the previous balance, currently 300 points.

Su Ming thought for a while. This time he didn't seem to have any skills. He wanted to upgrade in particular. If that happened, he would definitely win a lottery.

"Corona, hurry up and draw the lottery."

"This draw will cost the host 200 points. Will the host confirm the draw."

"Confirm the lottery!"

After Su Ming finished speaking, the huge roulette in front of him spun, looking very gorgeous.

Su Ming waited for a long time, and when the roulette was about to stop, he still didn't hear the hero's lines.

According to past experience, at this time before, the lines have already appeared. In this way, it means that this time it is not a skill, but other things are drawn.

Sure enough, the system prompts the sound: "Congratulations to the host, successfully drawn [Purgatory Yalong]"

This book comes from

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