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Obviously, Song Zhe was targeting Su Ming and Jiang Xiaojun. Originally Song Zhe did not intend to ask for this special room. Song Zhe wanted face, so he got a special room for his classmates to live in. Song Zhe felt that there was no face.

But after seeing Su Ming and Jiang Xiaojun, Song Zhe immediately had an idea in his mind to let Su Ming and Jiang Xiaojun live in a special room, just to kill Su Ming's face.

"The paralyzed--"

Jiang Xiaojun was very disagreeable with Song Zhe at first, but now he was completely upset, and he cursed directly: "Song Zhe, can you make it more obvious?"

"I really don't understand what you mean. This kind of thing must have caused us boys to suffer a little bit. Could it be that you are embarrassed to let girls live in that kind of room?" Jiang Xiaojun is not Song Zhe's opponent.

"Since you are a boy, why don't you live?" Jiang Xiaojun continued.

A sneer appeared on Song Zhe's face, and he said, "The room I booked for the guest, of course, is for whoever wants to live. If you don't want to live, you can just go outside."


Jiang Xiaojun was so angry that he couldn't wait to go up and beat Song Zhe.

"Don't make any noise, let me live in the room. It just so happens that I live alone, and the two people are indeed a bit crowded."

Xia Qingchan saw that there was a conflict, and said immediately, come out and have a good time. If there is a conflict, it will be meaningless.

Su Ming said at this time: "It's okay, I just squeeze with Jiang Xiaojun, just follow Song Zhe's instructions."

The environment of the special room is indeed a bit poor. Su Ming feels that he is a big man, and Jiang Xiaojun will have no problem at once, so let's give the good room to Xia Qingchan.

"Stop talking, don't be familiar with people like him." Su Ming whispered to Jiang Xiaojun, letting Jiang Xiaojun calm down.

"what happened?"

However, at this moment, the manager of the floating resort walked over. Seeing that there were so many people here, and Jiang Xiaojun's voice was a little loud earlier, he thought there was a conflict, so he walked over immediately.

This manager looks a bit familiar. It was the manager of the restaurant in the former "farmhouse". Because of his strong business ability, he was transferred to the water resort.

As a result, when the manager came over, the whole person was shocked, because he noticed Su Ming, who was their biggest boss, and there was no movement at all when the big boss came.


When the manager opened his mouth, he was about to call Su Ming as "General Su", but Su Ming glared suddenly and swallowed the words in his mouth abruptly.

Su Ming didn't want to expose his identity in front of his classmates, so he stopped the manager with his eyes in time. Su Ming knew that he was going to recognize himself as soon as he saw this guy.

When the scrambled eggs and fried rice last time, this guy stood beside Su Ming for a long time. It was impossible not to know Su Ming.

Fortunately, the manager's response was relatively quick, and he understood Su Ming's meaning in time, but it was no longer possible to pretend that he did not know Su Ming, so the manager immediately changed his words and said, "Su, Mr. Su, come here to play."


Su Ming nodded, but how embarrassed they looked like this.

Rao is so many people look at Su Ming with surprised eyes, wondering if Su Ming has been here? Actually met the manager of this resort.

"Do you have any instructions from Mr. Su?" The manager observed for a while, and then asked calmly, what if there was anything wrong with Su Ming.

Originally, Su Ming planned to spend the night with Jiang Xiaojun in the special room. Now that the manager is here, just ask if there is a room.

So Su Ming asked: "Do you have any rooms here? Except special room."

When the manager heard it, he understood what was going on. The co-author was to let Su Ming live in a special room. For a moment, the manager had a cold sweat. If Feng Yezheng knew that the boss, Su Ming, he could only live in a special room in the resort. Bad luck.

"Are there no rooms?" The manager immediately said to the waiter on the side.

The waiter is a newcomer to the resort, and he doesn't know the identity of Su Ming, and honestly replied: "Manager, the rooms are all full, only the ordinary rooms are left."

"What about the Grand Deluxe Room?" the manager asked with a frown.

"Supreme deluxe room?"

The waiter was taken aback. You must know that the highest-grade room in the resort is the Grand Deluxe Room. Many people may not have heard of it, because this room is not open to the public at all.

This room will only be opened unless a very distinguished guest comes. Under normal circumstances, it will not be open, so the waiter will be a little shocked. What is Su Ming?

"No one is staying in the Grand Deluxe Room." The waiter replied immediately.

"Then you don't hurry up to arrange it." The manager glanced at the waiter and said wait a minute. Song Zhe walked up at this moment and asked, "What the **** is this supreme luxury room?" Didn’t you just say that there are no rooms except for the special room? "

"It's such a sir." The waiter said: "The deluxe supreme room in our resort is the most upscale room. It is not open to ordinary people, only to distinguished guests."

When Song Zhe heard this, he couldn't bear it immediately, and he was only open to distinguished guests. Doesn't that mean that Song Zhe is an ordinary guest and Su Ming is a distinguished guest?


Song Zhe was very upset and asked, "What kind of room do you have noble and luxurious, how noble is it?"

The waiter heard that Song Zhe’s tone was not very friendly, but with a professional smile on his face, he explained: "This room is specially launched by our resort for our distinguished guests. It costs 20,000 yuan a night."


Suddenly, many people got air-conditioned. It costs 20,000 yuan a night, which is too exaggerated.

Knowing that this is just a resort, it must be incomparable with a five-star hotel, but the price is so touching that everyone is shocked.

"Twenty thousand?"

Song Zhe wasn't calm for a while, don't look at him usually chic, but spending money too fast, so the money is not too much, originally invited the whole class to play here is a big expense.

So Song Zhe immediately said, "I won't pay for this room at such a high price. Whoever lives will pay for it."

Su Ming couldn't help but smile, and didn't expect Song Zhe to pay. He still took out this small amount of money.

But when Su Ming was about to speak, the manager on the side spoke first and said, "If Mr. Su wants to live, there is no need to pay."

"What, don't you need to pay?" Everyone was shocked.

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