League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 807: Dark vitality bullet

Next, Tang Guochang and Su Ming said a few more words. The estrangement between the two people has completely disappeared, and there is a tendency to become friends. On the contrary, Professor Li seems to be an outsider.

Tang Guochang said, "Old Li, don't stare blankly with such eyes. I'm still a little scared."

"Although I have a bad temper, I still understand the truth that we can change when we know what's wrong. As a medical practitioner, we must let ourselves be open."

Although Professor Li didn't understand what was going on, he knew how Su Ming and Tang Guochang were important. For Professor Li, this is good news, so Professor Li said, "Okay. Today at noon, both of you are staying and have a bar together."

"It doesn't matter if I drink, I have to rush back today to sort out the data at hand and then send it to the capital. I need my personal participation and no mistakes can be made." Tang Guochang said.

It turns out that the relevant departments of the country attach great importance to the health of the two elderly people. All data will be monitored in real time. Tang Guochang needs to summarize and summarize the data detected just now and then send it over.

When he heard that Tang Guochang had business to do, Professor Li didn't force him to stay, so he said: "Okay, if you have something to do, then I won't keep you."

Before he left, Tang Guochang also said: "Next time I come to Beijing, I will invite you to dinner!"

And Su Ming stayed at Professor Li’s home and had a drink with Professor Li. The next day was the day when Lao Ling and Lao Liu returned to the capital. Because they left early yesterday, Su Ming rushed to the airport deliberately. , Said goodbye to the two old men and Ling Zimo.


When lying in bed at night, Su Ming, who was bored, was refreshing his mobile phone constantly at this time. The senior high school students still have such a leisurely life. It is estimated that Su Ming is also a rare one.

"Xiaona, come out and chat with me, it's so boring." Su Ming called Xiaona out at this time.

There are a lot of women around, but one is busier than the other. Qin Shiyin works all day, this point is already sleeping time, and Su Ming must not disturb her.

Luo Xiaoxiao still has a temporary case to be dealt with in the police station. Qin Xiaoke has to do homework, Xia Qingchan is busy taking care of the children, Shen Muke is also studying, Lin Yingzhu should be still in the recording studio, and the phone has not responded.

It seems to be very busy, only Su Ming is the idler, but fortunately Su Ming and Xiaona are such intelligent beings.

Xiaona's voice came over, and it didn't sound so enthusiastic, and said: "Host, if you are lonely, you can go to the lottery, please don't tease Xiaona casually."


But Xiaona's words diverted Su Ming's attention, so Su Ming asked: "Can I draw a lottery?"

"The last time the host [rescuing the construction workers] task has been completed, and he has received a reward of 60 points. At present, the host has 120 points, which is enough for the host to draw a lottery." Xiaona said to Su Ming.


Speaking of it, Su Ming really didn't think that his points were enough for the lottery draw. After saving the construction worker two days ago, Su Ming forgot about the task.

This is also a flaw in the system. A reminder should be given after completing the task, even if it is a beep, so that Su Ming will not forget it.

But fortunately, it was a delay of two days, and it didn't matter. It happened that there was nothing wrong with being idle at this time, so Su Ming said: "Then let's have a lottery to help."

After clicking "confirm the lottery", the big screen scrolled directly, the speed is very fast, if you keep staring at it, you can even show people the flowers.

After all, there are more than a hundred heroes plus various equipment and items. The scrolling of the screen is only a matter of ten to twenty seconds. You can imagine how fast it is.

"My energy is endless!"

At this time, the screen finally freezes gradually, and a line comes, which also proves that the skill is drawn this time!

This voice sounded a very sudden feeling, anyway, the first reaction in the ears made people feel sleepy and uncomfortable. It was obviously a female voice, but it sounded a very strange feeling.

"Congratulations to the host, for successfully drawing the Dark Head——Sindra's R skill [Energy Pouring]!"

The system’s prompt sounded, and Su Ming turned out to be a big move, indicating that this is quite good, and the hero Su Ming, Syndra, knows that the big move is to pour several **** into the target at once, causing Huge damage, how should this skill be used in reality?

So Su Ming didn't think too much, and quickly introduced the skills to find out. This thing still depends on the introduction of the system, and he guesses it is impossible to guess it.

Skill Name: [Energy Pouring]

Skill introduction: In the game, Syndra releases powerful energy like a torrent, driving all the dark orbs to damage an enemy hero, [Energy Dumping] will surround the three dark orbs around Syndra Blast towards the enemy target together with the magic ball created before.

In reality, after this skill is optimized, it will be used with the vitality of the ancient warrior ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The host can condense the vitality in its own body into a dark magic orb, and then blast the dark magic orb towards the enemy's At that time, there will be an explosion, and extremely terrifying energy will be released.

This skill is a one-time skill. At the same time, the host can only use up to three dark orbs at one time. The more orbs, the higher the damage. The damage can be superimposed, but only three can be used at the same time. The upgrade skills will increase. The number of orbs that can be used at once.

This explanation sounds a bit complicated, but it's actually very easy to understand. It means that without stacking any orbs in the game, only three orbs will be injected into the enemy, and up to seven can be obtained in the game.

However, in reality, the dark magic orb condensed by Su Mingneng's vitality can be used with one or two, but only three at most. After using it, it will fall into cooling. If you want to increase its power and increase the magic orb, Have to wait until later to use points to upgrade skills.

Seeing how this skill is used in reality, Su Ming couldn't help but stare. The system will always surprise himself at all times. In Su Ming's view, perhaps this skill is more appropriate to be called "Dark Vitality Bullet". some.

Condensing the vitality into a magic ball, and then throwing it at the enemy will cause a strong explosion, which is clearly a terrifying vitality bomb.

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