League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 812: Did that kid call?

Su Ming knew that he was really careless just now, and he didn't even respond to the attack.

If it weren't for the "Eye of the Storm" small bead body guard condensed with the E skill of the Wind Girl, it is estimated that Su Ming was really in danger just now.

Although Su Ming was fine at this time, he was still shocked in a cold sweat. Su Ming hadn't experienced this kind of sensation in his throat all at once.

The shield provided by the "eye of the storm" was crushed in an instant, and even after the shield was crushed, Su Ming could still feel the tingling sensation on his skin, as if he was accidentally The electricity is the same.

In other words, the "Eye of the Storm" shield actually completely blocked the damage from the attack just now, which made Su Ming's heart even more shocked.

We must know that the last time the skinny old man's powerful move was perfectly blocked by the "eye of the storm", but the attack just now was not completely blocked. Who did it?


Su Ming's heart was shocked, but in fact, Jiang Linjiao, who was not far away at this time, set off a stormy sea in his heart. The degree of shock was much greater than Su Ming's.

He did not expect that the extinction lightning rod that had been condensed with great effort did not touch Su Ming. He only heard a "click", and before seeing what was going on, the extinction lightning rod was broken. Lost.


Jiang Linmao, who was very cautious, had planned to secretly sullen Su Ming and then start his hands, but this time he didn't meet Su Ming at all, making Jiang Linmao even more confused about Su Ming for a while.

So Jiang Linfang didn't dare to go up directly, for fear of putting himself in, so he hurriedly flashed and ran away. In today's situation without knowing Su Ming's details, he really didn't dare to do it.


Su Ming's attention was more concentrated than before, and he heard the sound of Jiang Linjiao's body flashing, but when Su Ming rushed over quickly, Jiang Linjiao had already slipped away, so fast that Su Ming didn't even have a shadow. see.

Su Ming immediately turned on the passive skills of the policewoman, wanting to see if he could detect some clues, but Su Ming was disappointed and had no gain at all.

Su Ming still stood there uncertainly, thinking about who really wanted his life.

The person who shot just now is definitely an ancient warrior, otherwise it would be impossible to possess such power, and he was even threatened by Su Ming's life.

"Congratulations to the host, successfully triggering a random mission [Song Jiji's Revenge]"

Task name: [Song Jiji’s Revenge]

Mission requirements: Song Jiji has returned from abroad, and found the help of ancient warriors from abroad. It was the ancient warrior that Song Jiji invited back to the country just now to attack the host. Ask the host to take action to defeat the ancient warrior just now and solve his hidden danger!

Task time: "one day"

Mission difficulty: Seven stars

Task reward: 70 points

Su Ming took a look at the task, and finally understood it. It suddenly dawned on him that he heard the news of Song Jiji’s return today, and only a few steps from Qin Shiyin’s house, he was attacked. This is really...

Su Ming's eyes flashed with anger involuntarily, this Song Jiji was really going to die, he was already very good without trouble, but this guy actually took the initiative to find someone to threaten him.

Not to mention that the system gave the task. Even if the system does not give it, Su Ming will not let Song Jiji’s **** go. The time required on the task is one day, but Su Ming can’t wait for the next day, so he goes directly to Song’s house. , If Song Jiji doesn’t give an explanation today, he must wash the Song family!


Jiang Linzhu fled back to Song's house at a flying speed. It can be said that he has never panicked like this in so many years. If Su Ming is hit by him, he is really not sure who wins and who wins.

"Jiang Ye, how's the trial situation?"

Song Jiji hadn't slept at all, and had been sitting at home waiting for Jiang Linzhu to return. He was also uneasy, for fear that Jiang Linzhu would not be Su Ming's opponent.

Jiang Linmao's complexion was not very good, and after sitting down, he said, "I didn't do anything directly with that kid, but I tried it secretly. That kid is not weak, I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with!"

In fact, Jiang Linmao didn't understand Su Ming's cultivation level, but he could easily block his extinction lightning rod. Jiang Linmao always felt that Su Ming's strength should not be simple, so he was frightened.


When Song Jiji heard this, his face turned pale, he was expecting Jiang Linzhu to kill Su Ming, but the situation he was most worried about still happened. If even he can't deal with Su Ming, then the Song family is really dangerous. Up.

"But don't worry, that kid is indeed a bit weird, but I don't know his strength very well. It doesn't necessarily mean that I can't deal with him. It won't be too late when I find out the details." Jiang Linmao recalled in his heart. , He always felt that Su Ming blocked his extinction lightning rod, it seemed a bit strange.

Sure enough, Song Jiji's face looked better when he heard Jiang Linzhu's words. Anyway, the Song family had already made a desperate bet at this time, and it was Jiang Linzhu that they could not succeed.

"Then I will bother Jiang Ye, it's getting late, Jiang Ye, go upstairs to rest early." Song Jiji said to Jiang Linjiao.

"Song Jiji~www.wuxiaspot.com~ give you ten seconds, get me out!"

However, at this moment, a loud voice suddenly came in, and the entire Song family luxury villa seemed to tremble.

Song Jiji's face changed abruptly when he heard this, as if he was extremely frightened, because he heard it in an instant that the owner of this voice was the lingering "Su Ming" in his mind.

Su Ming’s voice was deliberately mixed with the vitality of the ancient martial artist, and it was directed at the villa of the Song family. The sound was unusually loud and spread to every corner of the villa of the Song family. For a time, almost all of the Song family listened Arrived.

"It's over--"

Song Jiji was extremely anxious. He didn't expect Su Ming to come to the door at this time, so he quickly asked: "Jiang Ye, you just tried to test him, didn't you show any clues?"

"No, he didn't see me at all!"

Jiang Linmao was not stupid. Hearing what Song Jiji said, and then looking at the anxious look on his face, he understood in an instant, and said, "Could that kid come here?"

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