League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 815: This is not our style

Song Jiji made up his determination to save his life in an instant, and directly knelt down in front of Su Ming, expressing his surrender!

Just listen to Song Jiji continue to say: "It was indeed my Song family who made the mistake before, but I hope Mr. Su will deal with it lightly and leave my Song family a way out."

Song Jiji’s attitude changed so quickly that he was a little dazed to see some of the Song family next to him. They were really hard to imagine that Song Jiji, who had a very high status in the Song family, knelt down directly in front of Su Ming and put himself Placed in a very humble position.

But at this time, no one dared to speak at all, and many Song family members did not dare to breathe. Obviously they knew how terrible they would end if they really angered Su Ming.

Song Jiji also had no choice at this time. It can be said that Song Jiji was very smart. After Jiang Linzhu died, Song Jiji, who was desperate in his heart, understood in an instant that there were only two roads before him.

One way was to be killed directly by Su Ming, and then after his death, the entire Song family immediately collapsed, gradually being removed from the three major families of Ningcheng and disappearing into the long river of history.

Another option is to quickly surrender like Su Ming and beg for mercy, praying that Su Ming can let go of their Song family and leave a way to survive. Although this is shameful, it is obviously a better choice, so Song Jiji did not hesitate to do it. Done.

Song Jiji, who knelt so shamelessly, made Su Ming stunned for a moment. He had a way to deal with the hard-bodied Su Ming. It would be fine to directly control violence with violence, but Su Ming was caught off guard if he directly surrendered.

After thinking about it slightly, Su Ming said, "Remember what you said today. Starting from today, your Song family is under my control. If you go wrong, your Song family will no longer exist."

Su Ming decided to let Song Jiji off for the time being. The current Song family could still be used. It would be better to let the entire Song family surrender first, and Su Ming didn't plan to take Song Jiji's life directly to him today.

"Please don't worry, Mr. Su, from now on, my Song family will be your dog, you can tell me anything!" Song Jiji knelt on the ground and said with a pleased smile.

It is hard to imagine that the Patriarch of the Song family, one of the three major families in Ningcheng, would speak to Su Ming in such a humble manner. If this were known to the people in Ningcheng, it would definitely be shocked.

Su Ming didn't have any interest in Song Jiji's words, and asked directly: "What is this guy's background?"

Song Jiji was taken aback for a moment. After he knew that he was asking Jiang Linzhu, he immediately asked: "He is a friend of my father's back then. He has lived abroad for a long time and is very strong. Some of the titles of overseas top masters are also Tiannan. The founder of the club."

Su Ming probably got to know this Jiang Linzhuo. I heard that this product was called the top overseas master job, and suddenly there was no interest in his heart. He was called the top overseas master at his level, and Su Ming didn't worry about that. Someone in the South will retaliate against himself.

"Okay, I'm leaving first, and I'll come to you directly if I have something to do."

After Su Ming asked a few words, he left directly, until he saw Su Ming's back completely disappear, Song Jiji was relieved and got up with difficulty.

This was also the first time Song Jiji was provoked by Su Ming, and he didn't dare to show a gloomy look in his eyes. Su Ming's strength made him completely devoid of the desire for revenge.

Song Jiji looked at the Song family coldly and said: "Go, get this corpse dealt with, and at the same time, today's matter is not allowed to be shared by anyone!"


However, Su Ming still thinks too much, thinking that there will be no trouble after killing Jiang Linjiao. He does not know that Jiang Linjiao’s death, after being spread to Canada, caused a great sensation within the Tiannanhui and even overseas Chinese circles. After all, Jiang Linjiao’s identity Special.

At this time, at a high-level meeting at the headquarters of the Canadian Southern Alliance, the leaders from all parts of the Southern Alliance basically came over. There was a mourning hall in the headquarters, which was obviously for Jiang Lin.

"Why did Jiang Ye get killed? I heard such news when I came together yesterday?"

"That's right, this is true or false. With the strength of Lord Jiang, he would be killed?"


In the face of everyone’s doubts, besides Jiang Linzhu, the second highest elder in the Tiannan Club at this time spoke, with a serious expression on his face, and slowly said: "Jiang is going to China. He was killed while helping the Song family to take revenge. The news is true. At present, Jiang Ye's body has been sent back and should be able to reach Canada in two days!"

"Hi, Lord Jiang is really dead?"

"Why did Jiang Ye go to Huaxia Country? That place is extremely dangerous, Jiang Ye shouldn't know it."

"The paralyzed, what the Song family actually killed Jiang Ye, I want to go to China immediately, destroy the Song family and give revenge to Jiang Ye!"

For a while, the senior members of the Tiannan Club were very angry. You can see the respect and respect that everyone has for Jiang Linmao, and they hope to avenge Jiang Linmao right away.

"You all be quiet and listen to me to finish this matter!"

The elder continued: "The Song family is not to blame for the death of Lord Jiang. At this time, the situation of the Song family is also very bad. It is useless to destroy them."

"According to the information provided by the Song family, the person who killed Jiang Ye this time was named Su Ming. He should be no weaker than Jiang Ye, and he used some despicable sneak attack to kill Jiang Ye." Said the elder.

Although Song Jiji surrendered to Su Ming on his lips, when the Tiannan Party came to investigate, Song Jiji did not hesitate to sell Su Ming, and gave a detailed account of what happened at the time. Otherwise, I am afraid it would be unlucky. It's their Song family.

"Then...then what should we do~www.wuxiaspot.com~ how can we avenge Jiang Ye?"

"Hmph, Jiang Ye was killed, this hatred must be reported. As long as the elder gives an order, I will immediately kill China and kill that kid."

"People are not weaker than Jiang Ye, do you have a woolen thread to use?"

This sentence made many people silent immediately, and everyone remembered that the kid had killed Jiang Ye, how terrifying the strength would be, it was simply not something ordinary people like them could deal with.


Immediately someone beat the table unwillingly and said angrily: "Mad, it's rare for Lord Jiang to be killed. Are we going to swallow as if nothing happened?"


At this time, the great elder with the most power of speech showed a cold smile, his eyes full of hatred, and said: "This is not the style of our Tiannan Club."

PS: The new week has begun again, please vote for it.

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